Friday, July 17, 2020

AIMC Social Tip - Why Live Video is A Key Marketing Strategy -

AIMC Social Tip - Why Live Video is A Key Marketing Strategy -
Live Streaming & Live Video in General should always be part of your marketing strategy for your business. Whether it is sharing knowledge, building your brand or simply presenting a great product or service, using video takes your business to the next level. For more information on Websites & Social Media Management services go to Please also like our Facebook Page for AIMC Business Solutions at

Monday, July 13, 2020

Three Hot Business Networking Tips from The DeSocial Connector

If you are new to business networking, at first it can be a little overwhelming and intimidating.   That is ok since even though the concept of networking has been around a long time, the way you network today is a lot different with online events and social media.   What I am saying is that we are all learning and in this together.

In order to make the best of your time networking, you would normally need to have a game plan before attending events such as your informal pitch, understanding what events to attend and how to follow-up after the event.   We wanted to help out our fellow business network and created a great presentation called the Business Networking & Personal Branding Toolkit to help professionals understand how to prepare, what to do at the event and how to follow-up after the event.   Check it out when you have a chance!

What we always here when we have presented Business Networking at a training event, is how can I set myself apart from the other networkers.   You may go to an event and meet five real estate agents or four social media professionals and their pitches all sound the same.  You leave the event wondering if you just wasted two precious hours of your day.

What I like to do is provide three hot tips on how to network smarter and get results that you are looking for.   You know at the end of the day, your goal is to build your brand and/or your business which leads to financial stability and success. 

1)  Network with The Connectors!
The whole goal of networking is to connect to another professional that can lead you to other professionals.   The size of their network matters and the first place I look when I look them up is how many LinkedIn Connections they have and how many groups they belong to.   In business, you are more likely to get a referral from a connection than actually do business directly with the connection you made at the event.   Imagine meeting one person at an event with 2000 professional connections versus 10 people with 100 connection each.   In five minutes your referral network would be double meeting that one person than meeting 10 people in an hour!

2)  Your Personal Brand - Tell a Story That Separates You From The Rest
I mentioned earlier that you may go to an event and meet five real estate agents and their stories all seem to be the same like I help people find their dream home in a great neighborhood.   Cool, bu why would I work with you?    Imagine meeting someone that takes the time to tell their story how they prepared for their real estate business by running a successful podcast or video channel with celebrity guests providing real estate advice.   People love to hear how you  became successful including how you trained, what books you read, and how you are going to leave a legacy.  Share your legacy and you will have a lifelong professional connection.

3)  You Pat My Back, I Pat Yours - Take Care of Your Network
You ever meet someone at an event and then you have a follow-up meeting and it is all about them and then maybe at the last minute, they ask what you do or how they can help.    55 minutes about them, 5 minutes about you.   That is not how it works with professional networking.   A follow-up meeting should be a dialogue with two or more active participants asking each other questions.   Your first message to someone is how can you help them.   Skip the sales pitch and show you care and want to build a great professional relationship.  Learn something about them before you discuss business and again, ask them how you can help them and be sincere.  Finally as mentioned in the first tip, remember their network.  The second level connection is more important.   If you help them, they will help you connect to your dream client or job.

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...