Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Seven Dimensions of Wellness w. AIMC Health Solutions

When you think of health/wellness, normally it is all about exercising, eating the right foods and taking your vitamins. There is a lot more to your well being and a great way to have an all encompassing view of your health is to understand the Seven Dimensions of Wellness - Do you know what the seven dimensions of wellness are? Let's review them and provide an example of each.
- Physical - This is Fitness, Diet, Supplementation and Education - Emotional - This is All About Positive Mindset and a Positive Outlook on Life - Intellectual - This is about Constantly Learning - Social - It is all of having great relationships w/ family, friends and colleagues - Spiritual - This is meditation and religious studies - Environmental - This is your surrounding like the people you hang with and where you live - Occupational - This is your career

Check out our video below for more detail on each dimension. For more health/wellness information, check out our updated AIMC Health Solutions TLS Website at

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