Friday, May 28, 2021

Welcome To Summer - Time to Live It Up w/

Hello there!

We hope you are doing well and are ready for the Summer Season 2021.  

Memorial Day Weekend is the signal of warm weather, cookouts, the beach but most of all it is a time to reflect on those who have sacrificed their lives in service to America as members of the U.S. Armed Forces. We are profoundly grateful to them and to their families and friends who share in the pride and pain of their ultimate sacrifice. They gave their lives so that all of us remain free to live ours as we choose.   Every Memorial Day Weekend, we go down to the Massachusetts Veterans Cemetery in Bourne, Massachusetts to pay respect to our veterans including my wife's dad.

2021 has a been a transitionary year as we have worked our way out of a long pandemic that affected just about everyone whether it affected a loved one's health or their professional life.   It was a year of adversity and change and we are hoping you are doing well in this time.

As 2021 has moved along, we like to welcome all of our new preferred customers of our SHOP-COM online shopping site as well as give kudos to our preferred customers of many years.  We love helping you out whether it is just being there for advice or if you are looking for that special gift, product or service.  Our shopping site is one of the largest sites in the world with over 60 million products through our exclusive brands and partner stores!

In the images below, we are highlighting some of our major new initiatives, products and services so far in 2021 as well as links to our main websites catered to Online Shopping, Cosmetics/Skin Care or Health/Wellness.  You can click the pictures below for more information.

So don't be shy, reach out, log into your account using your email address, learn about cashback and enjoy the many benefits of the online shopping annuity.

Have a fun summer and get out there and enjoy the world!  Enjoy some of our pictures around New England!

Stay safe and healthy!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Global Cybersecurity Landscape w/ Scott Foote of Phenomenati - Mass Tech Networking

In a rapidly evolving cybersecurity threat landscape, the sophistication of attacks is making security an increasing challenge for people. It is essential for technology executives to prioritize cybersecurity in their organization. Join Scott Foote of Phenomenati as he goes through the Global CyberSecurity Landscape and delivers a Blueprint for Success for Technology Executives. This video from the Mass Tech Networking Event on May 20, 2021. Mass Tech Networking is one of Greater Boston's leading networking groups for Technology Professionals and is a division of AIMC Business Solutions. For more information on Phenomenati, go to For more information on Mass Tech Networking, join the group: - Linkedin ( - Facebook ( For more information on AIMC Business Solutions, go to

Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Walking Tour of Northeastern University Boston, MA w/ Desocial Connector

AIMC On The Scene - A Walking Tour of Northeastern University Boston, MA w/ Desocial Connector - Join Jeff for a Tour of his Alma Mater, Northeastern University in Boston including a tour of the Quad and various sites around campus and reminiscing about how the campus has changed since he graduated 30 years ago. For any information on Northeastern and/or going to school in Boston, MA let us know. Sponsored by SHOP Local on All In My Cart -

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Multi-Tasking is Like Being The Jack of All Trades - Master of None - Focus on One Thing!

 I recently read a great book called "One Thing" which focused about wanting fewer distractions and more productivity from your work.  It is all about the sense of accomplishment and not become scattered from being in multi-task hell.

So my advice is to Scrap multi-tasking. Focus on doing one thing at a time. Focus on in-the-moment.  I was trying to find the right word, the opposite of multi-tasking and it is unitasking!

Unitasking is a practice of immersing yourself fully in the execution of the present moment. It’s an ability to be more fully aware of questions like:

  • What exactly is happening in this moment?
  • What do I want to get out of this moment?
  • What do I need in this moment?

Unitasking involves training—or practicing—the skill of attention, and doing one thing at a time can help you:

  • Slow down, pay attention and focus. On a path toward any goal and long-term change, focus is essential to success.
  • Think about what’s truly important to you. A stronger skill of focusing your attention means you get to make more conscious choices about what you give your attention to. After all, you have limited attention; where are you going to invest it?
  • Lower your stress level. Being able to intentionally direct your attention will help you stay calm and productive during your most stressful times.

You can practice unitasking any time, beginning with seemingly simple tasks like taking out the trash, taking a walk, having a conversation, playing with your child, driving and prepping and eating food.

How can you do those simple tasks without the usual distractions of things like social media, email or texting?

Whatever moment and task you choose to practice with, give it your full attention. Try to minimize or mentally filter other distractions. Then, when that task is fully done, move on to the next thing.

Where and how do you get distracted?

Expect this to be challenging. Challenging is okay. Anything worthwhile, it seems, involves a challenge, which is a gateway to growth.

When you do run into a challenge or experience some resistance, notice and name what comes up for you. After all, the practice is not only meant to give each activity our full loving attention, it’s also to build honest self-awareness. If you do that, you’re winning.

AIMC Marketing Tip - Top 5 Social Media Platforms for Video

Today we are going to talk about the Top 5 Social Media Platforms for Video. You will be surprised what they are. By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017. More and more of this traffic is coming from social video platforms, where video continues to evolve as a storytelling medium for brands and publishers, friends and family Videos are 12x more likely to extend reach and go viral versus the typical post w/ text and even pictures. It is a great way to promote your brand, your product or service. Here is a great blog on social media video - Contact us if you need any help at

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...