Monday, December 21, 2020

The Top Ten Reasons Social Media is Good For You

 Social Media has been around for almost twenty years from the days of AOL and MySpace to the present days of TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram.    The platform may have changed and become more powerful, but the concept of sharing content, collaboration and connection is the same.   

Sometimes there is the dark side of social media when the practicing the First Amendment has gone too far in a heated topic discussion or when information is shared for the wrong reasons.  But the positives outweigh the negatives by a long shot and today, especially with the recent pandemic forcing everyone online, Social Media is more popular and powerful than ever.

Think about it.   You come up with a funny video and put it on TikTok and hope for the best and find out you have 20k views in the first day.   Ed Sheeran comes out with a new song today, and it already has 3 million views in the first three hours.    You post great content about business and a huge influencer catches in their news feed and contacts you about an opportunity.   Finally, how about connecting to your best friend from high school after twenty years.

The above examples are possible with enough engagement on popular social platforms, but let's look at ten reasons Social Media is good for you and society today.

1. Social Media Helps in Building and Enhancing Communities 

2. Social Media Spreads Information Faster Than Any Other Media

3. Social Media allows People to Improve Their Relationships and Make New Connections/Friends

4. Social Media Helps Employers to Find Employees and Job-Seekers

5. Social Media is Good for the Economy.  Think any Online Business

6. Social Media Connects Isolated People

7. Social Media Allows for Rapid Communication During Emergency Events

8. Social Media can Facilitate Face-To-Face Interaction

9. Social Media Brings Experts together to Collaboration and Implement New Ideas

10. Social Media Has Made the World Small and Accessible 

How has Social Media helped you?  Let us know in the comments.

Here is a great YouTube Video called Social Media 101 - Build Your Personal Brand.  Check it out and take advantage of how Social Media can be good for you!  Avoid its dark side and you will notice your personal perception and influence prosper.    What will be next for social media?  One thing is, it will be exciting!

Friday, December 18, 2020

AIMC Marketing Tip - How to Integrate Marketing into Your Business Goals.

AIMC Marketing Tip - Your Business Plan Comes Before Your Marketing Plan - How to Integrate Marketing into Your Business Goals.

Having a concise and focused Business Plan for your company is an important Pre-requisite for developing your marketing strategy and plan. Let's review the process and how you can use marketing for your advantage.

Here is a great article about developing a business plan and integrating your marketing plan.

Here are a couple of great business marketing tools/services:

Please like our Facebook Page for AIMC Business Solutions and check out all of our educational videos -

Monday, December 14, 2020

Your January Challenge: #28DAYSOFWEIGHTLOSS with TLS

It is a new year and a new you!  2021 is your year!

We’re so excited to announce our newest 28-day challenge, hosted by Transitions Lifestyle Systems (TLS®). Whether you’re new to the TLS Lifestyle or a life-long follower, we want you to join us. Get ready to welcome 2021 with the experts from TLS, guiding you to achieve your health and weight loss goals in the New Year.

Join Us

Tune in all month long for exciting topics, product knowledge and tips and insights from the TLS experts themselves. From Facebook lives to official Zoom sessions, this challenge will be hosted on the TLS Weight Loss Facebook page so be sure you’re following along so you don’t miss a beat.

Our January Events are Summarized on our AIMC Health Solutions Facebook Page in our event - 

Challenge Kickoffs: December 22nd and December 29th at 9pm EST.

Wednesday Zoom sessions, 9pm EST: Measurements of Success. 

For the complete Zoom schedule, check out the zoom blog post.

Participate in the Challenge

Since weight loss is a journey, we’ll be encouraging you to add certain products that may help round out your health and/or weight loss goals.

First check out this introductory video from Melanie Nelson -

Then take our TLS Lifestyle and Weight Loss Profile -

Step 1: Select foundational supplements (choose one or all):

In addition to your selection(s), include healthier, more nutrient-dense foods with a TLS program or meal plan. Learn more about the different TLS programs and menu plans here.

Step 2: Select which best describes you:

Get Social

Follow along on the TLS Weight Loss Facebook and Instagram accounts for zoom reminders, grocery lists for your TLS meal plan, tips, inspiration and so much more. Share your health and weight loss journey with us all January long by using the official hashtag, #28DAYSOFWEIGHTLOSS

Let's have fun and get healthy!!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

AIMC Health Tip - A Vaccine is Not The Complete Answer - A Healthy Lifestyle Is -

A Vaccine is Not The Complete Answer - A Healthy Lifestyle Is - Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease but – crucially – vaccines work without making us sick.
However, taking a #Vaccine is not the answer to great Health. A complete Lifestyle approach is needed with a great balance of taking effective supplements, eating a healthy natural diet, exercising regularly and being around positive influences. This will help strength your immune system naturally. For more information and tools, check out our website, To like our Facebook Page for AIMC Health Solutions, go to

Monday, December 7, 2020

Professional Networking Tip - Networking in the New Normal

Sometimes it takes a major event to force you to think outside the box and certainly this year's big pandemic totally changed the dynamic of professional business networking.  

