Monday, October 9, 2017

Putting It All Together - What is This DeSocial Connector Thing?

I debuted my DeSocial Connector Blog and You Tube Channel this past year and with 20 videos and 44 blogs and counting, we are well on our way to our mission of connecting people to products, services and people!

Before I dive into all of the resources available to my connections, I like to share what led up to the debut of the DeSocial Connector!

I have been in Corporate America in Information Technology for many years and after initially starting to attending business networking events back in 2007, I decided to dip my toes into entrepreneurship, by starting a new business venture in Internet Marketing.   I was living "two professional lives", the 9-to-5 life of Corporate America and then the 5-to-9 life of an entrepreneur/networker with that "side gig".  The difference in environments was stunning.    Negative energy versus Positive Energy.  Looking for Problems versus Looking for Solutions.   There are many comparisons of the two lives, but at the end of the day, I needed both to pay the bills and to build my empire.

My first dip into entrepreneurship was registering an unfranchise business with Market America.   Ok, what is an unfranchise?   Inquiring minds want to know.   I started my businesses with the mission to build an on-going income while I am not working.   I also started my first business to also learn about running your my own business and learn from failure.  Yes, learn from failure! 

This "unfranchise" I registered evolved into multiple businesses over time and two business networking groups.   The mission was to of course build an on-going income, think the right side of the CashFlow Quadrant but most of all to connect people to products, services and other people.

Ok, for the next section,  I am going to list my resources by product, services and people in a question format and hopefully one or more can be of help to you or other people you know.  This is meant to be a reference with a marketing/sales twist!  Just click the respective link to continue to the resource.

Let's start with products!

Do you take vitamins?   We got Isotonix!
You don't know what vitamins to take?  We got Nutriphysical!
Do you need to eat healthy?  We got TLS Weight Management!
You don't know where to start your Weight Loss?
Do you want to look amazing?  We got Motives Cosmetics!
Do you have a pet?  We got Pet Health!

Do you like to clean?  We got SNAP!
Do you like a nice car?  We got Autoworks!
Do you have a baby or young child?  We got DNA Miracles!
Do you shop for Groceries?  We got a store!
Do you like Coffee?
Do you like to shop online and earn?  We got an amazing shopping site that has it all!!

Now onto Services!!

Do you need a website for your business?  Think AIMC Business Solutions!
Do you want to do your own marketing?
Do you need help with your digital marketing?
Do you want to save on Merchant Services? Think iTransact!
Do you like to SHOP Local?
Do you want to expand your customer base?  Think SHOP Local again!
Do you need IT Help? 
Do you want to own your own business just like me?

Ok, now it is onto People via Networking!

We have a business networking group called Mass Professional Networking for all professionals and hold monthly events in Greater Boston.  We have a group both on Linkedin and Facebook.

For you techies, we got Mass Tech Networking on Linkedin and Facebook with our own events!

Finally we have a few social media groups, just click the link to go to the page and follow it:
AIMC - Internet Marketing Group on Linkedin
AIMC - Social Media Group on Linkedin
AIMC Business Solutions Company Page on Linkedin
All in My Cart Facebook Page
AIMC Health Solutions Facebook Page
AIMC Business Solutions Facebook Page
AIMC Business Entrepreneur Group
AIMC Music & Entertainment & The Scene Facebook Page

There you have it.   A bunch of links and lots of opportunity.   By the way, I still sleep eight hours a day!

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