Monday, September 27, 2021

What are The Different Types of Digital Marketing w/ AIMC Business Solutions

 Today we're going to talk about why digital marketing is important in today's world. We're also going to talk about what digital marketing is and the types of digital marketing channels that are out there.

Now digital marketing is becoming more popular than traditional marketing. That's not a surprise. Over the past few decades, digital marketing has evolved at a rapid pace. These days a lot of people spend most of their time on the internet. So what happens on the internet every 60 seconds? There is:

  • a lot of snaps
  • a lot of clicks 
  • a lot of text
  • a lot of videos watched
  • a lot of pictures being taken
  • a lot of voice-activated activity going on
  • a lot of tweets
  • a lot of email swipes.

In traditional marketing, we're talking about:

  • print radio
  • Billboard
  • newspaper 
  • TV 

Or  anything that's not on your mobile or laptop. So we know that traditional marketing reaches a limit and that digital marketing reaches a  maximum. What I mean by that is when you print something you're printing it for X amount of people. In digital marketing, we can promote it to an unlimited amount of people depending on the platform you use. Your reach is just bigger than what you can achieve with traditional marketing. 

The benefits of digital marketing does not end there. You will be able to measure your success more than what you can achieve with traditional marketing. You can also rotate your efforts more easily in digital marketing, focusing on not just people that showed interest, but even those that bought from you previously. Digital marketing has become the go-to marketing technique of this century. 

There are different options and different types of digital marketing channels that you could choose from and let's just go through that list of digital marketing channels.

The first one is what I consider the king of them all and that's SEO. Yes, SEO is also a type of marketing, just like email marketing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing.

Let me start with SEO because increasing the quality and quantity of relevant organic traffic on the search engines including Google, is extremely important. Google has a large market share so you want your pages on your website to be found and clicked on organically. That means if somebody types in a keyword you want your relevant page to show up first on Google so that the visitor can click on that link. We know that millions of people worldwide search daily. If you're ranking for those relevant keywords you can imagine how much traffic you can get.

Now for search engine marketing you can bid on a keyword and appear at the top of the search results for that keyword. The company or business that bids the highest will appear first in the results. The problem with this method, especially for upcoming businesses, is the cash flow. Not every business have the financial capacity to bid against other online giants to appear in the top results, but making use of proper SEO techniques can help them to at least appear under the top 10 on Google for their keyword.

Next up is email marketing. We all send emails daily. We also receive many emails daily. Setting up a list on your site and prompting people to subscribe is an effective way to capture leads and get them to become customers. The beauty of email marketing is the ability to segment an audience so that you can get more personal with them, knowing what they want and then communicate to them effectively. The magic happens when your platform, such as Builderall, can show you your open rates and other important statistics of your clients' actions. 

Then we have affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an effective way for digital marketers to create a sales force of people. Basically what you're doing is you're getting merchants to promote your products and services on their website to get commission. The cool thing about affiliate marketing is that you can pick and choose the affiliates or the publishers with whom you want to work with.

Now social media is another digital marketing type. Social media marketing has evolved over the years but the concepts remain the same. It is all about creating different types of content, depending on the platform you will use. The content you will have for Pinterest and Instagram will probably be more about dealing with photos, where Twitter is all about tweeting a certain amount of characters. It depends on the social media platform that drives the type of content you're gonna promote. We know social media can be effective because people use social media. I mean Facebook is one of the more popular platforms and if you want to get your product or service out there you could certainly pay to have an ad on Facebook or you could just post your content organically.

Content Marketing is all about distributing valuable content online. When we talk about content marketing you know we're talking about different types of assets. So it could be:

  • simply texting in the form of a post 
  • it could be a video
  • it could be an infographic 
  • it could be an image. 

There are lots of ways to create content these days, especially in digital marketing and the great thing about content marketing is writing content for a targeted audience. If you're trying to target an audience on Instagram then you know who your audience is and you know what type of content you're gonna post on. So, that is content marketing, let's talk about mobile marketing.

What is the difference between content marketing and mobile marketing? 

Mobile marketing is strictly on the mobile phone. It is not on a desktop, so mobile marketing is a strategy on its own that helps you promote your product or service to a targeted audience through a mobile device. It can be done through messaging such as text, WhatsApp, telegram and even apps.

As you can see there are multiple ways in succeeding with digital marketing. The key is making use of the right platform that will be able to offer you all the solutions in one place. We offers that. No plugins or difficult coding. All the tools you might ever need online in one platform.

