Monday, June 29, 2020

Networking To Build Relationships In These Ever Changing Times

I have been in the world of business professional networking for over thirteen years and there has never been a better time to reach out and expand your network like there is now with the changing business dynamics.   With the recent transition to more of an online networking world, I have noticed that I am able to attend more events, reach out to my connections to see how I can help.   I have also build some new business relationships with some amazing people and I look forward to continuing to strengthen my professional relationship with my network.  I wanted to write this blog to provide some additional ways for you to build relationships with your new connections and rekindle the relationships with your older connection.

The hardest part of networking is the follow-up.  You go to an event, meet some great people, connect to them on LinkedIn and then they go away.  That happens 75% of the time.  The other times, you may have a follow-up meeting, provide each other a pitch of what you both need and sometimes there is a continued dialogue after that.   Over time, you lose touch with some of your older connections.   Life happens and it is hard, since networking is a full time job, right?

Believe it or not, there are more creative ways to stay in touch and support each other during these busy times.   I have a few ideas that I like to provide in the next few paragraphs that I hope will help you maintain a successful professional network.

1) Create your own networking community - Online groups of people with common interest is a great way to build your network and get to know more like minded people.  Keep your group limited in size so you can really get to know them.

2) Recommend them on LinkedIn - Most professionals have profiles on LinkedIn.  Show some love by sending their trusted confidants a glowing recommendation and share it!

3) Give Referrals - If you participate in online communities like Meetup or networking sites such as Alignable, you know people are always looking for referrals.   Keep your contacts at top of mind and refer them in the online groups.

4) Collaborate - Now is the time to work together and create projects requiring collaboration such as online Zoom event, blogs or joint podcasts.

5) Host your own Online Event - We love to help you get started.  One idea is to create an online panel of experts you want to build relationships with.  You are actually doing them a big favor by promoting them as an expert and exposing them to your audience.   An example is our Sponsorship Program with Mass Professional Networking.

6) Be a Guest at Someone Else's Event, Blog or Podcast - Offer your services as an expert guest on a podcast or webinar.   You would build a strong relationship with not only the hosts but expand your network to include the attendees.  In terms of blogs, offer a business some content to help their customers and business.

7) Feature Your Connection on Your Company Newsletter - If you have a company newsletter or blog, save some space for your favorite clients and partners.   Here you can talk about their services, add their logo, and link to their website.

8)  Engage on Social Media - With the current pandemic, you cannot really engage in person, and with all the Zoom meetings, your eyes are getting glossed over.  Take the time to engage with your connections on social media.   Comment on their posts, like and share their content.  Engagement keeps content relevant and keeps them and you at the top of the feed.

9) Write Online Reviews about Your Connection's Business - Reviewing your clients and contacts helps promote their business and shows them you really care enough to contribute and it is likely they will reciprocate and provide a positive review of you or your business.

Hopefully, some of these ideas with help you have more engaging networking relationships and the networking itself would be fun and engaging!   If you like to connect, please do.  I would like to hear how you are doing!

Friday, June 12, 2020

AIMC Health Solutions - #Fitness Tip - The Use of Resistance Bands to Exercise

With the recent pandemic, we all had to adjust our lives as well with the way we worked out to maintain our fitness health.  Gyms were closed all across the country and we had to think of creative ways to stay in shape.  I have personally been working out for many years consistently going to the gym four days a week for strength training and then do cardio another day in the week, so it was definitely an adjustment.   

Despite my local gym closing back in March, I transitioned pretty seamlessly to doing body weight and resistance band workouts and I have actually gotten more cut and focused during this time.

I got my resistance bands on this amazing online shopping site and has put them to great use for the past three months.

I wanted to provide some great tips/reasons why I think you should continue to use resistance bands as part of your routine even as we start returning to normal and going to the gym.    Here they are.

1. ADAPT EASILY FOR MULTIPLE FITNESS LEVELS... Resistance bands come in multiple resistance levels, usually light, medium or heavy. You can further adjust the amount of resistance during exercise just by giving more or less slack on the band, as well as by combining multiple resistance bands to increase the challenge.

2. MODIFY FAMILIAR EXERCISES... Resistance band exercises are often based on familiar strength-training moves. For example, if you stand on one end of the cord and curl your arm up while holding the other end, you've replaced your standard dumbbell bicep curl.

3. EXERCISE YOUR WHOLE BODY... Many resistance band kits come with suggested exercises for nearly every major muscle group in your body. Stepping on one end of a resistance band or looping it around a stationary object, for example, opens up many exercise possibilities.

4. SAVE ON STORAGE SPACE... When you don't have a lot of room for a home gym, resistance bands are a great option that store in very little space. You can hang them on a hook after you exercise, or coil them up to store in a box or drawer.

5. EXERCISE ON THE ROAD... Because they are so small and portable, resistance bands are a great way to take your workout with you when you travel. There are many resistance band exercises that can easily be done in the small space of a hotel room.

7. ADD VARIETY TO YOUR WORKOUTS... Over time, your muscles adapt to any new exercise routine. It's a good idea to mix it up by cross-training with free weights, machines and resistance band exercises. Each will work your muscles in a slightly different way. 

