Friday, July 9, 2021

Business Networking - How to be A Good Conversationalist

 One of the most awkward and challenging aspects of professional networking is when you at an event whether it is in person or online and you meet someone and the dreaded "What Do You Do?" or there is an awkward silence.   You may bring up the weather or sports, but overall you may be thinking, when is this going to be over.  Even worse, you network with someone that is practicing their overdrawn out elevator pitch.

But have no fear, there are amazing and engaging ways to be a good conversationalist and "break the ice".  It is actually not a bad idea to share your ability as a great conversationalist which would create a more inviting environment and even build trust between you and the person you met at an event.

In past blogs I have shared some "break the ice" questions to ask each other at an event or in a 1-on-1 networking meeting, but would I like to do here is focus on being a good conversationalist and provide ten tips to share your abilities as a good conversationalist.

1. Good conversationalists know how to give and receive compliments gracefully.

2. Good conversationalists can talk about many different subjects and are able to maneuver through conversations pertaining to things they know little about without difficulty.

3. Good conversationalists can quickly discern potential topics of interest to any given group and steer the conversation in that direction.

4. They don't gossip or repeat gossip.

5. They never correct another person's vocabulary or grammar.

6. They know when to discuss business and when not to.

7. They involve everyone in the group in conversation, not just one person.

8. Good conversationalists know how to step in to fill in an embarrassing void in conversation.

9. Good conversationalists have a good sense of humor and are able to relate stories well.

10. Good conversationalists can sense when they are boring people.

So there you go.  Be a leader at an event by being a good conversationalist and be known as that avid connector.   It not only creates a comfortable atmosphere, it is simply great business etiquette.

We will see you at the next event and look forward to great conversation!

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