Saturday, August 6, 2022

#Mindset - What is G.R.I.T? And How Do You Get It?

Hitting goals may not always go as planned, but as long as you try, you are half-way there.
Keep these thoughts in mind – you may need to:
G- Grow
R- Rebound
I - Improve
T- Try Again

Growing is deciding you have goals and work to achieve them. Rebound is what you do after a setback (we all have them). Improve is adjusting your goals and build an action plan. Try Again is taking action and continuous improvement.

You get G.R.I.T. by seeing the end state and no matter what bumps along the road you have, you will learn and get there.

So do you have G.R.I.T.?

Check out AIMC Health Solutions at, take our health survey, get inspired and take action to better health. Health is Wealth and it is all you got!

In the meantime, check out our latest video on G.R.I.T. on the DeSocial Connector You Tube Channel: 

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