Thursday, October 11, 2018

Marketing Yourself - Some Tips to Set Yourself Apart from the Others

I have been living the life of an employee as well as an entrepreneur for the past ten years or so and have been running my own business networking group called Mass Professional Networking for the past six years.   Through it all, I have met professionals that get it when it comes to showcasing themselves and then there are others that can use a little coaching.

The experience I have gathered over the years helped me make it clear that you need to set yourself apart from others with a similar professional background.  It is almost like the musician that has blue hair versus others that look like the are a lawyer by day.

One thing is clear, the professionals that understand that their net worth is not what they have in the bank, but is a derivative of their network.  Also, since we are in a transaction economy now, if you understand that it is what people get out of you is their return on investment.  In other words, when marketing yourself, think about how you can help the other person.

So, how about some quick tips on how to market yourself and identify your personal brand to set yourself apart the others.

First, define your target market.  Think about who you can help and then target them on social media or at targeted business network events.  Are you focused on B2C or B2B customers?  Find them.

Find one simple thing about yourself and tell your story to others you meet at events or on the social media channels and be consistent.    Stories sell you and maybe even the product or service you sell.

Work the Network.    You will be surprised how large and diverse your network is especially if you regularly attend networking events or have held professional roles for more than ten years or have recently graduated from college.  Connect to people on Linkedin and build relationships.

Trade Cards.   Do you have a personal business card?  Not your corporate company card, but a business card that defines you?   Remember you are the CEO of yourself so focus your business card on you and not your corporate company and give it out so people know about you.

Break Through The Clutter.   There is a lot of clutter out there from the drama of the Facebook feed or not focusing on attending events that make sense.  Time is valuable so leverage it the best way possible.

Blog and express your Point of View.    A blog is an excellent way to share your knowledge and express your views on topics.  Keep it positive and focus on helping others with your expertise.

Your CV is your AD.   Well, actually your LinkedIn profile is your AD since resumes are old-school.  Make sure it is an all-star profile that sets you apart from others.  Does your headline stand out?

Your Facebook Page is your AD.   Yes, it is so be careful.  Your Facebook profile defines your perception to others.   Keep it positive and post topics that attract people to you.  The goal is gain good connections and not have a list of people that block you.

Do you have a website?  Everyone should have a website or a blog (like I mentioned earlier) to define you and how you can help others.

Prepare to present.  That is right, always be ready for your elevator pitch to tell your story how you can help the person you are talking to.  Remember, keep it short and ask questions to help determine next steps.

Never Stop Networking, Ever.   It is interesting to me how some people stop networking once they get a job or that big client and then when they lose it, they are back.   Bad, bad BAD!   Network harder than ever and focus on your personal brand.  Be proactive versus reactive.

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