Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Road to Great Health Is A Marathon Not a Sprint

The Boston Marathon is a 26.2 mile route from Hopkinton to Boston through the western suburbs of Boston. It is a challenging course through some hills, including the famous Heartbreak Hill. In order to train for a marathon this challenging, you would need to start. First you do a 1-2 mile run, then a 5k, then a half-marathon then the Boston Marathon. It takes time and commitment. Just like a marathon, when it comes to great health, it takes achieving your daily goals of exercising, a healthy diet, effective supplementation and a positive attitude to reach your wellness goals. There are no quick fixes like a wrap, patch or a shake, it is not a sprint, it is a marathon.

It is important to remember that the road to great health is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time and dedication to make lasting changes to your lifestyle and habits. It is important to have realistic expectations and goals, and to remain patient as you work towards them. It is important to focus on small changes that you can make consistently, rather than to try and make drastic changes all at once. Finally, it is important to ensure that you are receiving adequate nutrition and exercise to support your journey.

Here are some great programs for you to start: 54D - Transform Your Body & Mind in 54 Days -
TLS 30-Day Jump Start Kit -
Take a 7-Day Cleanse -

Would you like to start today? Go to our AIMC Health Solutions website,
. Learn some tips to get started, take the TLS Profile and start your marathon to great health now. #Marathon #54D #Sprint #health

Here is our Health Video on the DeSocial Connector Youtube Channel - 
AIMC Health Tip - The Road to Great Health Is A Marathon Not a Sprint -

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

AIMC Marketing TIp - Ten Reasons Why Your Website is Important

Your website defines your business and your own personal brand. A business without a website is not a real business.

Here are the top ten reason why your website is important! 1. Establishes credibility: Having an up-to-date, professional website shows customers that you are a trustworthy business. 2. Enhances visibility: A website is the easiest way to ensure that customers can find you online. 3. Increases reach: Your website can be accessed by customers from all over the world, allowing your business to reach a much wider audience than traditional brick and mortar stores. 4. Improves customer service: Your website can provide customers with helpful information, such as a FAQ page, product reviews, and contact information. 5. Increases sales: With the right strategies, a website can help your business to increase sales and revenue.

6. Strengthens brand recognition: A website allows you to build a strong and recognizable brand identity. 7. Generates leads: A website can attract potential customers who may be interested in your products or services. 8. Facilitates communication: Your website can be used to communicate with customers, such as through a blog or online chat. 9. Enhances SEO: A website can help to improve your search engine rankings and make it easier for customers to find you online. 10. Offers a competitive edge: With a website, you can stand out from your competitors and make your business more competitive.

Now, if your website doesn't meet the above criteria, let's talk. Whether you need to start from scratch or refresh your current website, let's connect. Just go to
and click "Build Web Site".
Check out our video on the AIMC Business Solutions YouTube Channel -
AIMC Marketing TIp - Ten Reasons Why Your Website is Important -

Monday, April 10, 2023

Business Networking Tip - Why Is In-Person Networking Better Than Online Networking?

 Online networking has been an invaluable tool for people looking to connect with others in the modern era. This was especially true during the recent pandemic. It allows us to make connections with people from around the world in a fraction of the time it would take to do so in person. However, while online networking has its merits, it can never replace the value of in-person networking.

In-person networking allows us to establish a personal connection with someone. We can use nonverbal cues to convey our message, such as facial expressions and body language. We can also have a more meaningful conversation, as we can get an immediate response and have a conversation that is more in-depth than one that is held online.

In addition, when networking in person, we can make a more lasting impression. We can build relationships that are more meaningful and trust-based, as people tend to remember those they have interacted with in person. We can also use physical objects, such as business cards and brochures, to promote our business or product.
Moreover, in-person networking offers the opportunity to meet new people and expand our network. We can attend conferences, seminars, and meetup events to make new connections. Additionally, we can also use in-person networking to get to know potential employers or business partners better and build stronger relationships with them.

Ultimately, in-person networking is a much more effective way to make connections than online networking. It allows us to make more meaningful connections, establish a personal relationship, and make a lasting impression. So if youre looking to expand your network and make lasting connections, in-person networking is the way to go.

We invite you to join our Professional Networking Groups - Mass Professional Networking and Treasure Coast Florida Professional Networking - for events and networking tips.

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...