Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Health & Wellness New Years Resolution For You - Fitness - Supplements - Diet - Mindset

By now you should have a great idea what you are focusing on with the new year upon us.   Chances are, you would like to improve your health especially after eating all of those sweets during the holiday season.

When creating that old health & wellness new year resolution, it is not just eating healthy or going to the gym.   A well-rounded health & wellness objective plan is key to great health.

A great New Years Resolution should consist of the following objectives:
- A Fitness & Exercise Goal & Action Plan
- A Diet, and if needed a Weight Management Goal & Action Plan
- A Supplementation Plan
- Positive Mindset

So let's break down each objective:

- Fitness:     If you have never exercised, the first thing is to run it by your physician that you would like to start an exercise program and if approved, get an expert to help you,  The worst thing you want is to get hurt or complicate your health if you are on medications for other conditions.    Start with walking and light exercise to get your muscles used to movement and then progressively work toward more intense exercise.   If you are trying to lose weight, more reps and less weight.  If you are trying to gain weight, more weight and less reps.  Take short breaks between sets (under 30 seconds).  If you take too long of a break, it reduces the effect of the exercise program.   Finally, work out in the morning.  It helps reduce stress and increased mindset to get through the day.

- Diet:   The old saying that you need to eat less to lose weight is actually a myth.  Skipping meals is the worst thing you can do for better health.   The key is to eat small meals with a combo of dark vegetables and lean protein.   It is ok to have a healthy snack such as an apple in between meals.   If you have a hard time losing weight, you may need to go on weight loss program but it is always good to try out simply eating good foods low on sugar and less dairy and monitor your weight.  Here is a great guideline for some good Power Foods to add to your grocery list.

- Supplementation:   Back in the day, if you ate healthy natural foods, the thinking was that you really don't need vitamin supplements.   Unfortunately, the food today is more processed and unnatural than ever.   Even the soil used to grow food at your local farm is not as natural due to the chemicals used.   Since food today simply doesn't contain the vitamins you need, a supplement is a must for great health.  Selecting a supplement that is effective takes some research.     Supplements are absorbed in your small intestine and the nutrients are distributed into your blood stream.  So when selecting a supplement, liquid is best since a pill or tablet will need to break down in your stomach and are full of unnatural fillers.  The delivery system is important since you would want a vitamin supplement that is bio-degradable and enters your blood stream as soon as possible.   Think about this, you take your vitamins in the morning, you would want to get that boost of nutrients right away and not wait for a pill to break down in your stomach.   Finally, take your vitamins EVERY DAY so your body consistently gets the nutrients it needs to strengthen your immune system and maintain great health.   It does not make sense to skip days.

- Positive Mindset:  The most important objective of all.   Consistency, Determination and Perseverance are words to live by when it comes to your health.   Keep a journal to track your exercise program, diet plan and supplementation plan.    By dedicating the beginning of each day toward your health, you will reward yourself with getting through the toughest days with ease.    Personally after taking my vitamins and going to gym, I noticed I look at the day ahead with excitement and positive energy.  You can too if you have the determination to be healthy.   So set your goal to think positively every day!

That is it.  Yes, it is hard work to stay healthy, but it is worth it!   Please let me know how you are doing and if you need any help setting up a plan for your health!

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