Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Benefits of Staying Positive - A Mindset Tip

 Are you a glass-half-empty kind of person? When someone pays you a compliment, you got everything on your list done for the day early, or finally accomplished something you’ve really been working hard you focus on what’s next instead of taking a moment to appreciate what went well?

If something just awful -- or even simply irritating -- happens, do you blame yourself? Do you extend it past the single event and onto the rest of your life? Perhaps a co-worker didn’t accept your invitation to go for a walk over lunch; or worse, she went out for lunch with another co-worker instead. Do you immediately think it must be because you’re not likable at all and nobody likes you?

If something goes wrong in the morning…perhaps you got a flat tire or spilled coffee on your work outfit and had to run home to change. Do you immediately start thinking you’ll get reprimanded by your boss (or worse, fired)? Do you automatically assume that the day is shot and you might as well pack it up and go back to bed?

Do you see everything in black and white or as good and bad -- with no middle ground? Do you think you must be absolutely perfect, otherwise you’re just complete rubbish?

If any of that sounds remotely familiar, then there’s a high probability you swing toward pessimism -- the polar opposite of optimism, which is commonly defined as the tendency to think that good things will happen in the future. Being an optimist means you’re cheerful, grateful and purpose-filled, and you tend to:

  • Look on the bright side (instead of dwelling on the negatives)
  • Highlight the victories (instead of being stymied by what went wrong)
  • Seek solutions to challenges (instead of constantly finger-pointing at problems)

The benefits of optimism -- and staying positive -- are countless and include lower stress levels, improved coping skills, higher energy levels, increased resilience, increased creativity, improved well-being, reduced pain, decreased depression, reduced risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, increased health span and better quality of life to name a few.

As a seasoned veteran of life, chances are you need to put a little work into transforming your pessimistic thoughts into optimism. Here’s some helpful tips:

  • Start your day off right with a mantra, quote or song that gets your mind right.
  • Focus on applying optimism to one area of life at a time.
  • Quit taking life -- and yourself -- so seriously.
  • Exercise regularly; it’s a natural tonic for your mind and a gateway to the benefits of positive thinking.
  • Look at your circle of friends. Are you surrounding yourself with complainers or encouragers?
  • Practice gratitude. You can’t help but embrace an abundance mindset when you count your blessings on the regular.
  • It may “natural” for you to point out what’s not going right but make it a mindful practice to highlight the positive in every situation -- even if it may seem trivial.

Always look on the bright side of life!” 

Talent Alone Does Not Dictate Success, You Gotta Have The Right Mindset ...

Did anyone this past weekend watch some of the NFL Playoffs?

After watching some football this weekend, it was evident the athletes that had the right mindset, not necessarily the talent were the ones that experienced the most success. Think of Aaron Rodgers who is very talented but can never win the big one. How about Tom Brady or Jimmy Garoppolo who are probably not the most talented but heck they know how to win! In my video below, I compared some of the most popular athletes and how even the most talented athletes didn't achieve the most ultimate goal of winning a championship. Likewise, in the professional world, some of the most talented professionals didn't achieve the most ultimate goal of being at the highest level at their company. It may be because they did not have the positive mindset to get there.

Check out our video on why you don't necessarily need to be the most talented but you need to have the best mindset to succeed. If you have the right mindset, you do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Check out our blog - Please like/share/comment on our video on YouTube -

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

But Why Do I Need a Website? I Have a Facebook Page!

When running a business, it is essential to have your own website since that is where the action is, you own and control the content, and it shows the integrity of your business. Social Media is also essential and one of the many channels to drive traffic to where the action is, your website.

Here are some blog articles about websites: Why It Is Not Good to Go Cheap on Your Website? Your Website is Your Customers Impression of Your Business - Are We Impressed? - Three SEO Tips To Help Boost Your Website Need a new website? Go to to get started!

Friday, January 14, 2022

What are the Top Seven Foods to Help The Anti-Aging Process?

Everyone wants to look younger but how many actually do something about it, whether it is changing their lifestyle to incorporate fitness, taking effective supplements, eating the right foods and educating themselves about nutrition.   For our blog we wanted to talk about some superfoods that help you lose the aging process and be youthful. 

If you're over 40 and want to defy each passing year while promoting more youthful hair, nails and skin, the below 7 foods will help you stock up on some of the most powerful anti-aging nutrients around.

1.  Olive Oil - Not only do the monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil support healthy arteries and a healthy heart, but olive oil also contains polyphenols, a potent anti-oxidant that may help prevent a number of age-related diseases.  We recommend organic extra virgin olive oil for the most anti-aging bang for your buck.

2.  Red Wine - That's right, a glass of wine daily may indeed have a positive effect on your health due to its resveratrol content, a unique anti-oxidant that can help fight against diabetes, heart disease, and age-related memory loss.

3.  Beans - The unique proteins in beans thicken and strengthen your hair cells, so you can enjoy a full head of hair as you lengthen your years. :)

4.  Brazil Nuts - Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral which aids in the production of the anti-oxidant glutathione to help slow down the skin aging process.  Just 2 nuts a day will provide you with enough selenium to reap its anti-aging benefits.

5.  Tomatoes - Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has been shown to support heart health and healthy cholesterol levels as you age.  Lycopene also acts as a natural sun block to keep skin youthful and protected from harmful UV rays.

6.  Raspberries & Blueberries - These two berries contain important anti-oxidants to help offset inflammation and oxidative stress that contribute to skin aging and wrinkles.  Just one serving of either or these berries contains more anti-oxidants than 10 servings of most other fruits and vegetables!

7.  Organic Eggs - Despite the bad rap eggs get because of their cholesterol content, which is based on completely erroneous science, eggs are rich in biotin and iron which help to promote healthy, youthful skin and hair.

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...