Website/Social Media/Business Networking Sales Associate w/ AIMC Business Solutions - 2022

AIMC Business Solutions
Website/Social Media Sales/Business Networking Associate & Digital/Internet Marketing Positions Now Available – Part Time or Full Time

AIMC Business Solutions is a Massachusetts-based website, digital/internet marketing, and IT consulting company that specializes in providing turn-key website solutions, referral/business networking and social media consultation for small/medium sized businesses. The opportunities are endless!  Our company provides a complete website design, development, hosting, marketing, management and training solution to companies throughout the United States.  

Millions of businesses still have yet to enjoy a presence on the internet. And many million more businesses have websites that don't work for them and they are in need of a better solution.  We also provide additional digital and internet marketing services as well as business networking events & advisory services.

We are expanding and looking for motivated social media managers or sales professionals that want to learn about social media, marketing, , business networking, client interaction and how to run a business.  

You will also supplement your income by selling websites for a commission and conduct social media consultation & management for small/medium sized businesses as well as via referral links for our business networking events/sponsorship programs.

Here are some features of our opportunities:
  • Full Time Website/Digital Marketing Sales Positions (25-30 hrs) or Part Time Website/Digital Marketing Sales Positions (5-10 hrs)

  • Work Your Own Hours

  • Work From Your Home Office, Starbucks or Your Favorite Wireless Spot!

  • No Website/Social Media or Sales Experience Necessary
    • Website Sales Training Provided Through On-Line Training
    • Access to Our Information Website and Marketing Manual
    • Warm and Cold Calling & EMAIL Scripts
  • Exceptional Communication Skills Needed 
  • Build Your Professional Network Hosting Our Business Networking Events and Build Leads
  • Organization and Follow-Up Skills a Must!

  • Commission Only - Opportunity to Earn Hundreds Per Website Sold (commission percentage dependent on experience).  Unlimited Income Potential
    • Social Media Management - up to 80% commission
    • Websites – up to 20% commission
    • Business Networking Sponsorships - up to 50% commission

  • Management/ Apprentice Opportunities May Become Available To Start Your Own Business.
Requirements: computer/laptop with internet access w/ LinkedIn/Facebook or Twitter accounts, Business (cell) Phone with voice mail, networking skills – may attend one networking event a week, great organization and communication skills.

To inquire please email your resume to and set up an appointment here

Thursday, September 16, 2021

What is the Difference Between a Leader and a Victim? - 19 Distinctions

A leader communicates clearly and dispels any assumptions or misunderstandings. A leader takes responsibility for their own mistakes and the wrongful actions of others within their influence. Victims feel the fear and stop. They stop breathing, they stop action.

Here are 19 Victim Versus Leader Distinctions

#1. Victims talk about people. Leaders talk about ideas

#2. Victims procrastinate around their goals. Leaders execute on them.

#3. Victims enjoy watching things (like TV and video games). Leaders like making things.

#4. Victims are distracted. Leaders are concentrated.

#5. Victims abhor change. Leaders Adore change.

#6. Victims read what everyone reads. Leaders read what few do.

#7. Victims associate with other victims. Leaders spend most of their time with superstars (and thereby dramatically elevate their productivity and success).

#8. Victims are stuck in the past. Leaders are inspired by the future. 

#9. Victims resist hard projects. Leaders seek them out (knowing it refines their chops).

#10. Victims work at mediocrity. Leaders view work as an opportunity to pursue Mastery.

#11. Victims give most of their time to leisure. Leaders spend a ton of time on their learning.

#12. Victims tear people down (because it makes them feel better). Leaders lift others up.

#13. Victims are rude. Leaders are polite.

#14. Victims practice negativity. Leaders are unreasonably positive.

#15. Victims can’t wait to retire. Leaders are afraid to retire (why retire when you’re having so much fun building something important, growing more leaders and producing value for the world?).

#16. Victims waste time. Leaders exploit time.

#17. Victims achieve things for the applause. Leaders achieve them for the fulfillment.

#18. Victims sleep late. Leaders rise early.

#19. Victims view work as a means to pay the bills. Leaders view work as a way to change the world.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Three SEO Tips To Help Boost Your Website w/ AIMC Business Solutions

 SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, is the process of growing the online visibility of a website in organic, non-paid search engine results. Usually, the earlier or higher your website is on a search engine and the more frequent it shows up, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users. If your website is selling items, if your site has good SEO, it can potentially lead to more customers.

With the right SEO strategy, your website can increase its page views, engagements, and sales. Here are three SEO tips to help boost your website.

1) Optimize You Page Titles

Each page title needs to be unique that describes your page’s content. Your goal is to help the user understand what your page is about by being brief and descriptive. Use the right keyword in your page title so it shows up in search engines. For example, if your website is about sports, your page title should include sports in it.

