Monday, October 2, 2017

Life is Precious - So Live It and Be Positive

Today was a very tragic day here in America, with the events in Las Vegas and with in the unconfirmed (at the time of this writing) passing of the rock legend, Tom Petty.

In both cases, just yesterday for the attendees of the Route91 Festival in Las Vegas and for Tom Petty, life was moving along and was fun.    Twenty thousand country music fans were singing along to Jason Aldean songs and Tom Petty and his band was celebrating a great tour with three shows at the Hollywood Bowl just last week.

And then just like that, today things changed.

It makes you think how precious life is and why is it so important to take advantage of it the best way you can.  Whether it is taking that trip to Europe, starting your own business or simply giving back to society, life is too short to let time pass by.   It really took me to heart today and I am thinking it did the same to a lot of other people.

One of the worst words in the dictionary is tomorrow.   We will take that trip tomorrow, we will start that business tomorrow or I will visit my ailing relative that needs me tomorrow.   Tomorrow may never come, so if you have a chance, take a chance, today.   Another saying that is the worst is "I'm so busy".  Busy doing what?   How are you spending your time?  How are you leveraging time?  Are you doing result producing activities?    Unfortunately, with access to social media today, a lot of people are busy being negative and controversial on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms.   It is fact.

I wanted to share a few quick business tips that may help you become more successful.  These are tips that some successful business owners have followed and have reaped the rewards, understanding that life is precious and short, and to take advantage of their life now, not later.

1. Take control of your life as best you can.   For example, if you want to start your own business, start one.   If you live the 9-to-5 life working for someone else, you will one day look back with regret that you had no control on your life and career.  Another aspect of your life is your health.  Start today taking care of yourself by exercising and eating the right foods.    Again, don't look back if one day you are told your life is limited and you have a pill box full of meds to take.

2. Plan and be strategic, whatever your life or career can be.   Always, be planning your next gig.  The worst thing I have seen is, is someone that is settled in a job, or in a bad family situation or in poor health and they are not thinking about their next step.   Always, be ready and plan your next step in life whether it is your career, your health or your relationships.

3. Work hard on result producing activities.   In other words, don't procrastinate, or spend time on negative activities that would do nothing toward reaching your goals.    Cut out spending time on social media responding to controversial posts on your news feed.   Believe me, I am guilty of this and am getting help, but it is a serious issue today, where the "I'm busy" person is actually busy doing Instagram and Facebook posts all day on nothing other than some political statement.

4. Stop talking, discussing and debating.   Just do it.   In other words, don't be a politician.   The more you talk, debate and re-thinking, the longer you will go with no action.   I see this a lot in business, where someone may be presented with a great opportunity and they think about, wait till tomorrow or next month, and then the next thing they know, time passed them by.   Go on your instinct and just do it.   If you have the mindset mention in #2 above to be always planning, you may not have to discuss and debate every opportunity.

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