Friday, February 17, 2017

Harness the Power of Linkedin: How to Get The Most Out of Your Profile

As an online networking tool, LinkedIn may not be as social as Facebook or witty as Twitter, but the power it holds for connecting professionals across the globe is unparalleled.  LinkedIn can increase exposure, boost credibility, and attract new business.

While job searches are a common use for LinkedIn, the social network enables much more:

  • Search and join LinkedIn discussions groups that align with your interests.
  • Download quality mobile apps that help you conduct business quickly and efficiently. 
  • Endorse and be endorsed. Your contacts can choose to endorse skills listed on your profile based on their experience from working with you, thereby increasing your credibility. Endorsements can also be used as a prospecting tool when trying to gain the attention of a potential client or recruit.
Before updating your LinkedIn profile or signing up for LinkedIn, first think about the reason you're using LinkedIn and what you want to get out of the network. 

Do you want to recruit new employees? 
Find a new career or job for yourself? 
Connect with industry professionals? 
Increase your online presence?

Getting the most out of LinkedIn begins with your profile:
  • Post a recent professional head shot to allow others to put a name to your face. This is also a great networking tool after meeting someone to help them remember your name, face, and job title.
  • Make the most of the real estate that is your headline. Keep it concise but memorable, and make sure to highlight what you do.
  • Your profile summary should be about you and what you do at your company, complete with examples and specific details. When writing your profile summary, include common industry keywords that allow other users to find you.
  • Increase your visibility by posting regular statuses.
  • Add sections to your profile. Have you received honors or awards? Do you want to highlight knowledge of foreign languages? Add sections to showcase your strengths, experience, and knowledge.
  • Thoughtfully research and choose groups to join, or start your own.
  • Connect with other professionals.

Before joining groups and adding connections, customize your account and privacy settings to ensure that your LinkedIn profile has the privacy features in place with which you feel most comfortable.
Once you've established your profile, check it and update it regularly. Post status updates with links to industry-specific articles and professionals accomplishments, or re-share a post that you enjoyed. This keeps your profile fresh and updated, showing your connections that you are engaged and dynamic.

Regardless of your goals, LinkedIn lays the groundwork to build a professional network, connect with industry peers, and build your professional image. 

If you like to learn more about Linkedin, come to the next presentation and networking event with AIMC Business Solutions at the Microsoft Store in Natick, MA on Wednesday, March 22nd from 6:30pm-8pm.  Please RSVP at   If you cannot make this event, contact Jeff for a consultation.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

My Week of Inspiration in Florida - Sports - Music - Business

Every February I escape the cold and snow of Greater Boston to the warmth and sunshine of Florida.  My trip is a mix of work and play.  The work is attending my internet marketing business conference and a few business meetings at the Starbucks at South Beach.   The play is going to the beach, visiting my parents and of course enjoying a Mojito at the Clevelander in South Beach.   Some years I am down there in time for the Super Bowl and watching the game at the Boston themed Sports Bar The Village Pump in Fort Lauderdale.   After the trip is complete, I usually come back to Boston, refreshed, tan and ready to take my business to the next level.

This year's trip had a lot more buzz, inspiration and has given me drive to succeed more than ever in my business and in life.

It started on Super Bowl Sunday watching the Pats take on the Falcons outdoors on the big screen at the Village Pump.   There is something about watching football wearing shorts and sandals and it is extra special seeing the Pats.   If there was ever a game that was inspiring, this was it.   The Patriots were down 28-3 late in the third quarter.   It didn't look good.  However, there was quiet confidence among the fans at the Village Pump.   The Patriots have some guy named Tom Brady as the quarterback and Bill Belichick as coach.    Tom had his game face on, and proceeded to bring the Patriots back to tie the game and regulation and then win the game in overtime.   The Village Pump crowd was delirious in excitement.

Let's just say it ain't over until it is over.  Whether you are in business or trying to do the impossible, there is always hope if you have the positive and determined mindset Tom Brady and the Patriots had that ever faithful night.   Tom made me proud and determined.

After that I proceed to spend the next couple of days getting my dose of Vitamin D going to the beach in Sebastian and Vero Beach, which are some of the most beautiful areas on the east coast of Florida.    I started reading a great book from T. Harv Eker's classic, "Secrets of a Millionaire Mind".  The basis is to think like a wealthy person versus like a poor person.  Great tips.

So it was Tuesday night, and my parents took me out for my birthday dinner at a great Vero Beach restaurant and then my Mom mentioned she was taking me to a Jazz Jam.  A Jazz Jam?   For someone that likes hard rock and alternative rock, this was a step outside my comfort zone.

I actually enjoyed the music,  The Anderson Trio from New York were the headliners and I was amazing and inspired how complicated playing jazz music is.   This has inspired me to keeping learning how to play guitar and maybe play in public some day.  

The week of inspiration continued.    And the Florida weather was amazing too.

So, the main reason I come down to Florida in early February was to attend my business conference for my Market America internet business in which my companies AIMC Business Solutions, AIMC Health Solutions and is built around.   The Market America World Conference in Miami is the place to be to get inspired, learn about entrepreneurship and about new development in the business.

This year, there was a special buzz at the conference.   With today's economy, it is more important than ever to have multiple streams of income and be associated with a company that will help you meet your goals, learn about entrepreneurship and have the ability to help others do the same.

Some of the highlights of the conference was Loren Ridinger's amazing speech of going "Out of Bounds" and out of your comfort zone and Fat Joe talking about going "All The Way Up".   There were also sessions on health/wellness and new developments with and Shop Local.   All in all, it was inspiring for me to be in this business and help others succeed.

What a way to end the week.  Right?  Wrong.

My flight back to Boston got delayed due to weather.   Another day in South Florida?   Cool.   So what did I do?   I went to the beach of course to Key Biscayne/Cape Florida.    The beauty and warmth of this place is amazing, inspiring and made me reflect back at a my successful week in Florida.

So whether it is sports, seeing great music or attending an amazing conference, getting inspired is what I needed to get my life in gear and take my success to the next level.  Happy 2017!

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...