Tuesday, October 12, 2021

When At A Networking Event, Ditch The Sales Pitch.... NOW!

 Have you ever gone to a networking event and it feels like you wish you got those couple of hours back into your life.   You worked the room hoping to build professional relationships, but instead, you are pitched some great insurance, a vacuum cleaner or some brain vitamin that is going to save your life.  Not once were you able to even mention your name, never mind what you have to offer.  After all, it is about them not you.

Unfortunately, the sales pitch at networking events whether online on Zoom or in person has given professional networking a bad rap.   I know we are told that you need to network when you need a new job, a new client or to survive and not lose your house.  However, if you make it all about you and your product/service without having a professional conversation, you are going to lose the whole concept of networking and fast.

So what can you do?

First, lose the pitch and get to know me.

I don't care about your product or service, but I do like to know about what kind of music you like, who is your favorite sport team is or where you grew up.  We might have some common interests, you never know.  And if we do, then guess what, I may start to trust you.

Second, offer advice.

I have had some amazing conversations with professionals at my events.   What has worked and not worked in the world of marketing, how can I save on taxes or even how was that last shark tank episode.  Again, the conversation is light and engaging.

Third, don't introduce yourself with your elevator pitch

Professionals don't go to networking events to listen to a bunch of television commercials.  That is why Tivo was invented, to skip the commercials.   It make you think you wished you had a clicker in your hand at the event to fast forward through those sales pitches.   The general public does not care about that product or service, but they do care about what your favorite music is.

Finally, have fun networking.

Stop thinking you need to score some business and be positive, influencial and fun at an event.   People will remember you and want to get to know you if you stand out.  If they like you, they will look you up on LinkedIn and know what you do/sell etc.   Don't be the opposite and cause people to cring when you speak.

I like to leave you with some great resources, just click the link to go to each article for some additional tips on Business Networking:

Ok, now go build some quality relationships and LOSE THE ELEVATOR PITCH!!!

Bonus - Get To Know Me:  I like classic rock music, graduated Northeastern University and love the Boston Red Sox!

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