Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Introducing the TLS 7-8-28 Challenge - Get Healthy!

 Introduction the TLS 7-8-28 Challenge!

- 7 Day Detox
- 8 Weeks of Healthy TLS Low Glycemic Impact Eating
- 28 Days of Exercise

Ready to start? Our newest challenge, 7-8-28, has landed and it’s the perfect time to re-set and re-start a healthy routine. This challenge is open to everyone in our US, CA, AUS, and UK markets. The public, our existing satisfied customers, TLS Coaches, Trainers are all welcome to join in.

Get ready to commit and crush your health goals with our team. Gather some co-workers, friends, and family to lose unwanted pounds and feel better than ever. Together we will create a sense of accountability and fun while embracing the TLS lifestyle. Success is ours.
You will be on your way to feeling energetic, healthy and happy and all it takes is a little commitment and some sacrifice!

So who is with us?
We like to invite you to our information session on TLS and the new 7-8-28 Challenge. To learn more about TLS and this promotion we will be hosting 2 LIVE TLS overviews on ZOOM. Please RSVP on the Zoom link to attend.

Also, please take our TLS Weight Loss Profile found on and get a FREE TLS Journal!
Whether you are looking to get back on track, lose some unwanted weight, keep your current TLS momentum up or enhance your existing health routine, the TLS 7-8-28 Challenge is a perfect way to launch your goals and get the results you desire. We are excited and cannot wait for it to begin!
It’s never too late to be great, join the 7-8-28.
Remember, you are worth it!


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