Gone are the big events at a venue with speakers, shaking hands and exchanging business cards.   Now it is Zoom or Meet, network bandwidth and those electronic business cards!    You heard of the "New Normal", but how does it relate to Professional Business Networking?   Let's go over the following eight highlights!

What is the new normal in Business Networking?   Opportunity!
Now that you can reach anyone virtually or work for any company and expand your company's demographics, there is serious opportunity to network with professionals from all over the world.  Think about it, you are in Boston and your most successful business partner lives in Reno, Nevada.  You met them at some virtual event you were not even thinking of going to, and now you just took your business to the next level with your new connection!

Polishing (Updating) Your Social Media Profiles
This is the time to go through all of your personal and business profiles and make sure all information is up-to-date, especially on the key platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.   Social Media has made a huge comeback since everyone is online from their home office and your LinkedIn profile is your first impression and first impressions last forever, so update that profile.  Here is a great video for some tips.

Think Worldwide When It Comes to Your Career/ Personal Brand
It is pretty wild this year how far reaching our Mass Professional Networking group has expanded to far reaches of the globe.  We connected professionals from far away places for their new opportunity.  Products are reaching new demographics/areas of the world.   Everyone should be expanding their online presence and make sure they are building a revenue stream online selling their products and services.  You are Worldwide now.

Become Familiar with Video Conferencing Tools such as Zoom or Meet.
I bet you never heard of Zoom before 2020.  Now is about as mainstream as a Google Search.   There are other options such as Google Meet, Facebook Messenger and Microsoft Teams.   Learn how to create your own meeting, share your screen to present a topic and how to do Breakout Rooms for networking events.  It is skill you need to have in our virtual world.

Become Familiar with Websites to Find Virtual Events/ Trainings
Just about every major business networking organization and educational institution is offering virtual events and trainings.   Again, since we are all virtual, you do not need to rely on your local area training or events.   Attend a training from Miami or Tokyo.  Try out a networking event in London right from your home office.   Sites such as Eventbrite, Meetup or doing a Google Search can locate some amazing events for you to check out.

Review Your Professional/Personal Connections and Reach Out
Shifting gears, I wanted to stress the importance of reaching out, especially in these times.   By now, you have build a sizable professional network on LinkedIn and it is time to connect and see who you can help out or simply reach out and say HI.  Personal connection is essential now for mental health and to positively influence others.  Always remember anniversary events and birthdays of your connections and send a personal note and re-engage!

No Fear, Onsite Events/Trainings are Coming Back in 2021 but Virtual Events are Here to Stay
We at Mass Professional Networking are looking forward to holding events at venues in 2021 but want to make sure our attendees are safe and feel very comfortable coming to our events.  With vaccines available in early 2021, the light is at the end of the tunnel.    Even with onsite events coming back, we will still have regular virtual events.   After all, it is important to stay connected to all those amazing professionals we met in 2020 and you never know if that business owner in Butte, Montana is your next major client!

There are More Opportunities Than Ever Now Be Ready!
So get that LinkedIn profile up to date, learn how to do a virtual event and attend that virtual event from Los Angeles.  The world is your platform so get online and expand your success.  The time is now and there are more opportunities than ever!

Finally, check out our Social Media Advisor, Samantha Vingers with some additional tips on Networking in the New Normal from our AIMC Business Solutions You Tube Channel!

Health Tip - A Tour of Our AIMC Health Solutions Website/ TLS Weight Loss

AIMC Health Tip - A Tour of Our AIMC Health Solutions Website - Amazing Tools & Tips - We will go over some great #Fitness and #Diet Tips including Recipes & Tools/ Information you can use to get #Healthy. Get started by taking our TLS Weight Loss Profile -
. Get some Fitness Tips here -
. Get some Great Recipes here -
Go to our TLS Site at
to learn more and take action on your health!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Lancaster Celebration of Lights - 2020 w/ DeSocial Connector

Check out our 1 mile drive through the Lancaster Celebration of Lights at the Lancaster Fairgrounds in Massachusetts for the 2020 Holiday Season. 2020 has been a challenging year so hopefully this video wiill provide a nice stress-free escape from reality. There are also great holiday light displays in Greater Boston in Waltham, Foxboro and Mendon. They are safe since you are in your car. 

