Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Four Fundamental Strategies for Search Engine Optimization by AIMC Business Solutions

For any business to get noticed on the Web, it's vital that Decision Makers understand how to promote their digital presence on search engines. That's easy for larger companies with budgets for ongoing SEO services, but what about the small business owner?


If you are wondering how you can use our solution to gain visibility through SEO, check out these tips from Anita Campbell at the Small Business Trends blog! Campbell's compiled a list of expert-recommended SEO tactics for small businesses written by fellow bloggers. We've plucked a few of the ones that are most relevant to your Web solution!

  1. Place trust and credibility above everything else. Matt McGee from the Small Business Search Marketing blog wrote that "Trust is the #1 SEO ranking factor." To that end, he advises readers to earn trust from site visitors by "providing great content," assuring them that "search engines will follow suit." "Establish yourself as an expert - create excellent content that people will want to link to and share." Tell Decision Makers that this should be their highest priority! If they use our Web solution to build credibility, everything else will fall into place naturally! This ties together nicely with another of Campbell's tips...

  2. Use your content to target humans, not search engines. Marty Lamers at the blog Articulayers suggested that readers write site content with humans in mind rather than attracting the attention of search engine crawlers. "Create stronger content versus increasing the density of targeted keywords," he wrote. This will make the content more valuable to a wider audience.
  3. Keep it local! Since most consumers are using search engines to find local businesses, Decision Makers should include as much local-oriented content as possible, according to Vedran Tomic of SEO Rabbit. "To attract visitors from your local area, include words on your website that your customers use to describe your business (not necessarily the words you use). If you serve a specific geographic area, describe that in detail on your website."

  4. Integrate Social Media This suggestion was provided to Campbell by Tamar Weinberg at Techipedia. According to Weinberg, the popularity and trust that consumers instill in social media sites like Twitter and Facebook mean that "search engines may rank these pages higher than other destinations on the 'net." The secret? It's a no-brainer, and it's so easy with your Web solution! "Create profiles on social media sites (e.g., Twitter) and add content to such sites regularly. Fresh content means search engines will visit often!"
Need help with any Digital Marketing Services including SEO, contact AIMC Business Solutions at http://www.aimcbizsolutions.com.

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