Monday, December 19, 2022

Live Life Vibrantly - A Health/Wellness Presentation by AIMC Health Solutions

Vitamins and minerals are essential to helping your body develop and function as it should. While most people get all of what's recommended by eating healthy, others need a little extra nutrient boost. That's where supplements come in — providing you with the support your body needs to stay healthy.

Check out our presentation - Live Life Vibrantly - and learn more about Isotonix Supplements. Isotonix products offer the fastest and most efficient delivery system of all nutraceutical supplements. Formulated using only the most advanced and scientifically proven ingredients, Isotonix products provide both rapid delivery and superior results.

We went over the following products: - Isotonix Daily Essentials - Isotonix Multi-Vitamin - Isotonix OPC-3 - Isotonix Activated B Complex - Isotonix Vitamin D - K2 - Isotonix Anti-Aging - Heart Health/Omega III - Ultimate Aloe

For more information on Isotonix, go to
For more information on TLS, go to
Take our TLS Health Profile and Get a Free Journal Take our Nutriphysical here -
It is Up To You to Live Life Vibrantly!

Enjoy our video - Live Life Vibrantly - on our DeSocial Connector YouTube Channel

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

100 Reminders About What's Most Important in Life

Here are 100 Reminders About What's Most Important in Life by Robin Sharma


1.    Great to be successful. Even better to be kind.

2.    Being productive is an excellent vehicle for happiness.

3.    It doesn’t really matter what others think of you–only what you think of you.

4.    Do your work like it’s the most important work in the world. Because it is.

5.    A superb reputation takes years to build–and minutes to lose.

6.    There’s no point in being rich but sick.

7.    Adore your parents. You’ll miss them when they’re gone.

8.    If you’re not making things better you’re making things worse.

9.    Being optimistic and enthusiastic never goes out of style.

10. Be on time if you can’t be there early.

11. Remember that the only real failure is quitting too early.

12. Smile more often. Your face will thank you.

13. If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business.

14. Leadership’s not about a title but about a way of doing things.

15. Eat less food, get more done.

16. All elite achievers are obsessed with being the best.

17. Your daily behavior reveals your deepest beliefs.

18. Sweat the small stuff. Mastery is the result of 1000 tiny victories.

19. Your fears are liars. Your doubts are traitors.

20. Without a daily plan you’re lost in the woods.

21. The world belongs to unreasonable people.

22. Love your family like there’s no tomorrow because one day there won’t be.

23. When you show up as your real self, you inspire people to do the same.

24. The fastest way to get respect is to give respect.

25. The marketplace always rewards originality. Don’t be a mindless clone.

26. Until your vision becomes your obsession, nothing ever changes.

27. Enthusiasm is contagious.

28. All great projects require sacrifice, some suffering and a lot of discomfort. But they’re worth it.

29. Better to have 3 awesome friends than 10,000 digital ones.

30. Spend more time in nature.

31. Spend more time in silence.

32. Don’t let a stained past spoil your spotless future.

33. To double your income, triple your investment in personal development.

34. Elite achievers honor the value of every passing moment.

35. Too much entertainment is a symptom of a person without a clear vision and a burning ambition.

36. Less ego, more service.

37. Remember that listening to someone deeply and sincerely is a giant act of power.

38. An addiction to distraction is the death of creative production.

39. A problem only becomes a problem when you start to view it as a problem.

40. Don’t just parent your children–develop them.

41. Success is less about luck and more about practice.

42. What you give away comes back to you in a river.

43. Money is the inevitable consequence of value delivered to other human beings.

44. To have what few have, do what few do.

45. Think for yourself.

46. To have an amazing company, hire only amazing people.

47. Being happy makes you more productive, creative and exceptional.

48. Don’t be selfish. Too many people think that’s cool. It’s not.

49. Remember that your environment shapes your thinking, which drives your performance.

50. Loyalty in one relationship breeds loyalty in every relationship (including the relationship you have with yourself).

51. Read Walter Isaacson’s biography on Steve Jobs. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read (and contains hundreds of lessons on entrepreneurship, innovation, inspiration and life).

52. Read my blog post “Don't Stop Believing” when you feel like giving up.

53. Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. And walk through it.

54. Know that every massive achievement began with a humble beginning.

55. Aim for the company of icons. Playing small with your talent is disrespectful to your potential.

56. Show love to your customers by giving them 10X what they expect. These are the people who feed you and your family.

57. Be a person with a fiercely strong character. And stand for the highest of honor.

58. Stop beating yourself up for not being perfect. No one is.

59. One of the biggest reasons people don’t reach world-class is that they’re too good at giving up.

60. Everyone you’ll meet today has a story to share, a lesson to teach and a gift to reveal.

61. No idea works until you start doing the work.

62. As I wrote in The Leader Who Had No Title: You can make excuses. Or you can be phenomenal. But you can’t do both.

63. Your life shows us what you’ve settled for.

64. No master was brilliant at many things. Focus. Focus. Focus.

65. Jealously is the price ambition pays for success.

66. If you’re not careful, making money can become really costly.

67. Family first.

68. Your work is your craft. Your life is your art.

69. When you let go of your dreams, you die while still alive.

70. Don’t be a critic. If you have nothing encouraging to say, stay silent.

71. Potential unexpressed turns to pain.

72. Measure your success via your impact, not your income.

73. Life’s best pleasures are life’s simplest ones.

74. Growth happens when you push past your comfort zone.

75. If you don’t believe you can achieve something then you won’t do the work to achieve it and so you won’t get it and then you’ll say “see, I couldn’t achieve it.” Belief is that powerful.

