Monday, October 29, 2018

AIMC & DeSocial Connector Has a Solution For Everything - 2018

AIMC Owner/Principal and Mass Professional Networking founder Jeffrey DeSocio has built up a large network over the years and has a goal to have a solution for everything for his connections.  Jeffrey is an entrepreneur and has developed quite a roster of products and services that he can refer to for his connections through his various business ventures/partnerships and his large professional network.

The following information/links is a great reference for you.   Just click the link on the left side to forward to the specific webpage for more information on the product/service/group.

If you have any questions, you can contact Jeff at 508-922-1726 or

AIMC Business Solutions - Digital Marketing, Business Services & Business Networking

The following are our services provided by and referred by AIMC Business Solutions.   Either click the link or review the next steps if interested in the service for your company:

Responsive Website Solutions -  Build Responsive Website w/ Support & Email Marketing
Social Media Management  -  Digital Marketing Products inc. Text Based Marketing (Morse)
Mobile App Development - ->Stores->TheAppCompany
Social Media Analysis - for Businesses - Contact Jeff at for Appt.
BuilderAll - All-in-One Marketing - All-in-One Marketing & Sales Funnels for Businesses
Merchant Services for Businesses - Contact Jeff at for Rate Quote
Technical Support/IT Security Services -  Small Business IT Support & IT Security Services
SHOP Local For Merchants -  Join  for free for merchants and customers.
Main Business Page for SHOP.COM -  Main Landing Page for our Business Service Offerings
Business Networking/Personal Branding -Contact Jeff- for Appt.

AIMC Health Solutions & AIMC Beauty - Health/Wellness & Beauty Care

The following are our products/services provided by and referred by AIMC Health Solutions.   Either click the link or review the next steps if interested in the product/service.

Isotonix Vitamin Supplements           Isotonix - Very Effective - Excellent Delivery System
TLS Weight Loss/Management          TLS - Weight Loss - Change Lifestyle & Be Healthy
Motives Cosmetics & Skin Care        Motives Cosmetics - Natural & Very Effective Cosmetics
Lumiere De Vie Skin Care                 Flagship Skin Care Line w/ Amber Ridinger
Get Layered Jewelry Collection        Affordable Upscale Jewelry Store w/ Amber Ridinger

Online Shopping -including Consumables (Home/Auto Care), Travel & Entertainment
Online Shopping/ Cash Back  Main SHOP.COM Online Shopping Page for Shopping Annuity
Global Shopping Site               SHOP.COM page outside of USA - including 200+ countries
Home and Auto Care - SNAP - Search Auto or Home
Pet Health - Vitamins & Grooming - Search Pet Health
Baby Products - DNA Miracles - Search DNA Miracles
Groceries - Ethnic, Organic & GF - Search Groceries
Travel Discounts w/ Various Vendors - Click SHOP Travel
AIMC Music Entertainment & The Scene

For Entrepreneurs - Business Opportunities
Entrepreneur/Business Opportunity  -Join our MA Business Organization-for Qualified Personnel
Shopping Annuity Business -  The Concept behind the SHOP.COM Business

Stay Connected and Join the Following Groups/ Pages & Channels

Mass Professional Networking    For events in the Greater Boston area and Networking Tips
Mass Tech Networking                 For Technical Events in Boston and Business Networking
Treasure Coast Florida Professional Networking -Events/Tips in the TreasureCoastFL Area
AIMC - Internet Marketing Group  For content on Internet Marketing for Entrepreneurs
AIMC - Social Media Group     For Social Media/ Digital Marketing Tips
AIMC Business Solutions Company Page - For IT/SocialMedia Content/Showcase Pages
AIMC - IT Advisory Services Page - For IT Management & Technology Content.

Mass Professional Networking  -  Events in the Greater Boston area & networking services
Mass Tech Networking   - Technical Events in Greater Boston area & IT Content
Treasure Coast Florida - Business Networking - Events in the Treasure Coast of Florida
All in My Cart Facebook Page - For tips on Online Shopping Annuity and Great Products
AIMC Health Solutions Facebook Page - Tips on Health/Wellness, Supplements/WeightLoss
AIMC Business Solutions Facebook Page - For Social Media/Digital Marketing/Website Tips
AIMC Music Entertainment & The Scene - For Music & Entertainment Content & The Scene
AIMC Business Entrepreneur Group -Inspirational Quotes & Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

YouTube  - AIMC Business Solutions Channel  - Digital Marketing & Business Networking
YouTube - DeSocial Connector Channel  - Health/Wellness & Music/Entertainment & Entrepreneurs

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Obsession, The Smartphone - How Businesses Can Take Advantage of Them

As I was driving into downtown Boston getting through yet another epic traffic jam, I couldn't help but look around at my fellow drivers and why periodically some end up drifting into another lane.  My betting money was they were not looking for their blinker, but instead they were heads down looking at their phone, checking out what is going on in their Instagram feed or responding to some worthless email.  I actually believe it is because of the smartphone obsession while driving and Uber, that traffic is worst than ever in Boston.

