Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Introducing The All-In-One Digital Marketing Platform - allmymarketing.info w/ AIMC Business Solutions

AIMC Business Solutions is always looking for ways to connect professionals to the best products, services and people to help grow their business and their brand.   What we have noticed is that some entrepreneurs and even startup companies like to completely manage their marketing tools to be able to adapt and change to dynamic business conditions.

We have had our flagship partnership with  MA Webcenters, providing a responsive website platform as well as some amazing digital marketing programs for our clients.   Since our mission is to be a one stop shop for all digital marketing, we will continue this partnership.

However, we noticed as we have met entrepreneurs and startup companies, they were always looking to have complete control over their sales and marketing, as well all the digital tools from email campaigns to webinar tools they need to run their business. 

That said, we here at AIMC Business Solutions were pretty psyched to be introduced to the Builderall All-in-One Digital Marketing Platform.  Not only was it a great platform for entrepreneurs and small businesses, but it is also a great complement platform for social media agencies to provide a full suite of digital marketing services for their clients.

To summarize the most powerful and complete Digital Marketing Platform ever created.   Here is a quick summary of just some of the tools:

​​We don't just do lightning-fast websites. We provide every tool you will ever need to explode your business online!
  • The Fastest and Most Complete Website Builder.
  • The Most Advanced Sales Funnel Builder in the World.
  • Unlimited Email Marketing (yes, we said unlimited email marketing)
  • Professional Webinar Builder.
  • E-learning System to create Course and Membership areas.
  • Securely Host unlimited Videos and Audios
  • Advanced Native Calendar Booking System
  • CRM and Automation System
  • Chatbot and SiteBot
  • Magazine builder
  • Hundreds of VĂ­deo tutorials and a huge knowledge base
  • Online chat and Ticket Support
  • Plus 35 other Marketing Tools and Thousands of Features!

AIMC Business Solutions is proud to announce a new website for our BuilderAll Affiliation - http://www.allmymarketing.info.   Go to this link and check out all of the features and take a 7-day test drive and try out some tools including our webinar platform, website builder, sales funnel builder and more.  We know you will like this platform!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

DeSocial Connector on the Bob Cargill Marketing Show

I have been on many podcasts and interviews over the course of my career but it was an honor to be interviewed by Bob Cargill, the President of the American Marketing Association in Boston, who runs his own podcast, the Bob Cargill Marketing Show.

We conducted the podcast at the very site of my first ever business networking event at the Alumni Center on the campus of Northeastern University in Boston back in 2007. Since then I have started a company, AIMC Business Solutions, a business networking group, Mass Professional Networking and even had my own podcast, DeSocial Strategies, where i had guests from all types of businesses chatting about social media strategies.

Fast forward to 2019, I am back in the podcast world and had fun chatting with Bob on his show.

Bob and I discussed the state of digital marketing, health/wellness (one of my other ventures), music and more!

Here is the link to the podcast on the Bob Cargill's Marketing Show -

Monday, September 16, 2019

4 Ways to Shake Up Your Fall Fitness

When it comes to getting serious about fitness + healthy goals, most people think of January 1st as the only window you have to hit “reset” on your habits + routine, but why wait? The truth is, Fall is a great time to recommit to fitness goals or finally break that plateau with a set of exciting new exercises. As the weather changes, let the cool, crisp air breathe some new life into your usual routine with these 4 ways to shake up your Fall fitness!

Autumn is the transition from the busyness of summer to a more focused “back-to-school” vibe that you can still harness to refocus your energy and get back to you. This is a unique opportunity to set a routine that’ll carry you through the indulgent holidays and into the new year ahead of the curve! Since late fall gives us plenty of tempting reasons to stay inside—shorter, darker days and treats galore—getting your momentum before the holidays are in full swing is crucial! If you’re ready to tackle fall fitness like a pro, we’re here to help.

