Monday, November 7, 2022

Hello Linkedin Connection! I Think We Lost The True Meaning of Networking. It Takes Seven!

Earlier today, I wished a connection a Happy Birthday message today on Linkedin and in return I got a long irrelevant sales pitch.

By 4pm today, I have received 12 new LinkedIn Connection requests and 10 of them where from someone offshore that does lead generation. Lead generation? Really, how? By spamming as many people as possible? The Ignore key was pretty busy.

Then I heard from an old friend that I haven't talked to in over five years, and his first question was if I have any computer equipment to dispose of. Really? Um, I am a recruiter, why would I have computer equipment to dispose of? Want an old laptop running Windows XP?

I get it that we all need to eat and have to be aggressive to a point to make any deals, but I think some people are out of control and need to go back to basics. LinkedIn or any other marketing channel/social media site was not built to be a free for all in mass marketing.

But all is not lost, and there is a way to adjust your approach.

Have you heard for the Seven Touches Rule?

It is a basic marketing principle that it takes seven “touches” before someone will internalize and/or act upon your call to action. These touches can take many forms: A physical connection, such as meeting at a networking event. Seeing an ad, either physical or digital.   So essentially, it takes up to seven interactions but someone will listen to you.

So there it is in a nutshell.  When you connect to someone, get to know them.  Understand their pain and then at some point, offer a solution.   Dumping a sales pitch at the first or second touch NEVER works.  Whoever taught you that sales technique needs to retire now.  

The path to the transaction is for your connection to know you, like you and trust you.  Once they trust you, then they will listen to what you have to say.

So when you reach out to someone, ask how they are doing, wish them a Happy Birthday or a congratulations for their accomplishment.  Have a conversation and talk about their projects while never revealing what you do or what you offer.  Wait and have another conversation and eventually you will have your "in".  Don't blow it.

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