Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Right Mindset Is The Key To Be Active For Life

 We all know the importance of staying active and we can certainly name a long list of benefits associated with increasing our physical activities. Why then if we know the benefits that there are still so many of us who fail to prioritize it.  Is it due to lack of time or lack of motivation or both?  Only you will know the answer. 

Let’s take a moment to not focus on being fit or getting stronger but to just know how a simple act of movement if done consistently can make you happier.  I truly believe that if we are happier, we will be healthier.  If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, get moving might be the best thing you can do to start feeling better again.  Stop making exercise a bigger task than it is.  You don’t need to go to the gym or change into fancy exercise outfit to be active.   The key is to move a bit more, sit a bit less and stand a bit more. As humans, we like to go on the road of least resistance, and we like to stay within our comfort zone. However, if our comfort zone is not serving us, we need to change whether we like it or not and the only way to creating any lasting changes is to focus on our mindset shift.

Take a sheet of paper and write out answers to the following questions?

  1. How am I feeling right now? Tired? Sad? Moody? Pain? Low energy? Lack of focus?
  2. When did I start to feel this way? A year ago, 5 years ago or you don’t even remember?
  3. What are the consequences if I continue with my sedentary lifestyle?
  4. What are the benefits if I start and maintain an active lifestyle?
  5. List out all the obstacles and excuses that will stop you from taking actions and create solution to overcome it/them.
  6. When do I want to get started? Set a date and time and stick to it no matter how difficult it is to start.  You don’t need to be good to get started but you do need to get started to be good at it.

Next step

  1. Map out a realistic plan/routine that you are willing to do and able to do. If you can’t or detest running, don’t say I will run 30 minutes every morning.
  2. Take out your planner and schedule it NOW. If it is not SCHEDULED, it will not be DONE.
  3. Ask a friend/spouse/neighbor or even your kids to keep you accountable
  4. Stick to it for 30 days straight and you may start to fall in love with your new routine.

If you are not ready to take the leap with a plan as per above and want to keep it simple, the following suggestions is a great way to get started.

  • Take the stairs instead of elevators or escalator
  • March on the spot when watching your favorite TV shows
  • Park further away in the parking lot
  • Get off the bus a stop early and walk to your destination
  • Turn on your favorite song and just dance (it doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to dance)
  • Have fun and play with your kids (tag or catching ball)
  • Find a walking buddy or accountable buddy
  • Go out for an evening walk with your kids or spouse

Last but not least, remember it’s about progress and perfection.   Celebrate your small wins, if you notice you sleep better, you smile more, then you are on your way to stay active for LIFE.

Introducing the Best Business Operations Management Platform - Thryv - A Partner of AIMC Business Solutions

Introducing a new Partnership for AIMC Business Solutions w/ Thryv. 

Thryv is a fully integrated, end-to-end client experience platform so small businesses can reach more customers, stay organized, get paid faster and generate more reviews. Having all the parts of your business localized on a single platform is convenient, and the software keeps you organized and up to date. It can also increase your online presence and draw customers to your business.

AIMC Business Solutions is partnering w/ Thryv to provide small businesses with an "all-in-one" business operations platform. Check out our YouTube Video below - If you like a demo or like to purchase the product go to -

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Top Qualities of Leadership

Leaders are trained, not born. Effective leadership involves leading others to reach their full potential and to help inspire the success of others. Training to be a leader must be intentional, and a good place to start is with the 6 Cs of Leadership, which are:

  • Connection
  • Character
  • Consistency
  • Communication
  • Courage
  • Competence

Let’s unpack these a bit.

Connection. Connection doesn’t just happen. You have to be available -- physically and mentally -- and you have to give your time if you want to be a leader. So, make sure that you are available. Time together conquering a shared adversity builds deep connections. Do hard things with those you’re leading, whether that’s your kids, co-workers or athletes. Working out, learning together, talking about the lessons learned from the losses, and managing the wins well are all ways to spend quality time together.

Character. A leader with a lot of character does right by others. Doing what’s right requires living out of a set of principles. Live out of principle not preference. Do you have a set of principles that drive your behavior? Don’t fall into the trap of being transactional. Don’t give others something simply for the sake of getting something in return. Instead, be a transformational leader.

Consistency. Be consistent in the following areas: 

  • Behavior – how you carry yourself throughout the day
  • How you treat people – all people
  • Show up on time – be there, always
  • Prepare the right way – have a system/routine for your meetings, practices etc.
  • Pay attention to details –  the small details matter and add up to the big wins

Communication. We live in a distracted world. Even if you have the skills to stay focused, things are changing all the time. You must develop the communication skills to adapt to whatever comes your way. Ways to develop your communication skills:

  • Talk in the mirror – Watch your facial expressions.
  • Try to tweet your message – Twitter limits how many words you can use. Being able to communicate your message succinctly will foster better communication. 
  • Plan ahead of time – Reacting in the moment will often produce the least effective words.

