Monday, March 7, 2022

Why Does Network Marketing Get Such A Bad Rap? The Great Resignation Version.

Why does network marketing get such a bad rap?

Here is the definition of network marketing from

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called pyramid selling,network marketing, and referral marketing, is a controversial, pyramid-shaped marketing strategy where profit is theoretically derived from two revenue streams: from direct sales to customers and from commission based on the sales of recruited team members, also known as down line distributors. MLM salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. They are also incentivized to recruit others to join the company as distributors.

Hmm.... if you were an aspiring entrepreneur and saw this definition, wouldn't you run as far away as possible from this business idea?

Unfortunately that is the perception today with network marketing, internet marketing or whatever you want to call it.

But is it really that bad?   Let's evaluate our options.

Everyone is looking for something today especially with the great resignation.   Let's be serious, it is the world we are in.

So here are our options.

Corporate America is not trusted and there is no loyalty anymore.  Would you be loyal to company giving you a 2% percent raise every year just for busting your butt every day while the executives get all the bonuses?   Probably not.  There is not a corporation in America that shares every profit with every employee today.   If there was one, let me know.  For this reason, everyone is dreaming of that side business to take them away from the rigors of Corporate America.

Starting a Franchise is expensive... very expensive, with little return.  An average McDonalds franchise caps you at $100k earnings per store per year, even after a $1.5 million dollar investment for one franchise store.  And that is on top of the fees and royalties you would have to pay.  Sounds like a great deal, huh?   Not.

How about starting your own business?   Maybe a consulting business, a restaurant, a salon, or a gym?   Like Franchises, you would have to invest a significant amount of money and build a supporting network or organization such as accountants, lawyers, operation manager, marketing, technology, distribution, and maybe a coach to help you put it all together.  And like franchises, for little return.   You want a life?  Forget about it!

How about getting another job?   Didn't you always want to be a bartender at the local bar after a long day at the Corporate office?   Hmm..  let's waste more time for money and little return except dragging out of bed the next morning.  Rock on!

What is left?

You got it.... Network Marketing.

What really is network marketing?
This is my own definition.

Network Marketing a method for marketing a product or service with your network of like-minded professionals.  Network Marketing encourages a team concept where all participating professionals work toward a common goal of financial independence and life satisfaction.

There are thousands of network marketing companies out there.  But which one is best for you.

The first question is what is your passion?   It is health & wellness? technology? energy? travel?

Once you have found your passion, do a simple google search using "network marketing <your passion>" and see what companies appear.

The next task is go to the Better Business Bureau to see how ethical they are.   Do not do a google search about the company, since you may come across disgruntled people that had a bad experience probably since they didn't work the business and thought the business did not work.

After that, search the company on You Tube to get a feel what the company is all about.

At this point, find a contact and then set up a meeting to learn more about the network marketing business with a network marketing professional.   The approach to the business is key to success.

You will find the investment is minimal for the potential that you can achieve with a little hard work.   At the same time, you will be learning on how to run a business, how to interact with people and make a sale and be making money doing it.

A positive mindset and thick skin is important.   You will run into the negative people that have all the answers and call your business a scam.    If the business was scam, it would not in business, right?   Gee, how about companies like Wells Fargo, any insurance company, any company that pushes products that people don't need while executives get all the bonuses?   Now that is a SCAM!

The fear of someone else being successful is one of the reasons why network marketing gets such a bad rap?  Your typical Corporate Joe with his 2% raise is the one telling you your business is a scam.  Obviously, the ones that succeed are the ones that blocks out the negative and focuses on the positive and surrounds themselves with the right people.

So what is your next step?
Evaluate your dreams, your goals, and your future.   Determine your why?  And then how you get there, do your homework,  then get started.   Life is too short to wait!

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