After an hour long commute to go 20 miles, I finally got to my office and decide to take a quick walk to Starbucks to get some caffeine.  On my way, it was like playing Frogger trying to walk around all the people not paying attention to where they were going, but instead  were looking down to their smartphone, hoping to get that last Facebook post in before they get to their destination.   Ugh!!

And it doesn't stop there.   On my way back to the office, I went by a bus stop and no word of a lie, every single person was looking down on their phone and there was no offline conversations going on.  Gee, have we forgot to smile and say hi to the person next to you?

I can go on on here including the time a young girl walked right into a bus, phone goes flying and her nose goes right into the side of the bus.    But heck, let's be realistic and positive here, we are in an online world.  The concept of conversation is Whats Up App, Facebook Messenger or tweeting more than the local bird sanctuary.   I actually saw someone freak out when they saw that rare pay phone at the train station. 

The old saying when something bothers you is if you can beat it, join it.  Yes, smartphones are a pain in the you know what, but there is a lot of ways for small businesses to take advantage of everyone's obsession.  Let's touch on a few quick concepts to turn the smartphone obsession to transactions for your business.

First, of course, is your website responsive?  Responsive websites are built to adjust to any device, whether is a computer, tablet or smartphone.   Since roughly 60% of all websites are accessed through a smartphone now and it is only going to get bigger, the time is now to make sure your website is built for the smartphone.

Do you use texting to communicate with your customers?  For example, can a customer have the capability to text an order to your company, for example a restaurant?  This is another fast growing concept, since the days of dialing toll free numbers and going through an endless menu of options is not the most convenient way to connect to customers.  They will likely hang up and pick up their smartphone and connect to your competitor.

Does your company have a mobile application to make it easy for your customers to collaborate with your company and conduct all business with you?  Think about a company like CVS or Open Table where via their application, you can do everything from ordering your prescriptions to reserving a table of 4 for dinner at your favorite restaurant.   If you have an application for your business, you are taking advantage of the smartphone obsession.

How prevalent are you on the social media channels?  How often does your company tweet or post on LinkedIn or Facebook?  Considering just about everyone has a smartphone and has all of the social applications on their phone, the sky is the limit in terms of who you can reach via the social channels.   If your company's post goes viral, it can reach millions of smartphone users!

So there you have it... does your business have a responsive website, or a texting capability to reach customers, are you active on social media or do you have your own mobile application.  If you are doing all this, chances are the obsessed smartphone user will be fully engaged and maybe become obsessed with your business.   That is powerful since they may refer business to you to their connections, via a text or a tweet.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Marketing Yourself - Some Tips to Set Yourself Apart from the Others

I have been living the life of an employee as well as an entrepreneur for the past ten years or so and have been running my own business networking group called Mass Professional Networking for the past six years.   Through it all, I have met professionals that get it when it comes to showcasing themselves and then there are others that can use a little coaching.

The experience I have gathered over the years helped me make it clear that you need to set yourself apart from others with a similar professional background.  It is almost like the musician that has blue hair versus others that look like the are a lawyer by day.

One thing is clear, the professionals that understand that their net worth is not what they have in the bank, but is a derivative of their network.  Also, since we are in a transaction economy now, if you understand that it is what people get out of you is their return on investment.  In other words, when marketing yourself, think about how you can help the other person.

So, how about some quick tips on how to market yourself and identify your personal brand to set yourself apart the others.

First, define your target market.  Think about who you can help and then target them on social media or at targeted business network events.  Are you focused on B2C or B2B customers?  Find them.

Find one simple thing about yourself and tell your story to others you meet at events or on the social media channels and be consistent.    Stories sell you and maybe even the product or service you sell.

Work the Network.    You will be surprised how large and diverse your network is especially if you regularly attend networking events or have held professional roles for more than ten years or have recently graduated from college.  Connect to people on Linkedin and build relationships.

Trade Cards.   Do you have a personal business card?  Not your corporate company card, but a business card that defines you?   Remember you are the CEO of yourself so focus your business card on you and not your corporate company and give it out so people know about you.

Break Through The Clutter.   There is a lot of clutter out there from the drama of the Facebook feed or not focusing on attending events that make sense.  Time is valuable so leverage it the best way possible.

Blog and express your Point of View.    A blog is an excellent way to share your knowledge and express your views on topics.  Keep it positive and focus on helping others with your expertise.

Your CV is your AD.   Well, actually your LinkedIn profile is your AD since resumes are old-school.  Make sure it is an all-star profile that sets you apart from others.  Does your headline stand out?

Your Facebook Page is your AD.   Yes, it is so be careful.  Your Facebook profile defines your perception to others.   Keep it positive and post topics that attract people to you.  The goal is gain good connections and not have a list of people that block you.

Do you have a website?  Everyone should have a website or a blog (like I mentioned earlier) to define you and how you can help others.

Prepare to present.  That is right, always be ready for your elevator pitch to tell your story how you can help the person you are talking to.  Remember, keep it short and ask questions to help determine next steps.

Never Stop Networking, Ever.   It is interesting to me how some people stop networking once they get a job or that big client and then when they lose it, they are back.   Bad, bad BAD!   Network harder than ever and focus on your personal brand.  Be proactive versus reactive.

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...