Thursday, August 18, 2022

Do You Have The Resiliency of An Athlete Or Musician?

If you are an entrepreneur or in sales, you can relate. You have great days closing deals and you have bad days losing a deal. Case in point, I had a bad day, but it made me think of what professional athletics and/or any entertainment professional. They have been cut from the team or booed off the stage. Quite simply, they have a had a bad day.

But they learned how to be resilient and learn from what went wrong and take action from what they learned. The key is to be resilient and focus on the positive outcome and not dwell on what went wrong.

Today is a new day and it is time to be resilient and focus on those positive outcomes!

Check out our new video on the DeSocial Connector You Tube Channel - 
AIMC Entrepreneur Tip - Do You Have The Resiliency of An Athlete Or Musician?

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