Friday, December 23, 2016

2016 - What A Year and What About 2017?

It is absolutely insane that another year has gone by and what a year it was!

We lost some amazing musical talent from David Bowie to Prince to Leonard Cohen to more recently George Michael.

We had the most controversial US Presidential Election in recent memory which unfortunately has divided our country more than ever.

On a personal level, it was a sad year where I lost my dear mother-in-law and sister-in-law within four months.    We are doing better but it is always tough to lose close family members.  You never know when you are going to lose someone close so it is always important to be nice and respect your family and friends.

The old saying is to always focus on the positive, even when you are faced with adversity and 2016 was no stranger to adversity.

On a positive note, 2016 was a great year from me professionally.  I continued to enjoy working as an IT Director at a leading behavior health company in Boston.  My business ventures continue to grow and I am learning a lot more about business and marketing.   My networking group, Mass Professional Networking, had a great year with increased attendance and awareness by leading publications such as the Boston Globe and others.   AIMC Business Solutions has expanded its offerings to companies including the debut of SHOP Local.

Looking ahead to 2017, I am looking forward to taking my businesses to the next level, in particular my amazing business with Market America.   I feel it is getting to crunch time to find the right people to partner with and build an amazing organization.   I am also looking to take AIMC Business Solutions and AIMC Health Solutions to the next level and expand the knowledge of our amazing and effective products and services.   Finally, Mass Professional Networking and the new DeSocial Connector will be in place to help me connect my business colleagues to what they need.     All of this on top of my day job as an IT Director in Boston.

Ok, that is it from a business perspective.   Breath.

So what about the year ahead?

More importantly, I would like to focus more this coming year on building relationships and helping others.   Years and years of networking and "moonlighting as an entrepreneur" has solidified what I have known all along.  It is about the relationships, following up and making sure you are there for others.   2017 will be all about being there for others, being a positive influence and being determined to succeed.    I have the framework in place,   It is a matter of just doing it.

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