2) Creating SEO Friendly Permalinks

Permalinks are the URLs for your website and it’s pages. For example,

In your URLs, use text rather than numbers in order for your site to show up more frequently in search engines. Use hyphens to separate words and prioritize your keywords with the more important words coming first. Here’s an example. Let’s say I write for “” and I’m writing an article about the latest trailer for Avengers: Endgame. Keep your permalink brief and concise.



3) Link To Internal Pages On Your Site

Internal links are links that point to other pages on your website. Internal links are an way to promote the other pages on your website. Make sure to include internal links in every article you post and on every page on your website.

For more health with SEO to optimize your website, contact us at AIMC Business Solutions.

Digestive Health & Your Weight Loss with TLS & AIMC Health Solutions

 In recent years, more and more studies have shown that our gut health plays a huge role in affecting many facets of our health.  Our diet, exercise, sleep, and stress levels all affect our gut health.  We always say the road to health is paved with good intestines.  Your body contains trillions of bacteria, and most of these bacteria are in your intestines.

It influences how different food is digested and it affects your hormones to let you know when you are full or hungry.  The bacteria in your gut help you digest food and enable you to absorb important nutrients.  It’s no surprise that the gut plays a role in affecting your weight whether you are looking to gain healthy weight or lose those stubborn fats or weight.  Did you know your gut bacteria play an important role in inflammation?  A study has shown that people who are overweight had lower gut bacteria diversity and higher levels of C-protein 1. Furthermore, we know that high levels of C-reactive protein impedes access of leptin (hormones that let us know we are full) to the brain2 so hence we don’t get the full signal to stop eating when we should.  Therefore, improving our gut health or maintaining good gut health is so vital to weight management.  

Here are some helpful tips to increase the diversity of your gut microbiomes and support your digestive health:

  1. Follow any TLS menu plan. In TLS, we always emphasize eating a low glycemic impact diet rich in wholesome food (vegetables and fruits). Why? They are rich in dietary fiber that is good for gut bacteria. In addition, they are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
  2. Add fermented foods to your TLS plan. Foods such as kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain beneficial probiotics to support a healthy gut microbiome.
  3. Consider adding probiotics. Probiotics 10 and NutriClean Probiotics provide extra support for your gut. Each provides beneficial bacteria to promote healthy digestion, while Probiotics 10 also helps support weight loss efforts. *
  4. Digesting and absorbing nutrients. This is essential to ensure your body is equipped with adequate nutrition for good health.  Taking Isotonix Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics can provide enzymes and good bacteria to promote digestion and absorption. *
  5. Limit foods that don’t serve you. Foods that are high in refined carbohydrates, sugar, unhealthy processed oils, and fats in addition to conventional dairy reduce inflammation as well as affecting your gut microbiome.
  6. Drink plenty of water (at least 8 cups) daily. Add citrus if you find it hard to get adequate amounts of water.
  7. Move your body. Make physical activity part of your daily routine.
  8. Kick start it. If you really want to kick start your gut health and weight loss journey, we always suggest starting with our TLS Detox Menu Plan, combined with the NutriClean 7-day Cleansing System. Continue your healthy gut journey with tips 1-7 to help maintain good health and support your weight loss progress. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Introducing the TLS 7-8-28 Challenge - Get Healthy!

 Introduction the TLS 7-8-28 Challenge!

- 7 Day Detox
- 8 Weeks of Healthy TLS Low Glycemic Impact Eating
- 28 Days of Exercise

Ready to start? Our newest challenge, 7-8-28, has landed and it’s the perfect time to re-set and re-start a healthy routine. This challenge is open to everyone in our US, CA, AUS, and UK markets. The public, our existing satisfied customers, TLS Coaches, Trainers are all welcome to join in.

Get ready to commit and crush your health goals with our team. Gather some co-workers, friends, and family to lose unwanted pounds and feel better than ever. Together we will create a sense of accountability and fun while embracing the TLS lifestyle. Success is ours.
You will be on your way to feeling energetic, healthy and happy and all it takes is a little commitment and some sacrifice!

So who is with us?
We like to invite you to our information session on TLS and the new 7-8-28 Challenge. To learn more about TLS and this promotion we will be hosting 2 LIVE TLS overviews on ZOOM. Please RSVP on the Zoom link to attend.

Also, please take our TLS Weight Loss Profile found on and get a FREE TLS Journal!
Whether you are looking to get back on track, lose some unwanted weight, keep your current TLS momentum up or enhance your existing health routine, the TLS 7-8-28 Challenge is a perfect way to launch your goals and get the results you desire. We are excited and cannot wait for it to begin!
It’s never too late to be great, join the 7-8-28.
Remember, you are worth it!

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...