Thursday, September 24, 2020

Do You Want Success and Happiness? Are You Willing to Change?


Whenever we’re talking about personal transformation—whether it’s physical (lose weight), financial (get out of debt), mental (overcome anxiety), spiritual, relational (repair a broken relationship), etc.—what we’re really talking about is change. And for most, that can be scary. In fact, many people don’t even entertain the idea of change until the pain of not changing becomes unbearable.

In other words, you have to be ready and willing to change.

While there are many things that can hold us back from changing, and more importantly, the personal transformation that we desire, we are often our own worst enemies. Think about how many times you’ve gotten in your own way with negative self-talk, by peppering ourselves with self-criticism, and by doubting our capabilities.

This brings us to today’s power thought, brought to us by motivational author Louise Hay:

I am willing to release old, negative beliefs. They are only beliefs that stand in my way. My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling.

What’s great about this power thought is that it raises awareness, which is a primary tool in a mental ninja’s toolbox and critical for personal transformation. In a non-judgmental way, start identifying times, places, and areas of your life when you are being self-critical, experiencing self-doubt, or thinking self-defeating thoughts. Even better, when you do, replace them with positive, fulfilling thoughts.

To help raise awareness, ask important questions. What are the thoughts and images going through my head? Are they helping me, or are they hurting me? Are they holding me back, or are they pushing me toward my goals? Are these thoughts of success, or am I focused on failure?

Another way to help raise awareness and displace those negative thoughts with more encouraging ones is to do pushups. Say what? When you do catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, beating yourself up, or having self-doubt, do five pushups, squats, jumping jacks, burpees, whatever. Choose your favorite because the idea is not to punish yourself; rather, it’s to break the cycle and raise that awareness

Finally, choose a mantra. Maybe it’s the power thought above or maybe it’s something else that’s more personal to you. Choose something that’s important and relevant to you. Something that encourages you, promotes positive, fulfilling thoughts, and reminds you what’s truly important.

Hope this helps you understand the importance of change!

Welcome to the Fall 2020 Newsletter from All In My Cart - Shopping Annuity


Welcome to our Fall 2020 Newsletter where we like to showcase some new products and services announced at our recent Virtual MA International Convention (see below).  As always we are looking to help you with anything you need from our exclusive brands, our services, as well as shopping at our thousands of partner stores while earning cash back and building your Shopping Annuity.   
A BIG Announcement at International Convention was our new Partnership with Xoom Energy where we offer clean energy at a discounted rate and of course Cash Back as our Preferred Customer.

Why You Should Switch to XOOM Energy

No Cost to Switch, No Interruption in Service

XOOM Energy provides a variety of plans that most utilities do not – fixed price plans where customers can lock in their rate, renewable options for customers who are environmentally conscious and month-to-month options for customers who do not want a long-term commitment.

Save on Your Energy Costs & Get 2% Cash Back

Introducing Horizon - Our Fall/Winter 2020 Motives Cosmetics line to help you look and feel amazing this holiday season.  We also have some amazing new Skin Care products from our Lumiere De Vie Line

View similar products »

Introducing our Healthy Delicious Pumpkin Spice Nutrition Shake.  This is a hot product that is now available for the Fall Season


Get some Pumpkin Spice »


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mount Washington Auto Road New Hampshire w/ DeSocial Connector

Travel down the mountain from the Summit of Mount Washington in the White Mountains of New Hampshire on an amazing clear day.

Thanks to the BPM Station on SirrusXM Radio for some great upbeat tunes.

If you like to travel to New Hampshire and the New England Region, check out SHOP Local and SHOP Travel at

Being a Marketer is Like Running a Small Eatery - Focus on Your Craft - One Thing.

 Here is a great business tip for affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs as it relates to restaurants/small eateries as we move into the fall season -

Just like restaurants, the most successful eateries with smaller menus are the ones that survive. They not only survive, but they excel. Why do you think that is?

Well let’s think about it for a minute. Lots of options on a menu on a busy night can bring in a larger range of customers, right?

Although thinking that the larger the menu, the more customers you will drive is in theory a good idea, it’s likely going to cost you more. It can drive unnecessary food costs. It can cause havoc in the kitchen. It can drive poor customer reviews. Overall these businesses risk being labeled as poor or mediocre.

Instead, the dine-in restaurants with smaller menus focus on delivering quality at a higher price rather than quantity. They put out one delicious authentic cooked meal that justifies the price. They make it all worth recommending to others.

This is the same with selling physical or digital products. Be the chef of your product. Be the expert. Focus on a smaller range of physical, digital products or services and only add on those that speak to the quality of your brand.

If you’re new to the world of affiliate marketing, then you have seen that there are many ways you can make money, so many… that it drives people to make ZERO, because we tend to spend too much time on offering things outside of our expertise.

Start with just one and go deliver the best “ONE” product or service out there. Share your passion and become the expert behind your next big thing.

Written By All My Marketing -

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...