Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Three Marketing Trends You Need to Know in 2023

As a business owner, company or solo entrepreneur it is time to focus on how to attract the right consumer of your products/services. We would like to share the top three trends in marketing going into 2023.

- Customer Experience
Every year is the year of the customer. We’re seeing a massive shift in beliefs about what marketing actually is. It’s no longer about trying to convince people to buy from or work with your company. Instead, the priority has moved towards providing fantastic customer experiences that will keep people coming back for more. When you focus on building a positive business culture and providing great service, the marketing almost takes care of itself.

- Employee Engagement If efficient and friendly service is the cornerstone of great customer experience, how do you ensure you’re providing this? The answer, of course, is in your employees. The previously mentioned research also found that 46% of consumers will abandon a brand if its employees are not knowledgeable, and bad employee attitude is the number one factor that stops individuals from doing business with a company.

- Content Visualization Research has shown that people prefer visual content to plain text. You just have to look at the growth of image-focused platforms Pinterest and Instagram to see the proof of this. Visuals are also easier to remember than written content. Adding data visualizations, infographics, images, and videos to your text not only makes it more interesting and attractive, but it can help your message to be absorbed better too.

So get that business plan in shape and focus your marketing strategy on these trends. Always remember personalization is key to customer success.
If you need to refresh that website, get some digital marketing help, please contact AIMC Business Solutions and we can help you reduce operating expenses and increase revenue!

Check out our video on the AIMC Business Solutions YouTube Channel - 
AIMC Marketing Tip - Three Marketing Trends You Need to Know in 2023 - Customer Experience -

Thursday, November 17, 2022

How To Prepare for Small Business Saturday - November 26, 2022

For small businesses, a little visibility can go a long way. And there’s no better time for visibility than Small Business Saturday. Small Business Saturday is on November 26, 2022 this year.

So How Can You Promote Your Business on Small Business Saturday? - Register your business w/ Google My Business - Offer deals and discounts. Next, plan your deals. ... - Link up with other businesses. ... - Host an event at your location - Send email campaign this week to your customer database - Use social media to promote your business

Remember to use the standard hashtags w/ your posts - Adding relevant hashtags to your Tweets can help you reach more people and engage with new customers.
#SmallBusinessSaturday will be popular ahead of and during both the US and the UK event. In North America, the official hashtag is #ShopSmall, and many businesses will use #ShopSmallSaturday. Here is a great article about Small Business Saturday from the US Chamber of Commerce: https://www.uschamber.com/.../mar.../...
Here are some tools from AIMC Business Solutions: - Website/Social Media/Text Marketing - http://www.aimcbizsolutions.com
- All-In-One Marketing Platform w/ Builderall - http://www.allmymarketing.info
- Business Operations Dashboard w/ Thryv - http://thryv.grsm.io/aimcbizsolutions

Check out our video on the AIMC Business Solutions YouTube Channel 
AIMC Marketing Tip - How To Prepare for Small Business Saturday -

For Entrepreneurs - Opportunity to Become An Unfranchise Owner - 2023 - The Relaunch!!


We are in a different world today where no job is safe and we always have to think ahead and make sure we have the financial security throughout life.   The sad fact is the 97% of people continue to struggle and complain about their job and life.  Then there is the 3% that are always looking to excel and work toward their financial security.  They are the ambitious, the successful, and are who we like to partner with.  

If you are the 3%, please read on.

After taking a little pandemic break, we are back and ready to relaunch our Unfranchise Business as we head into the new year!

We are looking to partner with successful professionals that can help evaluate our Unfranchise Business and be able to provide a referral of a qualified business professional to partner with our team in our growing organization of entrepreneurs based in Massachusetts.
Here is a quick nine-minute overview of our business concept - https://bit.ly/3o8RKgQ.
Here is an Overview of the Unfranchise Business from me - https://bit.ly/3EfrHy5.
Here is a great video why starting your own network marketing business is important - https://bit.ly/3jXUprJ.
Our candidate profile/qualifications:
- Based the United States.
- Previous Sales or Service Experience (Direct Sales Experience a plus)
- Are Teachers, Trainers or Coaches or simply inspire to help others succeed.
- Owns or have owned a business in the past and understands business operations
- Entrepreneurial and has a great business mind and is open to opportunity.
- Positive mindset and likes being around positive successful people.
- Relationship builder and a connector/social butterfly/ knows a lot of professional people. Understands social media and how to connect with the right people.
- Are financially stable or are looking to become financially stable.
- Can commit to a part-time business alongside their day commitments.
- Can commit at least 8 hours per week toward building their own business alongside their other commitments (day job/ family etc.). The commitment would include trainings, including some out-of-state.
About our Company:
- 30+ year old company based in North Carolina with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and the only Two-time Torch Award winner w/ BBB ever for ethics, integrity and performance.