So check them out. DeSocial Connector is associated with AIMC Music Entertainment & The Scene w/ SHOP Local 
Check out the DeSocial Connector Blog at
Check out SHOP Local at
Check out the AIMC Music Entertainment & The Scene Facebook Page at

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Business Networking 101 - How to Network At An Event and Build Your Brand

Business Networking is essential for expanding your Professional Network and Your Success. All professionals whether in the corporate world, or a small business owner, an investor or simply an influencer needs a diverse network to take their career to the next level. Like they say, Your Network is your Net-Worth. Join AIMC Business Solutions for the following topics: - Why Professional Networking is Important Today? - Getting your Social Media Profiles in Order – Focus on LinkedIn - How Do You Plan for Business Networking Events - How to Network at An Event – Questions to Ask - The Follow-Up - Closing Thoughts and Some Next Steps

For more networking tips join the following: - Mass Professional Networking or Treasure Coast Florida Professional Networking on Linkedin and Facebook. - Our Blog at

Monday, November 2, 2020

How Can You Break Bad Habits and Get Things Done?

 Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day. According Duke University researchers, habits account for about 40% of our behaviors on any given day.

Your life as you know it is essentially the sum of your habits--or at least a reflection of them. How in shape or out of shape you are is a result of your habits. How happy or unhappy you are is a result of your habits. How successful or unsuccessful you are is a result of your habits.

What you repeatedly do (your thoughts, actions and behaviors) ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe and the identity you portray. Everything from procrastination to productivity to looking better to eating better and beyond all starts with better habits. When you learn to transform your habits, you can transform your life.

A big part of the habit-change game is paying attention to the habits that could be hindering your progress when it comes to health, fitness, career, relationships and life, in general. Here are some bad habits that can be holding you back…

Hitting the Snooze Button. You know what hitting the snooze button tells the world (and your subconscious)? According to Bedros Keullian, “It tells everyone that you value 10 minutes of extra sleep--poor-quality sleep, at that--over pursuing your passion and accomplishing your deepest desires.” But when you wake up and don’t snooze, you start your day with a big win, ready to dominate your day.

Making Excuses. If you’re being honest, do you ever make excuses when things don’t turn out as expected? Have you ever tried to explain away why you didn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t or simply wouldn’t do something? It’s easy to come up with excuses and justify not getting started (or finished). The longer you fill your head with rationalizations and empty excuses, the less time you have to take action. According to Jordan Belfort, “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullsh*t story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”

Blaming other people. Sometimes it really is someone else’s fault that something bad happened. But what can you do? Blaming other people is a futile exercise that doesn’t solve anything. Instead, it creates anger and resentment, and it does nothing to push you forward. If someone wronged you, work on letting go of those bitter feelings. Forgive. Move on. Focus on your actions instead. When you start taking action, you take more responsibility for what happens in your life.

Multitasking. Research has shown that only 2% of us can really multitask efficiently. So, give up the lie already. Stop multitasking. Seriously. The cost of switching from one thing to another is extraordinary. You’re wasting time and raising the risk of making mistakes. Instead of trying to get multiple things done in a frantic, distracted manner, focus on doing one thing savagely well.

Worrying about things you can’t control. Stress, worry and anxiousness are especially prevalent today, with all the event happening in our lives and beyond (and the constant reminders in the news, social media feeds, etc.). When persistent, these can manifest as physical symptoms, many of which can be quite dangerous. While there’s an infinite number of things you can worry about, there are only a handful of things you can control, starting with your attitude, actions and behaviors. You can’t change what others say or think, and you can’t decide the actions other people take. What you can do is decide what your next step is.

Giving empty promises. There are few things more disappointing than when someone makes a promise and never delivers. Eventually, the person’s words lose their meaning, and the person himself becomes devoid of trust. If you want to help someone, think carefully about what that entails before offering to do so. Interestingly, the people that speak the loudest often end up doing the least. The next time you want to do something, take initiative and help out. Let the results speak for themselves.

Welcome to the Holiday 2020 Newsletter from All In My Cart


Welcome to our Holiday 2020 Newsletter!   

It is going to be a very different shopping season this Holiday.  The question is if there will be the traditional Black Friday or will the malls and shopping centers be packed?   The predictions are that this season's online shopping season will be the best ever.  Our preferred customers have earned more via our shopping annuity this year more than any other year!

Online shopping is safe and healthy and we can help you through our various tools like List Manager and Gift Ideas.   Of course our partnership with thousands of Partner Stores, our Exclusive Brands, SHOP Local and exclusive deals and how can we forget, up to 20% cash back on purchases make the best place to spend the holiday season.

We will list some great highlights on our website to help you navigate and get your shopping done and earn your own shopping annuity!  Just click any of the pictures below to go to our site.  Let's go!
Start Your Online Shopping Here

Introducing Horizon - Our Fall/Winter 2020 Motives Cosmetics line to help you look and feel amazing this holiday season.  We also have some amazing new Skin Care products from our Lumiere De Vie Line

View similar products »

Introducing our List Manager which can help you organize your holiday shopping and get the most out of your experience on our site.


Go to List Manager »


Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...