1. Take Advantage of the Outdoors

Without the heat and humidity that made summer workouts hard to stick to, outdoor workouts become much more comfortable as Fall rolls in. Especially after a hectic summer + back-to-school season, many of us are ready to get back to some sort of routine and Fall weather brings us some of the some of the best opportunities to take that long, awful treadmill session outside in the beautiful scenery!
Bonus: did you know that taking your Fall fitness outdoors actually has a number of benefits over sticking to your gym schedule? Whether you’re hitting the long trail or choosing to make exercise productive by taking on yard work, there are numerous benefits including:
  • Logging a harder workout: According to the American Council on Exercise, when you’re active outdoors your body is encountering a constantly changing environment. Keeping up requires your body to adapt need to all of the small changes in your surroundings like slight inclines, wind, or obstacles which means you work harder than if you were running on a treadmill!
  • No Membership Fees: With the holiday season right around the corner, wouldn’t it be great if Fall fitness didn’t add to the financial stress? With outdoor workouts, all you need is you!
  • Cleaner Air: While gyms (at least the good ones!) have decent ventilation systems that keep the air moving, those indoor systems still can’t provide the same clean air as the great outdoors! According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor spaces can be more polluted than outside. This is especially true in larger cities, which only adds to the list of pros.

2. Change When You #FindYourFit

Summer heat and early sunlight pushed many of us to earlier morning workouts, but this is more difficult when it comes to Fall fitness. Since the sun gets to wait until closer to 8 a.m. to wake up, it might be a good time for you to do the same! Working out at different times, whether it be over your lunch break or after work, will help to not only give you a much-needed break from super early mornings but can also help in getting your body out of its normal routine. Just make sure you’ve got your Isotonix ®Turn Down to help you slip into a restful sleep afterward! Switching it up has been shown to help break the mental and physical plateaus that hold us back, and seeing those results can be a great motivator.

3. Hop on the Treadmill (or Off of It!)

If you’re a cardio junkie (guilty!) then it’s time to take a brief hiatus from the treadmill, stair climber, or elliptical that’s been holding you hostage. Incorporating resistance or strength training will do wonders for shaking up your Fall fitness. Plus, the burn you get from strength training lasts much longer than the one from your LSS cardio session and you’ll see improvements in your overall body composition. Hello, little black holiday dress!
Don’t think that just because you hate cardio to begin with that you’re off the hook!  Shaking up Fall fitness means this also applies to people whos idea of cardio is running from the treadmill.  Taking a step back from the barbell to work in one or two days of cardio might be just what you need to trick your adapted body + brain into stepping it up!

4. Get Creative with Circuits

Between HIIT, tabatas, and circuit training, there are endless ways to turn your slow + methodical routine into a fast-paced + exciting heart-pounder!  Mixing different speeds + lengths of cardio with isolated and compound strength training transforms a long workout session from a simple walk into a full-body workout. Not sure where to start? Try some of the ideas below:
Outdoor Trail Circuit:
  • Warm Up: Walk 10 minutes
  • Easy Jog: 2-3 minutes
  • Run: 2-3 minutes
  • Sprint: 30-45 seconds
  • Recover: Walk or jog until your breathing returns to normal.
  • Strength Move: 60-90 seconds, complete as many of one of the following:
    • Push-ups
    • Triceps dips
    • One-legged squats
    • Split Squats
    • Burpees
    • Plank Hip Dips
    • Jump Squats
    • Side-to-Side Skater
This makes up one cycle! Do 4 to 6 cycles total. Be sure you’re mixing up the strength moves throughout your workout to make the most of your time!
Indoor Bodyweight Circuit: 
  • Warm Up: Jump-rope 10 minutes
  • Tuck Jumps: 12-15 reps
  • Push-Ups: 12-15 reps
  • Jumping Jacks: 45 seconds
  • Rest: 30 seconds
  • Air Squat: 12-15 reps
  • Mountain Climbers: 12-15 reps
  • High Knees: 45 seconds
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Tricep Dips: 12-5 reps
  • Glute Bridges: 12-15 reps
  • Burpees: 45 seconds
  • Rest: 30 seconds
Repeat this 3-4 times with 1 minute of rest in-between + you’ll feel the burn!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How to Network at Business Conferences - Some Tips to Get Your Company Started

We are about to embark on the peak conference season here in Boston with Inbound 2019, MarTech AI World, and various technology conferences invading our amazing city this fall.    Between all of the conferences and with the thousands of college students coming into town, Boston will be bustling!

So far, when we have provided business networking tips in our recent blogs, we have focused mostly on the attendees at networking events such as our own Mass Professional Networking events.  The way attendees go about networking at events versus companies networking at large conferences are similar but there are some differences.  The reason is at some conferences, your company may be netowrking a future client or business partner, but instead be networking with your competition.    From a 1-on-1 networking perspective, always remember that even if the person you are talking to may be your competitor, it is all about their connections, or in other words, the 2nd level connection.  Be open to discussion, be honest and up front, since you never know what the future may bring.