8. EXERCISE SAFELY, EVEN WHEN ALONE... Resistance bands offer strength-training without the risk of dropping a heavy weight on your foot or crushing your fingers between weight plates. That makes them ideal for working out when you don't have a personal trainer or exercise partner to spot you.

9. COMBINE WITH OTHER EXERCISE EQUIPMENT... While resistance bands work great on their own, they can also be combined with other exercise equipment. Performing bicep curls with both a resistance band and a dumbbell will give you the combined benefits of each type of equipment. 

10. GET AN EFFECTIVE WORKOUT... Although there are differences between free weight and resistance band exercises, both are effective. Picture the arc motion your arm makes while doing a bicep curl. Free weights will feel heaviest at the beginning of that arc, while resistance bands make your muscles work harder at the end of the arc (when the band is most taut). Either way, your body is moving against resistance, and that will give your muscles an effective workout.

There you go.  If you like to chat about fitness, please let us know and join our Facebook Page for AIMC Health Solutions.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Introducing the Sponsorship Program w/ AIMC Business Solutions

The Sponsorship Program w/ AIMC Business Solutions

The mission of AIMC Business Solutions is to help small/mid-size businesses as well as innovative corporations increase revenue and reduce operational expenses through its online and offline digital and referral based marketing services.   AIMC Business Solutions founder Jeffrey DeSocio started one of Greater Boston's most successful business networking groups, Mass Professional Networking in 2013 with thousands of members as well as Mass Tech Networking and Treasure Coast Florida Business Networking in 2018.  The goal of our organization is to help businesses expand their lead generation by connecting and building relationships with other successful professionals.

Through our Sponsorship Program, we like to assist you to reach your potential business partner, client/customer or network colleague and help your company reach your business goals.

We are offering the following sponsorship packages for your business.  Each package is for one event cycle which is monthly (30 days).   

The sponsorship packages are for the following Business Networking Groups:

We would like to offer three sponsorship options - Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Please note the onsite and online options:

Bronze - $99:
  • We will mention your company is sponsoring our networking event for the month and include short marketing pitch as part of the event description with links back to your company website.
  • We will include your company introduction as our sponsor for all social media posts of our upcoming event on various social media platforms.
  • Online Event: We will also include a 5-10 minute introduction of your company at our event introduced as our sponsor.
  • Onsite Event:  A vendor table at our monthly business networking event to promote your product or service.  Be creative!

Silver - $149:
  • We will mention your company is sponsoring our networking event for the month and include short marketing pitch as part of the event description with links back to your company website.
  • We will include your company introduction as our sponsor for all social media posts of our upcoming event on various social media platforms.
  • Online Event: You will provide a 5-10 minute introduction at our event intro as our sponsor.
  • Onsite Event:  A vendor table at our monthly business networking event.
  • An assessment of all social media accounts for your business w/ suggestions 
  • OR a video with AIMC Business Solutions
  • $199 for all the above options for Silver.

Gold - $299:
  • We will mention your company is sponsoring our networking event for the month and include short marketing pitch as part of the event description with links back to your company website.
  • We will include your company introduction as our sponsor for all social media posts of our upcoming event on various social media platforms.
  • Online Event: You will provide a 5-10 minute introduction at our event intro as our sponsor.
  • Onsite Event:  A vendor table at our monthly business networking event.
  • An assessment of all social media accounts for your business w/ suggestions 
  • One month of up to 5 hours of social media advisory services consulting with AIMC Business Solutions on the company marketing plan $199 Value if done separately)
  • OR a video with AIMC Business Solutions

The process of signing up for our sponsorship program is through our event on  The company simply can RSVP at the event of their choice as a Sponsor selecting one of the options - Bronze, Silver or Gold Package.   

A representative from AIMC Business Solutions will follow-up with the company to review next steps.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your options w/ us, please contact Jeff at or submit a contact form on our business website,

The Isotonix Daily Essentials Project w/ AIMC Health Solutions

AIMC Health Solutions

The Isotonix Daily Essentials - Project

AIMC Health Solutions is conducting an evaluation of one of our most popular products,
Isotonix Daily Essentials found on If you are serious about your health and want to do something about it, you have been selected to try our amazing and effective product for free and then provide feedback.

Here is the process:
1. We will provide you a packet with three days’ worth of Isotonix Daily Essentials and a
product brochure with instructions & a product description.

2. Provide your email address & phone number to Jeff at We will then exchange phone numbers for texting.  This will be the method of communication.

3. On the first day, you can review the Isotonix Daily Essentials YouTube video at Provide feedback to Jeff.

4. We will be in touch over the three days to verify that you took your vitamins!

5. After taking your vitamins on the third day, you will complete the following
questions and send your answers to Jeff at
a. Did you drink your Isotonix each day on an empty stomach?
b. Did you watch the video?
c. Was the video clear in explaining why Isotonix solutions deliver more
nutrition to your body than a tablet or capsule supplement?
d. What benefits did you experience?
e. “For less than a cup of coffee each day, does it make sense to add a healthy
Isotonix capable supplement to your daily regimen to get the added nutrients
you need to get healthy?
f. What is your number one health concern?

6. Once you send the answers to your questions, we will send you a promo code to use
to purchase your Isotonix products at

7. Optional tasks include taking a Nutriphysical Health Survey at

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!

AIMC Health Solutions –

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

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