76. Gratitude is the antidote to fear.

77. Action is the solution to procrastination.

78. Dream big. Start small. Act now.

79. As you become more successful, become more humble.

80. Say please and thank you and sorry when you should.

81. Don’t wait for lucky breaks. Go make your lucky breaks.

82. I learned from Warren Buffett that extreme achievers focus on the value you’ll receive versus the cost of the product.

83. As I teach at The 48 Hour Transformation every June: “Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.”

84. Watch the documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”. It will inspire you to be the Picasso of your industry.

85. Persistence is more valuable than intelligence.

86. No one will believe in you until you first believe in you.

87. As someone said to me at one of my presentations a few years ago: “Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.”

88. Build your entire life around just 5 priorities (your “Big 5″). Any more and you’re diluting your focus, time and talent (and sabotaging your success).

89. Cut yourself some slack. No one’s productive all the time. Farmers plant seeds and then let the field sit fallow for a season. That’s when the real growth happens.

90. Be honest. People will trust what you say, sell and do.

91. Hard work is a force multiplier.

92. Be kinder than necessary.

93. Fears you run toward run away.

94. Look for the best in people and they’ll reach higher to deliver their best to you.

95. Less talk. More do.

96. You become your conversations. Choose your associations extremely well.

97. If you take yourself too seriously, no one will take you seriously.

98. Just because you couldn’t do it yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t do it today.

99. In the end, we never regret doing what was difficult.

100. Life is short. Help more people.

Four Fundamental Strategies for Search Engine Optimization by AIMC Business Solutions

For any business to get noticed on the Web, it's vital that Decision Makers understand how to promote their digital presence on search engines. That's easy for larger companies with budgets for ongoing SEO services, but what about the small business owner?


If you are wondering how you can use our solution to gain visibility through SEO, check out these tips from Anita Campbell at the Small Business Trends blog! Campbell's compiled a list of expert-recommended SEO tactics for small businesses written by fellow bloggers. We've plucked a few of the ones that are most relevant to your Web solution!

  1. Place trust and credibility above everything else. Matt McGee from the Small Business Search Marketing blog wrote that "Trust is the #1 SEO ranking factor." To that end, he advises readers to earn trust from site visitors by "providing great content," assuring them that "search engines will follow suit." "Establish yourself as an expert - create excellent content that people will want to link to and share." Tell Decision Makers that this should be their highest priority! If they use our Web solution to build credibility, everything else will fall into place naturally! This ties together nicely with another of Campbell's tips...

  2. Use your content to target humans, not search engines. Marty Lamers at the blog Articulayers suggested that readers write site content with humans in mind rather than attracting the attention of search engine crawlers. "Create stronger content versus increasing the density of targeted keywords," he wrote. This will make the content more valuable to a wider audience.
  3. Keep it local! Since most consumers are using search engines to find local businesses, Decision Makers should include as much local-oriented content as possible, according to Vedran Tomic of SEO Rabbit. "To attract visitors from your local area, include words on your website that your customers use to describe your business (not necessarily the words you use). If you serve a specific geographic area, describe that in detail on your website."

  4. Integrate Social Media This suggestion was provided to Campbell by Tamar Weinberg at Techipedia. According to Weinberg, the popularity and trust that consumers instill in social media sites like Twitter and Facebook mean that "search engines may rank these pages higher than other destinations on the 'net." The secret? It's a no-brainer, and it's so easy with your Web solution! "Create profiles on social media sites (e.g., Twitter) and add content to such sites regularly. Fresh content means search engines will visit often!"
Need help with any Digital Marketing Services including SEO, contact AIMC Business Solutions at

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Five Tasks Every Small Business Owner Needs to Do Before the End of the Year

Five Tasks Every Small Business Owner Needs to Do Before the End of the Year. 

 - Send a Holiday Wish to Clients and/or Potential Clients and Set Up Some Time to Meet Them. 
- Adjust Your Products/Services to Meet The Need of Your Clients. 
- Set Your Business Goals & Marketing Strategy 
- Review Your Business Processes and Adjust Where Needed 
- Set Your Playbook for The New Year Including a Way to Measure and Adjust. 

 Bonus: Look to Automate Your Business Processes As Much As Possible via a CRM and/or Business Dashboard. 

 As mentioned, the key for small businesses is to automate as much as possible so they can concentrate on their core skills. 

Here is a great review of Thryv, a CRM and Business Operations Dashboard -

 If you like to get a business assessment of your business, contact us. If you like a demo, please complete the form -

Check out our video on the AIMC Business Solutions YouTube Channel - 
Five Tasks Every Small Business Owner Needs to Do Before the End of the Year.  

Saturday, December 3, 2022

#Mindset - I Should I Could I Don't... Heck Just Do It and Get Healthy!

Procrastination and sometimes, plain laziness is one of the biggest reasons, some people end up having a lot of health issues. They know they need to lose weight, go to the gym or skip that sugarfest called a latte. But they do it anyway. They think they don't have the time or money to be healthy. But little do they know, it won't matter if their time on earth is cut short.

There needs to be an urgency to live a healthy lifestyle. We all know we should, and we have the ability to do so, but taking that step is the hardest part since it is entrenched in our brain that we don't have time or money. We seem to have the time for a Netflix movie versus going to the gym or to zip through that McDonald's drive thru instead of going to pick up fresh food at the market or get the whipped cream latter for $5 versus spending less than $2 a day on their Isotonix Daily Essential vitamin.

When are you going to take action and be healthy? Time is ticking and tocking away and before you know it, it may be too late to watch that Netflix with a latte in your hand.
So Just Do It Here -
- Take a Health Profile and read some of our resources and most of all contact us to "Just Do It". No Excuses!

Check out our video on the DeSocial Connector You Tube Channel - 
AIMC Health Tip - #Mindset - I Should I Could I Don't... Heck Just Do It -

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...