Monday, August 15, 2022

The Social Media Cold Call, Does It Really Work?

The Cold Call... We all get them. If you are in sales, you have to do them... a lot. It is an old-dated sales technique that is clearly a time waster. Enter social media, in particular, the professional networking platform, LinkedIn. Now you have the cold LinkedIn Message. If you are recipient, it can be annoying and a waste of messaging space in your LinkedIn Account.

So does the Social Media Cold Call work? It depends. It depends on your approach. If you approach your connection with the intention to build a professional relationship and not as a transaction, you would have better luck. It is in the bank!

Check out our latest video on the AIMC Business Solutions You Tube Channel on how you can use the Social Media Cold Call to your advantage. Let us know in the comments, your thoughts on Cold Calling in General and your experience getting "called" while simply checking your Newsfeed.

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