Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Your Website is Your Customers Impression of Your Business - Are We Impressed?

 Every business, big or small, needs a strong foundation to support their digital efforts. What do we mean by that? We’re talking about your website (kind of our specialty, if you didn’t know :).   Your customer's first impression of your business is your website.  That is the first place they go to do business with you.  It is like the front door of your house.   How impressed are you by a house with not so great front door?  You would probably go somewhere else.

As we have all seen over the last year, a website is crucial to doing business now. Something common we are noticing among new clients is that their business no longer gets the same amount of word-of-mouth referrals or new customers. More and more clients have taken the leap into digital marketing to reach potential customers. And with web traffic up 20% in 2020 vs 2019 now is a good time to focus on your marketing.   Learn more about what we do here.

If you don’t have a website then your marketing efforts may give you subpar results. Why is this? 

If you aren’t working with a digital marketing team and just set up some ads on Facebook, you may set it up then think all your work is done. But keep in mind that most consumers want to do their research before making a decision- so they are going to want to know more about you and why they should choose you over another business. 

The lack of a website is one of the main reasons a digital marketing strategy would fail. If you don’t have a website or want to redo your website, let's chat and do a digital assessment together.   You can book time with us in our calendar here or connect to

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What is Better SMS Based Marketing or Email Marketing?

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