What I like to do now, is provide some tips for companies & sales personnel in particular on how to network at larger conferences.   The key is to engage in deep, meaningful discussions with executives from target accounts that lead to bonafide sales opportunities.

1)  Leverage Introductions from the Conference Hosts

Conference organizers maintain lists of attendees and speakers, however not all conference organizers share this information.   A way around this is to get on a sponsor list since the conference marketing personnel can introduce sponsors with attendees and you will have an easier time build your warm market and building your prospect's trust.

2)  Come Prepared - Bring the Right Stuff

Large conference offer companies in particular sponsors an opportunity to demonstrate their wares and how they can help attendees when intermingling at the networking event within the conference.   If you have access to any of your company's white papers, case studies or blogs, be ready to share with people you meet.    Don't wait to send that follow-up email.  Learn how to share information right from your device to someone on the spot.  It can open up discussion immediately.

3) Use All Networking Opportunities at the Conference

Do not retreat back to the hotel or some coffee shop to check emails during breaks or at the end of the conference day.   Depending on how the conference is organized, there are typically multiple opportunities for meeting and speaking with potential clients.  Some example of events are pre-event breakfasts, conference breaks, after conference mixers.  Some quick advice at the after conference mixer, go easy on the wine and beer, since you are setting an example of your company.

4) Utilize the Event's Mobile Application to Connect with Attendees

Most event organizers provide mobile apps for all sponsors and attendees to use to track the agenda, rate sessions, follow registered attendees on Linkedin and to see who is actively checked into the event.  This provides companies, in particularly sponsors another avenue to connect with and promote their brand to attendees and potential target accounts.

5)  Get Involved and Engage on the Keynote and Panel Topics

One of the best ways to break the ice with conference attendees and target accounts is by talking about aspects of keynote addresses or panel discussions given during the event.  It is a terrific way to make instant connections with attendees.   If you have a blog about the event or a particular session, promote it to the people you met at the event and offer your insight.  It builds trust with your new connection.

Finally, a bonus tip.  Smile and be friendly and put your phone down and be social.  That email can wait.   Networking is the #1 most effective sales tool today, so when you are at a conference, be visible, be helpful and most of all, have fun.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

We didn't have "That Green Thing" Back in the Day, or Did We?

Checking out at the store, the young cashier suggested to the much older lady that she should bring her own grocery bags, because plastic bags are not good for the environment.
The woman apologized to the young girl and explained, "We didn't have this 'green thing' back in my earlier days."

The young clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations."

The older lady said that she was right -- our generation didn't have the "green thing" in its day. The older lady went on to explain:
Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the "green thing" back in our day.

Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags that we reused for numerous things. Most memorable besides household garbage bags was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our school books. This was to ensure that public property (the books provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our scribblings. Then we were able to personalize our books on the brown paper bags. But, too bad we didn't do the "green thing" back then.
We walked up stairs because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks.

But she was right. We didn't have the "green thing" in our day.

Back then we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the throw away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts. Wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing.

But that young lady is right; we didn't have the "green thing" back in our day.
Back then we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.

But she's right; we didn't have the "green thing" back then.

We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blade in a r azor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull.

But we didn't have the "green thing" back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service in the family's $45,000 SUV or van, which cost what a whole house did before the"green thing." We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint.

But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the "green thing" back then?

Please forward this on to another selfish old person who needs a lesson in conservation from a smart ass young person.

We don't like being old in the first place, so it doesn't take much to piss us off... Especially from a tattooed, multiple pierced smartass who can't make change without the cash register telling them how much.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Leadership. What happened to Leadership in the Corporate World?

There is a lot of talk today about the inequality between the rich and the poor especially in some of the large cities such as Boston, Miami or San Francisco.  The same concept can apply at the typical corporate company.  Corporate executives seem out of touch with their employees.  They are great at reading reports and look at their employees as numbers or even operational expenses versus investments in the future of their company. 

The "workabees", you know the ones that do the day-to-day work, trudge through their day with no inspiration to work hard.  Typically, they would have to look outside of their jobs for inspiration whether it is reading a great book from Tony Robbins or attending an event with entrepreneurs or even through their church.

