Saturday, January 25, 2025

How Is Your Supplement's Delivery System? Are You Getting Results?

Dietary supplements cover a diverse group of products that range from botanicals and proteins to antioxidants and vitamins. And while they vary greatly in form and function, there is one common bond that unites their place in human health – they require an often-unseen partner that comes in the form of a nutrient delivery system. In short, delivery systems are designed to allow each supplement’s active ingredients to be presented to the body in consumable form, making them easily released and absorbed by the body. NOW offers a number of unique delivery systems that include hard shell capsules, tablets, soft gels, liquid concentrates, liquid extracts, powders, and even effervescent powders. And although these systems deliver essentially the same nutrients, their function can differ greatly based on the manner in which each one shuttles nutrients to specific regions of the body. Liquid supplements are one of the most readily absorbed forms of vitamins and minerals available. They're also generally better tolerated. To that same point, liquid supplements are not known for their delicious flavors.
You probably heard of "Isotonic" delivery.

Everything you eat and drink, including nutritional supplements, must be made isotonic before passing into your small intestine where it can be absorbed. "Isotonic" means having the same fluid pressure as your other bodily fluids like blood and tears. When you eat food, drink a beverage, or take a pill or capsule, your stomach must first secrete diluting juices, enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and at least one vitamin-binding protein to continue the process of digestion. Muscular contractions of your stomach then mix the contents until a reasonably uniform solution is achieved. This process can take anywhere from 40 minutes to four hours. Isotonix products are scientifically formulated with the perfect balance of fructose, d-glucose, citric acid, potassium bicarbonate and other ingredients to ensure that they are isotonic the moment they enter your body. When properly mixed with water and taken on an empty stomach, the isotonic solution flows into your small intestine almost immediately.

So, in summary, Isotonix is the best delivery system to assure you are getting the most results from your supplements. For more information, check out -

Check out our video - AIMC Health Tip - How Is Your Supplement's Delivery System? Are you getting Results?

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