Courage. Courage is feeling fear and going anyway. Fear is part of the journey. And crawling, scratching, and grinding your way through all the adversity that comes your way is the only way to reach success at the end of the road. Courage can’t exist without fear. So, the next time you sense that adversity, welcome it and put into action the process you created to overcome it.

Competence. Do you continually develop your skills? Having complete knowledge of your craft and the skill set to coach, mentor, etc., it is paramount. You have to know how to close the gap from where you are to where you want to be. 

Mastering the 6 Cs of Leadership is what will get you the championship. The kind of coach you are matters, but the kind of person you are matters more.

Character counts.

Courage counts.

Communication counts.

Consistency counts.

Connection counts.

Competence counts.

Develop all of these skills, and you will become a great leader.

AIMC Networking Tip - Small Business Collaborative Networking - The Power of the Referral

For our latest AIMC Business Solutions video we are talking about Collaborative Networking.

A collaborative network (CN) is a partnership of autonomous people and organizations, supported by social channels, that collaborate to share resources, such as content and knowledge.
In this case we are using the power of social media to share resources and help each other out with building a powerful referral network. Check out our video for some great ideas to help each other build a great referral network and ultimate success. The following are our Social Channels for AIMC Business Solutions - Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/aimcbizsolutions LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/aimc... Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/aimcbizsolution You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/c/Aimcbizsolu... Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/aimcbizhealth Alignable - https://www.alignable.com/framing.../... Please like/follow and enjoy our content.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Why Sleep is Essential - A Health Tip from AIMC Health Solutions

Sleep is essential for the body to function properly.  It allows the body and brain to rest and recover.  The way you function, think, and feel overall when you’re awake depends on the quality of sleep you’re getting.  It is during the time that you are asleep that your body does its hardest work as it presses the “reset” button and prepares you for a new day.

The hormone Melatonin is one of the best-known hormones related to sleep.  Melatonin plays an integral role in signaling and regulating sleep-wake states as it tells your brain when to relax and head to bed.  It is naturally produced as light exposure decreases.

Lack of sleep may affect concentration, decision-making, and mood.  Lack of sleep may affect blood sugar and sex drive.  If you don’t sleep enough at night, your body boosts its levels of stress hormones.  The brain chemicals connected with deep sleep are the same ones that tell the body to stop the production of stress hormones.  As a result, when you don’t sleep well, your body keeps pumping out those hormones.

Sleep, along with proper nutrition, plays a critical role in our mental and physical health.  Even a few days of impaired sleep, particularly loss of slow-wave sleep, has shown to derange metabolism.  While the foods you eat can influence the quality of your sleep, the amount you sleep can influence your body weight.

Decreased sleep means an increase in hunger hormones.  Ghrelin goes up and the counter-regulatory hormone Leptin goes down.  Since inadequate sleep affects the normal production of Leptin and Ghrelin that helps control appetite and hunger, people may be more likely to increase their food consumption or select high-calorie nutrient-deficient foods that create a risk of weight gain.  As a result, getting enough sleep may help maintain healthier body weight and may be beneficial for those trying to lose weight.


What causes the occasional inability to sleep?
  • Stress is the #1 cause of sleep problems
  • Noise
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Jet lag — change in time zones
  • Excessive amounts of caffeine
  • Smoking cigarettes before bedtime
  • Drinking alcohol before bedtime
  • Expecting to have difficulty sleeping and worrying about it
  • Irregular sleeping habits
  • Excessive exercise close to bedtime

As a rule, eat a well-balanced diet of fresh colorful fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and 100% whole grains.  Avoid processed foods, refined carbs, sugary foods, and trans fats.  Make sure that you include the vitamins, minerals, and botanicals that may contribute to better sleep.  Sleep deficiency takes a toll on the body and mind.  Eat smarter, exercise, manage stress, sleep better and live a healthier life.


Additional tips to improve sleep hygiene:
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
  • Expose yourself to bright sunlight every morning and throughout the day
  • Remove the TV from your bedroom
  • Reserve the bed for sleeping and sex
  • Limit eating and drinking before bed
  • Eliminate the blue light from electronic devices before bed
  • Turn the lights and the temperature down
  • As difficult as it may be, relax and clear your mind
  • Practice relaxation techniques
  • Take a Melatonin supplement*
  • Start a complete nutritional supplementation program designed to help maintain proper health*
  • Supplementation may include Prime Sleep with Melatonin, Isotonix® Essentials Turn DownIsotonix® Magnesium, and CannabiQuin*


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This blog was written by Tamara Weinstein, PT, DPT, MS, CCN

Director of Sales and Continued Education for Health & Nutrition

Monday, March 7, 2022

AIMC Marketing Tip - What You Can Learn About Social Media from a Teenager

You have to face facts, social media has evolved over the years from the infancy of MySpace to the popularity of TikTok. Every year there is a new hot platform that takes control and the first people to be on board were born after 2005! Some of the biggest influencers today are not even old enough to drive a car.
If you want to adapt and know what social media channels are best to reach your customers, ask your favorite teenager! They are gurus of what is hot and some are making more money than you as influencers on social media. What is hot? #tiktok #snapchat #instagram What is not? #facebook #Twitter

Check out our video for more details and remember to like/comment/share and follow our AIMC Business Solutions You Tube Channel

Why Does Network Marketing Get Such A Bad Rap? The Great Resignation Version.