The problem today is that most executives are simply not exciting.  They wear a suit, drive a BMW, and have no idea what their teams do.   This is a fact.  It hurts and it is blunt, but it is true.  What do you think the problem is?  Do you think they are too busy thinking about EBITDA and not about inspiring their team to be ambitious, think outside of the box and participate in helping their company succeed?   If you said yes, you are right.

There are leaders that set great examples, are extroverts, and are regularly seen "in the trenches" with their team.   The leaders that led those companies experience much higher retention and success in their field.  These leaders write books, network at events and are interested in people, not balance sheets.  They walk the floor and are able to have conversations with anyone on their team and know a thing or two about them outside of work.   This type of relationship goes a long way since the employee feels valued and will do anything for their leader.    Unfortunately,  real leaders are few and far between.

So what do you think the problem is?   Are leaders trained to be authoritative? or to be mentors?  Are they trained to be anything at all?  The missing link is that most executives are simply lacking the communication skills to be able to motivate and adapt to the teams that they run.  These same executives are also run companies that are hurting, going out of business or are getting bought.  There is always constant change, and not for the better.    Talk about no motivation.

As someone that is looking to always be inspired, I suggest using tools like LinkedIn or Glassdoor to see what people are saying about the leadership at their company.  If they feel inspired and valued, then you know it may have something to do with the leadership at that company.   Always remember, a company's success always starts at the top.  Don't waste your time at any company run by out of touch executives.   Make the most of your career with real leaders guided your way to success.

Friday, June 21, 2019

15 Business Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs and Your Career

15 Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs and Your Career

I was not a born business networking professional. But in 2007, after working at Staples in IT for 8 years, I started thinking about my next move. After meeting entrepreneurs at Northeastern University Alumni Networking events, I became interesting in networking and helping others and then became inspired to start my own business.

What I learned is that all entrepreneurs have to network to build their client base.   There is only so much you can do online, so it is time to go offline and get out there.

Here are tips to help you get the most from business networking events.

1 Think of networking as a means of making friends. Your mission is to forge human connections. Some of my best friends today are people I’ve met through networking.

2 Be there to help others. Think about what you can offer in the way of solutions to someone else’s problem. In my health and wellness business, I wait for someone to say, “I feel tired all the time” or “I wish I could lose 10 pounds” before describing my business.

3 Have a plan before you arrive. Note who’s registered online to attend, and read a little about them to grease the conversation. Look for interests you can talk about—sports, current events, their college, where they were born. Steer clear of politics and money. Stay positive. Don’t bring up the latest airline crash or global warming doom and gloom.

4 Craft a 30-second elevator pitch, but never offer it unless you’re asked about what you do. I like to sayI do a lot of things. I’m an IT director. I’m also an entrepreneur who oversees social media anddigital marketing for small businesses. I’m a health and wellness coach, too. I do three jobs. I don’t get much sleep!’”

5. Focus on others. I don’t care if you have a winning lottery ticket in your hand, people will shut down if you make you the focus of conversation. Hand out your business card only if people ask for it or express interest in talking further.

6 If you’re apprehensive about networking, bring someone with you who knows the ropes. Pay attention to how they speak to and interact with people to learn what works. They can introduce you and break the ice. Later, invite their candid feedback to help you up your game.

7 If you’re looking for a job, don’t ask about current openings. Instead, learn about a company by asking questions like, “What kinds of new projects is your company working on right now? Tell me about your organization. What are the major issues or pain points in your industry?” You can then say, “Oh yes, we’ve had that same challenge. Here’s what we did.” In that way, you can promote your experience and expertise.

8 After 5 or 10 minutes, move on. You’re there to meet new people, so save an in-depth conversation later.

9 Follow up—the most important part of networking. After an event, connect with that person on social media. I invite people to “LinkedIN,” especially if they’re an Northeastern grad. Then I’ll propose a face-to-face meeting in a neutral place, such as a coffee shop.

10 Strive to build trust. Networking is like dating, only for business. People won’t do business with you unless they trust you, so listen carefully about what they do and need. As they say in sales, it takes 7 touches before you have a transaction, so take pains to lay the grounds for a relationship.

11 Network when you don’t need to network. Make networking a habit—a routine part of your life. Networking is a numbers game. Finding new clients is largely a function of how many people you know.  Don’t wait until you’re desperate for new clients or a job.

