Tuesday, May 31, 2022

It is #nationalsunscreenday - Let's Spring Into Summer With Healthy Skin -

National Sunscreen Day on May 27 is an unofficial holiday that promotes the use of sunscreen and encourages people to learn more about its benefits. 

Your Skin is the largest organ in your body and it is important to take care of it/protect it from damaging rays of sun. Sunscreen is a de-aging product and helps you look and feel young. 

Check out our video below found on the DeSocial Connector You Tube Channel

Check out our tips from AIMC Beauty's own DeSocial Inspirer. Check out our Skin Care Page here - https://bit.ly/3z5mMPl
Check out Cellular Laboratories De-Aging SPF50+ - https://bit.ly/3GAurH6

Networking & Social Media is About Relationship Building, Not a Transaction

The most important words in networking whether it is online on your favorite social media platform (think LinkedIn) or offline at a professional networking event, is to focus on the professional relationship with people you meet.

Yes, we all have goals to be successful, but to be successful, people need to know, like and trust you to do business with you. Check out our video on our AIMC Business Solutions You Tube Channel for some great tips on how to be known, liked and trusted.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

It's Getting Hot So What Foods Do Eat and What Foods to Avoid

AIMC Health Tip - #Diet - It's Getting Hot So What Foods Do Eat and What Foods to Avoid - It is getting hot this summer and it is more important than ever to by hydrated so your body doesn't "overheat"

So, what are the best foods to eat in hot weather: Tomatoes. Tomatoes are high in the antioxidant lycopene, known as a potent cancer preventer. Leafy Greens. Dark leafy greens are composed of 80 – 95 percent water, which makes them very easy to digest. Melon. Spicy Peppers. Broccoli. Soup. Berries. Cucumbers.

What foods should you avoid in hot weather? You should also avoid foods that are highly processed and high in sugar, including candy bars, doughnuts, muffins, breads, pasta, and grains. A lot of water is needed by the body to metabolize these foods. So, stay hydrated, healthy and cool this summer and remember to wear your sunscreen! - Cellular Laboratories SPF50 -
Video by AIMC Health Solutions - http://www.aimchealthsolutions.com

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Why is Email Still King and Some Other Tech Marketing Tips

We would like to share a great article by Aaron Marks from Gartner on Why Email Marketing is Still King.  Enjoy!

1. Email is still king

Every year, you hear plenty of people predicting the death of email. Well, email marketing
 continues to shine — in fact, it was the single best performing channel in 2021. If you've scaled back on email, or it just hasn't been a priority for your business, now's the time to start investing.
2. But, you need to think beyond email blasts and newsletters
Gartner notes that respondents mentioned challenges "in aligning their email strategy with the right messaging." This is why you need to create more sophisticated nurture campaigns (also known as "drip emails
") that are closely aligned to the problems and challenges your customers experience — and how you uniquely solve them.
Most of the time, small businesses only do basic email marketing, like sending a monthly newsletter plus an occasional list-wide "blast" when they have something big they want to say. Buyers today expect more, and if you don't provide that, one of your competitors will happily do so and take the business from you.

3. It's time to diversify your marketing mix
Your current marketing plan
 may focus on a small handful of areas. Many small businesses I work with are doing a few foundational tactics, like trade shows, emails and social media; maybe they also have a blog where they occasionally publish an article. It's great to start somewhere, but the most successful companies are diversifying where they're spending their time and money.
So, how do you decide what to try next? A good guideline is to start by looking at what you're already doing that's working best. Then, think about what marketing tactics you can use that would supplement them. For example, if you do a lot of trade shows, you could start doing more content marketing — so you can offer your eBook or whitepaper to people you meet at the show. If social media is working really well, try another angle you're not already doing, like creating video content
 or posting polls to get even more engagement.

4. You probably don't understand your customers well enough
Of the dozens of small businesses I've worked with, I can count on one hand those who put in the effort to deeply understand their customers. Without a deep customer understanding
, you are going to spin your sales and marketing wheels without getting results. Every customer has different needs and desires, and you can't just guess them. Take the time to step back and deliberately understand customers by creating buyer personas
. What you learn from this process will dramatically increase the results you get from your marketing efforts.

5. Activating your entire funnel is more important than ever
When I start working with a new business, the most common thing I see is that their existing marketing efforts only focus on one part of the sales funnel
. They might be publishing on their blog and social media, which enables the top of the funnel, but they're neglecting to create case studies and demos that can improve the bottom of the funnel. Or they might be really good at creating sales collateral and data sheets, but they're struggling to create helpful, educational content.
When you're only doing one part of the funnel well, it's going to severely limit the results you see from your sales and marketing. If you've prioritized the bottom of the funnel while neglecting the top, you don't have a lot of prospects with whom you can share your great brochures and data sheets. And conversely, if you're really doing great with the top of the funnel but the bottom is somewhat forgotten, you're going to attract a good amount of leads, but very few of them are going to turn into customers.
Using their buyer personas
, business leaders must begin to better understand their entire funnel that their prospects need to go through to buy from them. Creating a content map is a great way to do this: You identify content at the top, middle and bottom of the funnel that you should have to enable your buyers. And then you can evaluate what assets you have and what still needs to be created. Put simply: An incomplete funnel will only drive incomplete results.

Next steps - go to http://www.allmymarketing.info to get your digital marketing in order.

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...