Thursday, November 18, 2021

10 Ways to Support a Small Business w/ AIMC Business Solutions

 Owning a small business is hard but so rewarding.  Unlike a job where you are working for someone else's success, when you own your own business, the work you put into it rewards you with hard earned success.  You build your own brand and relevance in the world by offering a product or service that is all yours.   

One of the hardest parts of owning a business is getting support from your own family and friends.  Sometimes, whenever you mention your business, you may get the eye roll or you can tell they are spacing out.  The same friends or family would not think twice when they see their favorite celebrity with a product in their hand and go purchase it.  It is unfortunate that most people are so media driven when they should be helping their own friends and family be successful building a great business.

We need to help small business more than ever especially after the recent pandemic.  The year 2020 saw a lot of businesses fold all because of government induced shutdowns.  Some businesses recovered this year and some became success due to increased social media campaigns and/or digital traffic.

Social Media is very powerful since there is more engagement compared to other marketing channels.   I wanted to provide ten tips here for you to do in the next few weeks to help out your fellow business owner friend or family member.  Pick five people you know that own a business and complete the following ten steps.  You will help increase your own social media ranking as well as help your friend be successful.   Let's do this together since small business, not big business, will keep the economy strong!!

1. Follow them on Social Media - follow their business page on each social media platform

2. Like Their Posts - when you see a post, like it, it takes a second

3. Share Their Posts - share their post to your newsfeed with a comment

4. Comments on Their Posts - provide an insightful comment to their post

5. Tag Friends Who Like Them - tag a friend and use the power of second-level networking

6. Post Photos of Their Products, Tag Them and Use Their Hashtags - tagging your friend helps them get the exposure they need and maybe a new customer

7. Tell Friends About Their Products and Encourage Them to Shop There

8. Write Reviews - write a review a week for one of your friends' businesses

9. Sign-up for Their Email Newsletter - you may learn a thing or two!

10. Send Them a Message or Email and Tell Them You Appreciate All They Do

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