Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Isotonix Daily Essentials Project w/ AIMC Health Solutions

AIMC Health Solutions

The Isotonix Daily Essentials - Project

AIMC Health Solutions is conducting an evaluation of one of our most popular products,
Isotonix Daily Essentials found on If you are serious about your health and want to do something about it, you have been selected to try our amazing and effective product for free and then provide feedback.

Here is the process:
1. We will provide you a packet with three days’ worth of Isotonix Daily Essentials and a
product brochure with instructions & a product description.

2. Provide your email address & phone number to Jeff at We will then exchange phone numbers for texting.  This will be the method of communication.

3. On the first day, you can review the Isotonix Daily Essentials YouTube video at Provide feedback to Jeff.

4. We will be in touch over the three days to verify that you took your vitamins!

5. After taking your vitamins on the third day, you will complete the following
questions and send your answers to Jeff at
a. Did you drink your Isotonix each day on an empty stomach?
b. Did you watch the video?
c. Was the video clear in explaining why Isotonix solutions deliver more
nutrition to your body than a tablet or capsule supplement?
d. What benefits did you experience?
e. “For less than a cup of coffee each day, does it make sense to add a healthy
Isotonix capable supplement to your daily regimen to get the added nutrients
you need to get healthy?
f. What is your number one health concern?

6. Once you send the answers to your questions, we will send you a promo code to use
to purchase your Isotonix products at

7. Optional tasks include taking a Nutriphysical Health Survey at

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!

AIMC Health Solutions –

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