You head into the homestretch of your long day, and you have some time, so you pull out your smartphone to check your Facebook News Feed, Messenger, Twitter and Instagram.
As you scroll through your newsfeeds and messages, you notice a lot of boring monotonous posts about the same damn thing.

Political Post
Political Post
Post About How Great Life Is
Post About How Miserable Life Is
Political Post
Post About Great Ground Floor Opportunity That Will Make You Rich
Political Post
Makes you want to flush your smartphone down the toilet.
Bu then, you get all anxious that you might be missing the meaningless text or Facebook Post. Maybe, just maybe, someone would post something that set themselves apart from all the rest.
So How Do You Set Yourself Apart in the Social Media World and not cause a spike of smartphones in our sewer system? Here are 5 Quick Tips.
1) Identify and Post About Your Passion - Everyone has a passion whether it is the weather, music, sports, helping others or simply a great hobby. Post articles about your passion or a challenge you are having learning a new song on your guitar. Chances are you will get some engagement and people wanting to know more about your passion and why it interests you.
2) Friends First, Business Second - A lot of people use their Social Media Feed to promote their business not thinking there is a human side of social media. Join my team, buy my product or service, quit your job. You heard them all. Use Social Media to make friends and build rapport. Talk about hobbies (See #1) and then if your friend identifies a need, talk to them about it.
3) Be Yourself - Your Best Self on Social Media - Keep it positive on social media and don't gloat how great you are. If you are having a bad day, stay off your newsfeed. People can care less if your hair looks bad. People care even more less about the fifteenth selfie of yourself you posted today. Communicate with your connections and ask questions about their thoughts on a topic you were researching. It will bring you down to earth and you will be your best self.
4) Manage Your Time on Social Media - Social Media is meant to be social, not spend countless hours looking at posts about politics or some other controversial topic. Think about leveraging your time on the social platforms that will help you, not waste you. Subscribe to learning groups and nurture your brain versus stressing it out.
5) Don't Spam! But Do Create Curiosity - Network Marketers are notorious for this. They post about how they are this amazing entrepreneur and if you don't join their cult, I mean team, you are a corporate job loser. And they continue to post about their opportunity and/or product daily. This my friends is spam. The better way is to post something that build curiosity so they your connections ask for more. An example, is to post a picture of a clean car, or a vacation spot or of yourself with new makeup. Leave the post open ended, so it leads to engagement.
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