Friday, July 30, 2021

Why Your Professional Network Can Be Your Center of Influence

How do you build the center of influence?
  • Be Generous in Your Approach.
  • Respect and Reciprocate From the Start.
  • Take Control By Giving It Away.
  • Find Out Where the Person Is From.
  • Find Out What the Person Does.
  • Find Out How the Person Blows Off Steam.
  • Figure Out the Person's Underlying Motivation

The more you network professionally, the greater your center of influence is, so we encourage you to attend events, spend some time engaging on social media and help others the best you can.

Check out our video for some more detail on tips listed above.

Please share this video and follow our AIMC Business Solutions Facebook Page - Check out our Events Page for future events on Facebook - Do you need help with business networking or for us to do a complementary 15 minute review of your LinkedIn profile, set up some time with us -

Friday, July 16, 2021

AIMC Marketing Tip - How To Manage Your Content Management Strategy To Have a Successful Business

How To Manage Your Content Management Strategy To Have a Successful Business

Check out Samantha and Jeff in the YouTube video below, as they go through the lifecycle of promoting great educational content. First, get those business goals down and a plan in place. Next build a marketing strategy and include your content strategy. Finally, determine how you are going to promote your content and your company. Here is a great blog on copywriting and writing great content to grow your brand - If you need help with your content management, contact us at -

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

You Need FAT Loss, Not Necessary Weight Loss - My Three Tips To Get You Started

Going to the gym personally for the past 30 years and being the health/wellness business for the past 10 years, I’ve seen it all in terms of diet fads, workout fads and any other fitness fad you can imagine. This includes pretty much every weight loss hack known to man. This can make losing fat for the long term quite challenging for many, so I would like to help and provide my personal top 3 fat loss tips from my lengthy time in the industry.

1. Strength Training

Out of all the fads, trends and hacks that’s changed over the decades, the number one thing that has never changed is the Human Physiology, if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.  I have always taught my clients two rules. Rule Number 1: Muscle Dictates Metabolism. Increasing lean muscle mass results in higher energy production & output thus increases caloric burn throughout the day. The more lean muscle developed, the more fat percentage will be lost. Strength training is an exercise where the muscle contracts against a resistance for an extended period of time. The most common being weight training. If you don’t have access to weights or a gym you can easily get started by using your own body weight, or get yourself a pair of resistance bands.   Heck I have even used my wife to do squats once in the while!

2. Increase Your Cardio

Now if all you’re doing is cardio, you don’t need to necessarily increase it. Doing cardio alone or too much cardio can actually slow down your fat loss efforts. Muscle is metabolically active which means they require calories just to be able to maintain their size, shape, density, and ability to grow. By doing too much cardio you start dipping into your muscle’s supply, decreasing your muscle mass over time & slowing down your fat loss efforts. Instead, incorporate a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) routine into your exercise program. HIIT incorporates quick bursts of energy with small breaks in between so your heart rate remains at an elevated level. The great thing about HIIT is that you can incorporate resistance training and cardio at the same time. This can dramatically increase your fat loss efforts in a shorter period of time.

 3. Adopt a Healthy Dietary Lifestyle

I’ve seen both men and women working out in the gym five days per week and their body composition never changed. Have you ever seen this? Or perhaps, could this be you? Rule Number 2: Abs Are Made In The Kitchen. Exercise and healthy eating habits go hand in hand, it’s a package deal, especially if you want to increase your fat loss efforts. I don’t believe in diets as it is known today. I believe in lifestyle and the healthiest lifestyle I’ve come across in all my decades in the fitness industry is one which I have been living on long before I knew it was a thing. It’s Low Glycemic Impact Eating. The glycemic index measures foods from 0 to 100 based on how fast it raises your blood sugar level. Things like cutting down on refined carbs, filling up with more fiber, eating more healthy fats, drinking healthier beverages, eating more vegetables & eating lean meats are just a few things that makes up a Low GI Lifestyle.


In addition to the above tips, a bonus tip or two is to get your sleep, at least 6-8 hours a night and get rid of the stress and or the factors that gravitate you toward a bad lifestyle.

There are plenty of options available including our amazing effective TLS Weight Loss Program to help you lose fat and improve your health, but take it from a professional gym rat, following my three fat loss tips will not only support your goals but will also put you on the road to an overall healthier lifestyle!  You have to start somewhere and you have to start NOW!

Take our TLS Weight Loss Profile at 
and Get a FREE 12 Week TLS Guide and Journal

We like to thank our sources including Baylor University and the TLS Program.

Your Website is Your Customers Impression of Your Business - Are We Impressed?

 Every business, big or small, needs a strong foundation to support their digital efforts. What do we mean by that? We’re talking about your website (kind of our specialty, if you didn’t know :).   Your customer's first impression of your business is your website.  That is the first place they go to do business with you.  It is like the front door of your house.   How impressed are you by a house with not so great front door?  You would probably go somewhere else.

As we have all seen over the last year, a website is crucial to doing business now. Something common we are noticing among new clients is that their business no longer gets the same amount of word-of-mouth referrals or new customers. More and more clients have taken the leap into digital marketing to reach potential customers. And with web traffic up 20% in 2020 vs 2019 now is a good time to focus on your marketing.   Learn more about what we do here.

If you don’t have a website then your marketing efforts may give you subpar results. Why is this? 

If you aren’t working with a digital marketing team and just set up some ads on Facebook, you may set it up then think all your work is done. But keep in mind that most consumers want to do their research before making a decision- so they are going to want to know more about you and why they should choose you over another business. 

The lack of a website is one of the main reasons a digital marketing strategy would fail. If you don’t have a website or want to redo your website, let's chat and do a digital assessment together.   You can book time with us in our calendar here or connect to

Friday, July 9, 2021

Business Networking - How to be A Good Conversationalist

 One of the most awkward and challenging aspects of professional networking is when you at an event whether it is in person or online and you meet someone and the dreaded "What Do You Do?" or there is an awkward silence.   You may bring up the weather or sports, but overall you may be thinking, when is this going to be over.  Even worse, you network with someone that is practicing their overdrawn out elevator pitch.

But have no fear, there are amazing and engaging ways to be a good conversationalist and "break the ice".  It is actually not a bad idea to share your ability as a great conversationalist which would create a more inviting environment and even build trust between you and the person you met at an event.

In past blogs I have shared some "break the ice" questions to ask each other at an event or in a 1-on-1 networking meeting, but would I like to do here is focus on being a good conversationalist and provide ten tips to share your abilities as a good conversationalist.

1. Good conversationalists know how to give and receive compliments gracefully.

2. Good conversationalists can talk about many different subjects and are able to maneuver through conversations pertaining to things they know little about without difficulty.

3. Good conversationalists can quickly discern potential topics of interest to any given group and steer the conversation in that direction.

4. They don't gossip or repeat gossip.

5. They never correct another person's vocabulary or grammar.

6. They know when to discuss business and when not to.

7. They involve everyone in the group in conversation, not just one person.

8. Good conversationalists know how to step in to fill in an embarrassing void in conversation.

9. Good conversationalists have a good sense of humor and are able to relate stories well.

10. Good conversationalists can sense when they are boring people.

So there you go.  Be a leader at an event by being a good conversationalist and be known as that avid connector.   It not only creates a comfortable atmosphere, it is simply great business etiquette.

We will see you at the next event and look forward to great conversation!

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...