Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Top Ten Reasons Going to Business Networking Events Beats Staying Home and Watching the News

If you still watch the nightly news or in the case of Channel 7 here in Boston, the half-hour news on the hour every hour, you tend to get overly depressed at all the negative news, whether it is the latest episode of Donald Trump or the latest house fire in some suburb of Boston.  Face it today's news is not news-worthy, it is more like a horror show on a HD TV in your living room.

So what if you like to get out of that living room and go to a business networking event at your local restaurant, pub, workplace or mall?    Going to a Business Networking Event gets you out there into the world of positive energy and you will feel a difference in yourself and your purpose in life!

So what are the Top Ten Reasons Going to a Business Networking Event is Better Than Watching The News on TV.

10,   Your Heart Rate will be more relaxed due to that nice glass of Merlot you are drinking, while mingling with some successful professionals.  It beats staying home drinking scotch watching the news.  You know what they say about those anti-oxidants found in wine!

9.  If you are single, you may meet your future partner at a business networking event!   The great thing is that most people at events are successful or have a hunger for being successful.   The only thing you will be hungry for watching TV is a gallon of ice cream and some potato chips.   How is that pot belly doing?

8. You may meet your future boss or business partner in a new venture!   For example, you are out there meeting people and then suddenly you meet someone that is looking for someone with the same exact expertise and soft-skills as you have!  So what do you do?  You connect and follow-up!     When was the last time you got a job while watching the news on TV?

7. Since most events are held at local restaurants or pubs, you get to check them out and perhaps take your loved one out to the place for a future date.  You will be cool and become the expert of your city's hot spots!!   You think watching TV is cool?  Sure if you will be an expert of those fast food restaurant commercials, that just make you fatter just watching them!

6. There are no awful commercials or ads of furniture stores or Dunkin Donuts at a business networking event.   Instead you may meet some amazing entrepreneurs trying to develop the next great product or service!  No need for commercials, this is the real deal.

5. You can become more popular than your mayor if you go to a lot of business networking events!   Just think, you are walking down the street of your city, and you keep bumping into people you know.  Finally, your colleague goes "Gee" what you are you the mayor?    Not sure if anyone has been elected mayor watching the news at home!!

4.  You only live one life.   Why waste it watching horrible negative news, when you can make a difference and meet people that will make your life more fulfilling!   Everyone at networking events are looking to help you!

3.  You can become a millionaire going to a business networking event since you become more positive, innovative and more the right connections with successful people.   You cannot become a millionaire watching the news on TV.

2. You get so depressed watching the news that you start yelling your TV and cursing the newscasters.   At at networking event, you feel so positive and happy, you start singing Pharrell's classic song "Happy" to anyone that listens.

1.  Finally, you want a change, it is up to you.   You can live a life in front of your TV or you can get out there and make a difference.  A business networking event is a great place to start!

1 comment:

  1. Participate in St. Petersburg’s business networking events for generating qualified business referrals and getting business networking opportunities to grow your business through building relationships with other professionals.


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