Why does network marketing get such a bad rap?

Here is the definition of network marketing from wikipedia.org

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called pyramid selling,network marketing, and referral marketing, is a controversial, pyramid-shaped marketing strategy where profit is theoretically derived from two revenue streams: from direct sales to customers and from commission based on the sales of recruited team members, also known as down line distributors. MLM salespeople are expected to sell products directly to consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing. They are also incentivized to recruit others to join the company as distributors.

Hmm.... if you were an aspiring entrepreneur and saw this definition, wouldn't you run as far away as possible from this business idea?

Unfortunately that is the perception today with network marketing, internet marketing or whatever you want to call it.

But is it really that bad?   Let's evaluate our options.

Everyone is looking for something today especially with the great resignation.   Let's be serious, it is the world we are in.

So here are our options.

Corporate America is not trusted and there is no loyalty anymore.  Would you be loyal to company giving you a 2% percent raise every year just for busting your butt every day while the executives get all the bonuses?   Probably not.  There is not a corporation in America that shares every profit with every employee today.   If there was one, let me know.  For this reason, everyone is dreaming of that side business to take them away from the rigors of Corporate America.

Starting a Franchise is expensive... very expensive, with little return.  An average McDonalds franchise caps you at $100k earnings per store per year, even after a $1.5 million dollar investment for one franchise store.  And that is on top of the fees and royalties you would have to pay.  Sounds like a great deal, huh?   Not.

How about starting your own business?   Maybe a consulting business, a restaurant, a salon, or a gym?   Like Franchises, you would have to invest a significant amount of money and build a supporting network or organization such as accountants, lawyers, operation manager, marketing, technology, distribution, and maybe a coach to help you put it all together.  And like franchises, for little return.   You want a life?  Forget about it!

How about getting another job?   Didn't you always want to be a bartender at the local bar after a long day at the Corporate office?   Hmm..  let's waste more time for money and little return except dragging out of bed the next morning.  Rock on!

What is left?

You got it.... Network Marketing.

What really is network marketing?
This is my own definition.

Network Marketing a method for marketing a product or service with your network of like-minded professionals.  Network Marketing encourages a team concept where all participating professionals work toward a common goal of financial independence and life satisfaction.

There are thousands of network marketing companies out there.  But which one is best for you.

The first question is what is your passion?   It is health & wellness? technology? energy? travel?

Once you have found your passion, do a simple google search using "network marketing <your passion>" and see what companies appear.

The next task is go to the Better Business Bureau to see how ethical they are.   Do not do a google search about the company, since you may come across disgruntled people that had a bad experience probably since they didn't work the business and thought the business did not work.

After that, search the company on You Tube to get a feel what the company is all about.

At this point, find a contact and then set up a meeting to learn more about the network marketing business with a network marketing professional.   The approach to the business is key to success.

You will find the investment is minimal for the potential that you can achieve with a little hard work.   At the same time, you will be learning on how to run a business, how to interact with people and make a sale and be making money doing it.

A positive mindset and thick skin is important.   You will run into the negative people that have all the answers and call your business a scam.    If the business was scam, it would not in business, right?   Gee, how about companies like Wells Fargo, any insurance company, any company that pushes products that people don't need while executives get all the bonuses?   Now that is a SCAM!

The fear of someone else being successful is one of the reasons why network marketing gets such a bad rap?  Your typical Corporate Joe with his 2% raise is the one telling you your business is a scam.  Obviously, the ones that succeed are the ones that blocks out the negative and focuses on the positive and surrounds themselves with the right people.

So what is your next step?
Evaluate your dreams, your goals, and your future.   Determine your why?  And then how you get there, do your homework,  then get started.   Life is too short to wait!

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Living Your Life To The Fullest - Inspiration

AIMC Entrepreneur Tip - #Inspiration - Living Your Life To The Fullest - I recently attended the MA World Conference 2022 in Fort Lauderdale, FL and the theme of the event was "Living Your Life To The Fullest". You know there may be no tomorrow. You have to enjoy today and do the things you want to do, work your passion, help others and be successful. Life is too short to work at a crappy job, watch the negative news and hang out with the wrong people. Start today and be successful! Check out this amazing book called the Last Laugh by Dennis Franks and Vince Papale - https://bit.ly/3IyiIZO. Dennis lived his life to the fullest and demonstrated how helping others is the path to a great life. You want to explore some options to change your life and start today. This is our business - https://bit.ly/3IzwYkZ - w/ MA. It is the complete package!

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...