Saturday, May 21, 2022

It's Getting Hot So What Foods Do Eat and What Foods to Avoid

AIMC Health Tip - #Diet - It's Getting Hot So What Foods Do Eat and What Foods to Avoid - It is getting hot this summer and it is more important than ever to by hydrated so your body doesn't "overheat"

So, what are the best foods to eat in hot weather: Tomatoes. Tomatoes are high in the antioxidant lycopene, known as a potent cancer preventer. Leafy Greens. Dark leafy greens are composed of 80 – 95 percent water, which makes them very easy to digest. Melon. Spicy Peppers. Broccoli. Soup. Berries. Cucumbers.

What foods should you avoid in hot weather? You should also avoid foods that are highly processed and high in sugar, including candy bars, doughnuts, muffins, breads, pasta, and grains. A lot of water is needed by the body to metabolize these foods. So, stay hydrated, healthy and cool this summer and remember to wear your sunscreen! - Cellular Laboratories SPF50 -
Video by AIMC Health Solutions -

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