Wednesday, January 1, 2020

10 Recommendations to Change Your Life in 2020 from the DeSocial Connector

We are now in a new decade after one that was definitely defining in the world of information technology, marketing, health/wellness and entrepreneurship. 

In the world of IT, it is cloud, Internet-of-Things and cybersecurity. 
In marketing, it is social analytics and the death of traditional marketing.
In health/wellness, it is all about what we put in our bodies and how much we move.
In the world of entrepreneurs, it is all about the side hustle and why you need it today to survive financially.

The world is different and it you are not willing to adjust to the rapid change, you will be left in the dust!    With the experience I built over the past decade in IT, Marketing, Health/Wellness and Entrepreneurship, I like to provide 10 recommendations for you to get off to an amazing start this decade.

(1)  Focus on being proactive when it comes to great health.
I wanted to start with this one since, without great health, you will not be here reading this blog.   We are in a society of a quick fix, you know take a pill, or drink a shake or fake exercising.   You need to focus on your lifestyle and implement a fitness, supplementation, diet and mindset program now to get yourself off to a great start!

(2)  Get out there and network professionally.
You are never going to get ahead in the professional world, unless you connect with other professionals face-to-face and build lasting relationships.   If you are looking for a job, this is the only way to go.  Sitting behind a computer gets you nowhere.

(3)  Take social media seriously.
I heard it a lot out there, you know I don't do Facebook, Tik Tok or Instagram.   Social Media is the second coming of the First Amendment and it is out of control, but it is the best way to learn, connect and influence others.  There is a place and platform for everyone, just spend your time wisely on it.

(4)  This is not your parent's IT running our companies today.
Information Technology is no longer about building systems and on-call support.  Today's IT is about adaptability, the endless cloud and security.   It is also about getting out of your shell, or away from coding behind a couple of monitors, and partnering with your business to be a service provider.

(5) There is no more Corporate America.
Back in the day, the typical professional stayed at their company for 5, 10 even 20 years, and did the same job, while building a 401k and hoping for 65 to come soon.  This is not the case today.   Now we are in the world of constantly selling ourselves, building our personal brand and hoping we can stay consistently working.  We need to always be on edge that we may not have a job tomorrow.

(6) Side-hustles are cool.
I am in Information Technology, but love Marketing and Health/Wellness.  I build my side-hustle around my passion for Social Media and being healthy.    The great thing about side hustles are that it gives you hope for the future and you will notice that you are more positive about life.

(7)  Diets are not the answer.
The classic New Year's resolution is going on a diet especially after indulging over the holidays.   Generally diets don't work.  You cannot expect to drink a shake and/or skip meals and expect to be healthy.    Eat the right foods often, drink water and exercise, and you will see results.

(8) If you have a small biz, take digital marketing seriously.
Marketing is the #1 way for your future customers to know about your company.  So many times, business owners delay and don't focus on their website and that is ok.   I recommend getting a company to do it for you and build a great marketing campaign to show your customers how serious you are about your business.

(9)   Constantly education yourself.
I am going to be honest, watching American Idol does nothing for you.   Instead of sitting in front of a TV drinking coke, get out there in the evening and go to a meetup or a presentation on something that you are passionate about.   You will be networking, learning and may find something that you can focus on!

(10)  Get a mentor.
If you want to get healthy, find a healthy person to mentor you.
If you want to start a business, find a successful business owner to mentor you.
If  you want to switch careers, find someone that switched their career.
The first place to start is to find an influencer to get you started.!

I hope my recommendations can help you.  It is all about taking advantage of the life we have and to help others, so let's rock it in 2020 and be successful together!

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