Saturday, October 1, 2022

Why Weight Loss Diets Are Not The Answer and Healthy Lifestyle Is For a Healthy Life

Whenever someone wants to get healthy, the first thing they do and say is "I am going on a diet". 

So what really is the definition of a diet?
Diet is defined as a person's regularly consumed food and drink or it can mean regulating food intake to lose or gain weight. An example of diet is the eating of only vegetables. An example of diet is the cutting back to precisely 1800 calories per day.

A weight loss diet in particular is not the healthy route. By why?
Biologically, dieting can lead to unhealthy changes in body composition, hormonal changes, reduced bone density, menstrual disturbances, and lower resting energy expenditure.

So what is the answer? It is a TLS Healthy Lifestyle!
TLS (Transitions Lifestyle System®) Weight Loss Solution is a customizable, science-based program designed to fit you and your unique lifestyle. We believe that weight loss is personal, which is why we offer multiple personalized programs to help you reach your goals. Check it out on

In our video, we presented the TLS Health Guide & Journal. You get it free by simply taking our TLS Health Profile here -

If you need help on what the most effective supplements are for you, take our free Nutriphysical here -
Nutri-Physical combines your lifestyle, health goals and even your sleep habits to give you a comprehensive and thoughtful look into your personal health obstacles and successes.

Check out our new video - 
AIMC Health Tip - Why Weight Loss Diets Are Not The Answer and Healthy Lifestyle Is For a Healthy Life 

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