Saturday, October 22, 2022

#Fitness - Selecting The Best Place To Workout -

Working Out on a regular basis is essential for a healthy lifestyle alongside a healthy diet and taking effective supplements. There are different types of fitness activities from strength training, to cardio to group training like CrossFit or Boot Camps. But what is the best place for you to workout. It depends on your goals and what environment you are comfortable in.

- Picking A Fitness Facility
There are different levels of fitness facilities from that "country club" version with all the bells and whistles and then the full-service gym to those "hotel gyms". It depends what you are looking to do. Those "high-end" gyms are great for networking and being able to do different workouts from sports to swimming to free weights. A full-service gym is better if you focus on strength training w/ cardio and a class here and there. A "hotel" gym is best when you just want to stay in shape but have less variety in options.

If time is an essence or maybe you are that introvert, a home workout would do. A combination of using resistant bands and your own body weight can be a very effective workout routine.
- Working Out in a Group Setting
You heard of Boot Camps, Cross Fit etc. They are great since you are working out with people with the same goals as you. Unlike working out alone at the gym, you are able to try different routines and are able to influence the people around you. It is also always good to hit your body with different exercises you don't normally do at a regular gym.

Finally as always I recommend talking to a fitness expert to help determine what is best for you. Always understand your goals and stay consistent, and you will notice amazing results.

As always, we are here to help. Check out our AIMC Health Solutions Fitness Page here -

Check out our You Tube video - AIMC Health Tip - #Fitness - Selecting The Best Place To Workout -

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Professional Networking Is About Mutual Conversation, It Is Not About The Transaction

You hear this a lot, even from me! “You should be networking more.” 

If the thought of networking makes your eyes roll, your heart race, or your stomach churn, maybe a change of perspective can help. Think about it, would you be willing to take the chance and step outside your comfort zone if you thought you could build a mutually beneficial relationship and help the other person just as much as he/she could help you? 

 Many of us are so caught up in our own circumstances and desires that we fail to stop and consider how we might be able to add value, contribute, or help the other person also. 

 So here are four quick tips to make the most of Professional Networking: 

 - Strong relationships take time. Let go of the expectation that one conversation or one meeting is all you need. Relationships evolve over time and require tending. Invest appropriate time and energy with your connections to cultivate trust, reliability, and mutual respect. 

 - Successful relationships involve give and take. Networking relationships are no different. While you may have time-sensitive needs, remember that the other person likely has some needs too. Don’t get too caught up in your own agenda that you forget to ask thoughtful, open-ended questions of your new connection to learn about his/her journey and current challenges. 

 - Healthy relationships grow and evolve. In our personal lives, we don’t expect brand new acquaintances to do big favors for us or fulfill significant requests. The same goes for new professional contacts. 

 - Good relationships require patience. The old saying “timing is everything” is also true when networking. Be mindful that people have a variety of demands on their time and are often juggling multiple priorities. Nobody ever said networking was easy, but it most definitely can be worth it when you focus on the relational aspects of meeting new people and expanding your network. 

 Check out and join Mass Professional Networking: 

Check out our video on YouTube - AIMC Marketing Tip - Professional Networking Is About Mutual Conversation Not Transactional -

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Longer The Shelf Life, The Shorter Your Life

A recent study concluded that cutting down on the amounts of ultra-processed foods could help us live longer. They defined ultra-processed foods as ready-to-eat and microwaveable foods such as these popular choices.
- Breads - Breakfast cereals, - Instant noodles - Chicken or fish nuggets, - Chocolate bars and candies, - Artificially sweetened beverages

Researchers found the more ultra-processed foods eaten, the higher the risk of a heart attack or stroke. The people who ate the most processed foods were 23 percent more likely to have cardiovascular issues than the ones who ate less processed foods.

Where to Begin? Drinking less sugared drinks and more waters or teas may be a great place to start moving away from unprocessed choices. Follow that with all of the fresh fruit that you enjoy. Berries, apricots, apples, pineapple, bananas, cherries, and grapes are just a few of the choices to include in every meal. Add them to breakfast, include them with lunch sandwiches and salads, and make room for them at dinner in fruit salads, side dishes or tarts. Then start expanding the number and variety of vegetables that you eat. Try new ones, find more recipes for your favorites, and make sure they are there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A veggie omelet, multi-vegetable lunch salad and dinner featuring veggie lasagna, black bean tacos or white bean chili might be good starting menus.

Wherever you are with processed foods, consider making more room for fresh whole foods to enjoy better health. Check out our video - AIMC Health Tip - #Diet - The Longer The Shelf Life, The Shorter Your Life - for some other tips to live a healthy longer life and don't forget to take the Health Survey at
. Also check out the Recipes page for some great meal ideas.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Why Being a Sponsor at A Networking Event is Good for Businesses

Creating an image of success and authority for your business is a smart way to win more customers. People are comfortable doing business with companies they trust to meet their expectations. If your business looks profitable, customers believe you can deliver what they need.

Now, imagine how your reputation soars when you work alongside other successful brands. Through event sponsorship, you can leverage this power of collective credibility. Sponsorship is increasingly popular among businesses that want to grow fast and reach quality audiences.

What are some reasons it is worth being a sponsor at a Professional Networking Event? - Brand Visibility - Target Marketing - Consumer Perception - Lead Generation - Community Goodwill - Audience Insights - Business Relationships - Great Return on Investment

We like to introduce our Sponsorship Programs w/ AIMC Business Solutions & Mass Professional Networking -
Check out our Mass Professionals Events Listing on the AIMC Business Solutions Facebook Page or on Eventbrite for a discounted rate for vendor tables/sponsorship here -
#sponsorships #events #networking #business

Check out our You Tube Video - AIMC Marketing Tip - Why Being a Sponsor at A Networking Event is Good for Businesses.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Why Weight Loss Diets Are Not The Answer and Healthy Lifestyle Is For a Healthy Life

Whenever someone wants to get healthy, the first thing they do and say is "I am going on a diet". 

So what really is the definition of a diet?
Diet is defined as a person's regularly consumed food and drink or it can mean regulating food intake to lose or gain weight. An example of diet is the eating of only vegetables. An example of diet is the cutting back to precisely 1800 calories per day.

A weight loss diet in particular is not the healthy route. By why?
Biologically, dieting can lead to unhealthy changes in body composition, hormonal changes, reduced bone density, menstrual disturbances, and lower resting energy expenditure.

So what is the answer? It is a TLS Healthy Lifestyle!
TLS (Transitions Lifestyle System®) Weight Loss Solution is a customizable, science-based program designed to fit you and your unique lifestyle. We believe that weight loss is personal, which is why we offer multiple personalized programs to help you reach your goals. Check it out on

In our video, we presented the TLS Health Guide & Journal. You get it free by simply taking our TLS Health Profile here -

If you need help on what the most effective supplements are for you, take our free Nutriphysical here -
Nutri-Physical combines your lifestyle, health goals and even your sleep habits to give you a comprehensive and thoughtful look into your personal health obstacles and successes.

Check out our new video - 
AIMC Health Tip - Why Weight Loss Diets Are Not The Answer and Healthy Lifestyle Is For a Healthy Life 

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...