Monday, January 22, 2024

Why Linkedin Is King When It Comes to Prospecting & Building Relationships


Just think, it's 1995, you have a business and you had to generate leads and increase sales or else your business fails. So, what do you do?

You get on the phone and dial for dollars hoping at least one person will not hang up on you.

Or you spend thousands of dollars for an advertisement in the local paper or a 30-second commercial on the local radio or TV Station.

Nothing like working harder for little gain.

It's 2024, cold-calling is about as advanced as a Blackberry.

Advertising?  Now it is Facebook Advertising or Google Advertising.   A much more advanced and engaged way to advertise your products & services. The issue, social media advertising costs money, sometimes lots of money.

Enter Linkedin - the king of social media when it comes to prospecting leads and increase sales.

Here are a few ideas for you to use Linkedin to prospect leads more effectively, without costing a dime, except your time. The focus on using the tools Linkedin provides you to increase social media engagement between you and potential leads.

·   Linkedin is a huge, never-ending networking event so you would like to have a great 30-second commercial and include it in the Summary Statement in your profile. If something like this isn't in your Linkedin Profile, you're at a competitive disadvantage.

· If you invest a minute or so each working day clicking the "Connect" button on the "People You May Know" list that Linkedin posts in your feed, you will broaden your network.

· Ask for introductions to people you don't not know via a 1st Level Connection, before requesting to connect to them. Don't be one of those "LIONs"  Linkedin Open Networker!

· Build you Leads List spending five minutes a day investigating the connections of your contacts to see who you don't know personally, but like to meet.

· Follow and monitor your connection's Company Page.   It is great conversation starter with your connections to discuss what is happening with their companies.

· Post an update each day that is educational and adds value to your connections.  DO NOT SELL when you post updates.

· Spend five minutes a day joining relevant groups.  Groups are a great way to add value to others, share insights, and build out your network with prospects.

· Recognize the accomplishments of others by posting a message to them and tagging their name.

·  Spend five minutes a day to write a recommendation for a connection or client.   Don't wait for someone to write a recommendation for you.  Take the initiative!

If you have any questions, follow our company page for AIMC Business Solutions and let's build our leads list together!

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