Monday, December 11, 2023

Old Friends, New Ways: A Special Fireside Chat With Jeffrey DeSocio

For the longest time, Boston New Technology and Jeff's companies and community building efforts have converged and happily met with a strong sense of common purpose. With a strong background in technology, networking, and marketing, Jeff pioneered much of what the events scene now considers quite ubiquitous. There's no surprise there, as Jeff is also an entrepreneur, avid connector, and marketer and is the founder of one of Greater Boston’s most successful professional networking organizations, Mass Professional Networking. He pivoted his career in 2022, to become a successful Managing Director - Technology at a Greater Boston-based Executive Search Firm, integrating his vast technology management & organizational knowledge and networking to help hypergrowth organizations connect with talented professionals. Lastly, Jef is also the owner of AIMC Business Solutions, a leading Digital Marketing and IT firm. Boston New Technology Co-Director Steve Vilkas will speak with Jeff about the history of those first few irons in the fire forged in those early days and, equally as importantly to the history, what the future-state is looking like as we consider everything from hybrid realities to the new expectations of business professionals.

Here is our fireside chat - 

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