- Internet Marketing and Product Brokerage Business w/ opportunities in the following divisions. The links below direct you to the landing/e-commerce website for each division.
Just think you or someone you know can have their own e-commerce business!
To summarize our company and why this is an ideal opportunity.
- Creator of the Shopping Annuity which is a revolutionary concept that helps smart shoppers convert their spending into earning through SHOP.COM.
- Ideal opportunity for Fitness Trainers/ Health Professionals/ Spa-Salons/ Stay-at-home Parents, Teachers or any other professional with fluctuating income over the course of the year. Anyone can excel in our business, all it takes is dedication and drive!
Next steps:
- If you know of a qualified candidate or are qualified yourself, either contact Jeff at jeff@aimcbizsolutions.com or complete the contact form - https://bit.ly/33RzxvB - to set up a call to learn more and discuss collaboration opportunities and join the AIMC Business Entrepreneur Facebook Page. We look forward to meeting you.

Friday, November 11, 2022

What is the Outlook for Our Favorite Social Media Platforms Going Into 2023

We’re nearing the end of yet another year, and what a chaotic 12 months it’s been for the major social networks. Meta (Facebook/Instagram) continued its gradual decline, TikTok continues to rise, and Twitter is right now in the midst of a chaotic management shift, which could basically see anything happen at the app.

We are going to review our thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat and Tik Tok as we are going into 2023. - Facebook: Could be in for a comeback in 2023. - Twitter: Who knows but it may be the most interesting - Instagram: See Facebook but continues to eat away at Snapchat - LinkedIn: Finally discovers Video/Streaming - TikTok: Gets more serious in the business world. Banned? - Pinterest: Continues to be under the radar. Needs new tools - Snapchat: Still king with the kids

For more content, check out our AIMC Business Solutions Facebook Page. For Digital Marketing help, go to our website,
#socialmedia #predictions #2023

Check out our video - AIMC Marketing Tip - What is the Outlook for Our Favorite Social Media Platforms?

Foods You Thought Were Bad For You But Aren't

There is always a perception with certain foods that they are bad for you. 

In some cases, it is what you put on or mix the food with, is that is bad for you. Think about that healthy salad. The contents of the salad itself is good for you, but that fatty ranch dressing is not. Another example is black coffee. Coffee straight is really good for your metabolism. But what do you put in coffee? Can you say Cream and Sugar? Yikes. 

 Here are some foods you thought were bad for you but aren't: 
- Macadamia Nuts - A great source of trace minerals that are important for many functions including thyroid health and bone health including zinc, magnesium, calcium, chromium, and iron. 
- Egg Yolks - Contain nutrients like lutein that can help prevent macular degeneration, and also contains others like vitamins A, E, D and some brain-healthy fat too amongst other things. 
- White Potatoes - Contain about twice as much heart-healthy potassium, which helps to balance blood sugar and supple electrolytes to muscle, than sweet potatoes do, and they actually contain more fiber too. 
- Dark Chocolate - Contains heart-healthy flavonoids that may also help to prevent age-related memory loss. 
- Popcorn - Made from scratch! 

 There are also some honorable mention foods such as coconut oil and red meat that are good for you. 

 Check our Healthy Recipes page on our TLS site for AIMC Health Solutions here - https://bit.ly/3tmU8oD

Check out our new YouTube video - AIMC Health Tip - #Diet - Foods You Thought Were Bad For You But Aren't -

Monday, November 7, 2022

Hello Linkedin Connection! I Think We Lost The True Meaning of Networking. It Takes Seven!

Earlier today, I wished a connection a Happy Birthday message today on Linkedin and in return I got a long irrelevant sales pitch.

By 4pm today, I have received 12 new LinkedIn Connection requests and 10 of them where from someone offshore that does lead generation. Lead generation? Really, how? By spamming as many people as possible? The Ignore key was pretty busy.

Then I heard from an old friend that I haven't talked to in over five years, and his first question was if I have any computer equipment to dispose of. Really? Um, I am a recruiter, why would I have computer equipment to dispose of? Want an old laptop running Windows XP?

I get it that we all need to eat and have to be aggressive to a point to make any deals, but I think some people are out of control and need to go back to basics. LinkedIn or any other marketing channel/social media site was not built to be a free for all in mass marketing.

But all is not lost, and there is a way to adjust your approach.

Have you heard for the Seven Touches Rule?

It is a basic marketing principle that it takes seven “touches” before someone will internalize and/or act upon your call to action. These touches can take many forms: A physical connection, such as meeting at a networking event. Seeing an ad, either physical or digital.   So essentially, it takes up to seven interactions but someone will listen to you.

So there it is in a nutshell.  When you connect to someone, get to know them.  Understand their pain and then at some point, offer a solution.   Dumping a sales pitch at the first or second touch NEVER works.  Whoever taught you that sales technique needs to retire now.  

The path to the transaction is for your connection to know you, like you and trust you.  Once they trust you, then they will listen to what you have to say.

So when you reach out to someone, ask how they are doing, wish them a Happy Birthday or a congratulations for their accomplishment.  Have a conversation and talk about their projects while never revealing what you do or what you offer.  Wait and have another conversation and eventually you will have your "in".  Don't blow it.

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...