12 On LinkedIn, don’t underestimate the importance of your second-level connections. No matter how many first-level connections you may have, you’ll have many more second-level ties.

13 Be choosy about who you LinkedIn with. Your connections should mean something. Beware of “LIONs,” short for LinkedIn Open Networkers. Numbers are all they care about.

14 If you’re tongue-tied, consider joining Toastmasters. I used to be an “ummm” person. I knew that to be able to do my sales pitch, I had to practice. After giving speeches and presentations at Toastmasters, a support group where you learn public speaking, you can wing a conversation about practically anything.

15 Enjoy your widening circle of contacts. Networking opened my mind to opportunities I’d never thought of before. It can do the same for you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

AIMC Business Entrepreneur – Opportunity – Unfranchise Owner

We are looking to partner with successful professionals that can help evaluate our Unfranchise Business and be able to provide a referral of a qualified business professional to partner with our team in our growing organization of entrepreneurs based in Boston, Massachusetts.
Our candidate profile/qualifications:
- Based the United States.
- Previous sales experience (direct sales experience a plus)
- Are teachers, trainers or coaches or simply inspire to help others succeed.
- Owns or have owned a business in the past and understands business operations
- Entrepreneurial and has a great business mind and is open to opportunity.
- Positive mindset and likes being around positive successful people.
- Relationship builder and a connector/social butterfly/ knows a lot of professional people. Understands social media and how to connect with the right people.
- Are financially stable or are looking to become financially stable.
- Can commit to a part-time business alongside their day commitments.
- Can commit at least 8 hours per week toward building their own business alongside their other commitments (day job/ family etc.). The commitment would include trainings, including some out-of-state.

About our Company:
- 28 year old company based in North Carolina with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and the only Two time Torch Award winner w/ BBB ever for ethics, integrity and performance.

- Internet Marketing and Product Brokerage Business w/ opportunities in the following divisions – Cosmetics/Skin CareHealth/Wellness Digital Marketing/Business Services Financial Services
- Creator of the Shopping Annuity which is a revolutionary concept that helps smart shoppers convert their spending into earning through SHOP.COM.
- Ideal opportunity for Fitness Trainers/ Health Professionals/ Spa-Salons/ Stay-at-home Parents, Teachers or any other professional with fluctuating income over the course of the year.
Next steps:
- If you know of a qualified candidate or are qualified yourself, contact Jeff at jeff@aimcbizsolutions.com to set up a call to learn more and discuss collaboration opportunities and join the AIMC Business Entrepreneur Facebook Page. We look forward to meeting you.

Monday, April 29, 2019

How To Score a Rocking Linkedin Profile - Cheat Sheet


How To Score A Rocking LinkedIn Profile – Cheat Sheet
By Jeffrey DeSocio – AIMC Business Solutions/Mass Professional Networking

u  So What If You Had No LinkedIn Profile at all?  The World Before LinkedIn.

u Why Should You Care About Your LinkedIn Profile?
u  Clients & Co-Workers Are Checking You Out
u  Potential Employers & Employees Are Checking You Out
u  Potential Job Leads
u  Build Relationships

u Some LinkedIn Statistics
u  Over 500 Million People Use LinkedIn
u  40% of LinkedIn Users Login Every Day
u  41% of millionaires use LinkedIn
u  122 Million People got an interview from their Linked Profile
u  91% of Marketing Executives List LinkedIn as the top place to find quality content
u  80% of leads come from LinkedIn versus 13% from Twitter and 7% from Facebook

u Eight Tips for Scoring a Rocking LinkedIn Profile
u  A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words Be Professional & Smile
u  Your Headline is Your Future Your Expertise
u  Your Summary is Your Story to Tell Results You Deliver Call to Action
u  Experience is Not Your Resume Focus on What Impact You Have Had
u  Get Specific and Use Facts Set Yourself Apart from Others
u  Highlight Your Leadership State Accomplishments
u  Flaunt Yourself Show Certifications Publish Content Share Interests
u  Grow Your Network Join Groups Connect Follow Companies

Need more guidance to kick-start your LinkedIn Profile?  Ask us about the “Networking & Personal Branding Toolkit” by contacting us via email at jeff@aimcbizsolutions.com.   Also join Mass Professional Networking on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...