Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Seven Dimensions of Wellness w. AIMC Health Solutions

When you think of health/wellness, normally it is all about exercising, eating the right foods and taking your vitamins. There is a lot more to your well being and a great way to have an all encompassing view of your health is to understand the Seven Dimensions of Wellness - Do you know what the seven dimensions of wellness are? Let's review them and provide an example of each.
- Physical - This is Fitness, Diet, Supplementation and Education - Emotional - This is All About Positive Mindset and a Positive Outlook on Life - Intellectual - This is about Constantly Learning - Social - It is all of having great relationships w/ family, friends and colleagues - Spiritual - This is meditation and religious studies - Environmental - This is your surrounding like the people you hang with and where you live - Occupational - This is your career

Check out our video below for more detail on each dimension. For more health/wellness information, check out our updated AIMC Health Solutions TLS Website at

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

How to Become a Better Listener - Some Tips

You have two ears and one mouth for a reason.  It is meant for you to focus on listening before speaking.

 Being a good listener can help you in every aspect of your life -- with friends and family to colleagues and clients at work. For a number of reasons, though, listening has become a lost art, and chances are, you’ve been on both sides of distracted listening…checking your phone or email…multitasking…thinking about the next thing on your to-do list…interrupting with your own thoughts or thinking about your response while someone else is talking…and the list goes on.

The reality is that being a good listener, although overlooked, is SO important to influencing and connecting with others, and it’s an absolute necessity to build in every area of your life. After all, you have two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason. 

Here are 17 steps to up your listening game, a key to unlocking both your personal potential and the potential of your relationships.

  • Don’t try to solve people’s problems right out of the gate.
  • Repeat what someone else is telling you to: 1. Make sure you’re understanding; and 2. Reassure the person that you’re listening.
  • Make eye contact.
  • Check your body language and match it with the emotion of the conversation and the other person talking.
  • Do NOT interrupt the other person when they’re talking -- don’t jump in to finish their thought.
  • Don’t use “nudging” words like “uh-huh”.
  • Don’t finish people’s sentences, don’t talk over them and don’t give them words.
  • Give acknowledging statements after someone is done talking.
  • Where appropriate, use physical touch to anchor in the emotion.
  • Use appropriate follow-up questions instead of jumping from one question to another one that’s completely irrelevant.
  • Ask questions of understanding to deepen the conversation.
  • Don’t project forward what you think the other person is going to say and don’t stop paying attention so you don’t forget the point you think is more important.
  • Don’t multitask and don’t check your email or phone.
  • Focus on the present -- not your upcoming schedule.
  • Be in the moment and try to meet the other person where they are.
  • Use words and phrases that the other person seems to be using repeatedly.
  • Try to match and mirror the other person’s pace, tone, volume and body language.

Practice your listening skills. People will like you more. You will learn more. And it takes pressure off you.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

10 Ways to Support a Small Business w/ AIMC Business Solutions

 Owning a small business is hard but so rewarding.  Unlike a job where you are working for someone else's success, when you own your own business, the work you put into it rewards you with hard earned success.  You build your own brand and relevance in the world by offering a product or service that is all yours.   

One of the hardest parts of owning a business is getting support from your own family and friends.  Sometimes, whenever you mention your business, you may get the eye roll or you can tell they are spacing out.  The same friends or family would not think twice when they see their favorite celebrity with a product in their hand and go purchase it.  It is unfortunate that most people are so media driven when they should be helping their own friends and family be successful building a great business.

We need to help small business more than ever especially after the recent pandemic.  The year 2020 saw a lot of businesses fold all because of government induced shutdowns.  Some businesses recovered this year and some became success due to increased social media campaigns and/or digital traffic.

Social Media is very powerful since there is more engagement compared to other marketing channels.   I wanted to provide ten tips here for you to do in the next few weeks to help out your fellow business owner friend or family member.  Pick five people you know that own a business and complete the following ten steps.  You will help increase your own social media ranking as well as help your friend be successful.   Let's do this together since small business, not big business, will keep the economy strong!!

1. Follow them on Social Media - follow their business page on each social media platform

2. Like Their Posts - when you see a post, like it, it takes a second

3. Share Their Posts - share their post to your newsfeed with a comment

4. Comments on Their Posts - provide an insightful comment to their post

5. Tag Friends Who Like Them - tag a friend and use the power of second-level networking

6. Post Photos of Their Products, Tag Them and Use Their Hashtags - tagging your friend helps them get the exposure they need and maybe a new customer

7. Tell Friends About Their Products and Encourage Them to Shop There

8. Write Reviews - write a review a week for one of your friends' businesses

9. Sign-up for Their Email Newsletter - you may learn a thing or two!

10. Send Them a Message or Email and Tell Them You Appreciate All They Do

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Changing Social Media Landscape - Are you Adapting? Meta!

With the announcement of Facebook changing its name to Meta, it has really hit home that things are changing in the digital marketing world and as business owners/professionals we need to adapt. Gone are those platforms like Vine, Friendster and Google+, and now it is Tik Tok, Virtual Reality and Clubhouse. When marketing your business, you need to know the trends and adapt to where your customers are.

Today, we will go over some strategies with you in the You Tube video below -
Please like our AIMC Business Solutions Facebook Page -

For Entrepreneurs - Opportunity to Become An Unfranchise Owner - 2022


We are in a different world today where no job is safe and we always have to think ahead and make sure we have the financial security throughout life.   The sad fact is the 97% of people continue to struggle and complain about their job and life.  Then there is the 3% that are always looking to excel and work toward their financial security.  They are the ambitious, the successful, and are who we like to partner with.  

If you are the 3%, please read on.
We are looking to partner with successful professionals that can help evaluate our Unfranchise Business and be able to provide a referral of a qualified business professional to partner with our team in our growing organization of entrepreneurs based in Massachusetts.
Here is a quick nine minute overview of our business concept -
Here is a great video why starting your own network marketing business is important -
Our candidate profile/qualifications:
- Based the United States.
- Previous sales or service experience (direct sales experience a plus)
- Are teachers, trainers or coaches or simply inspire to help others succeed.
- Owns or have owned a business in the past and understands business operations
- Entrepreneurial and has a great business mind and is open to opportunity.
- Positive mindset and likes being around positive successful people.
- Relationship builder and a connector/social butterfly/ knows a lot of professional people. Understands social media and how to connect with the right people..
- Are financially stable or are looking to become financially stable.
- Can commit to a part-time business alongside their day commitments.
- Can commit at least 8 hours per week toward building their own business alongside their other commitments (day job/ family etc.). The commitment would include trainings, including some out-of-state.

About our Company:
- 29 year old company based in North Carolina with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and the only Two time Torch Award winner w/ BBB ever for ethics, integrity and performance.

- Internet Marketing and Product Brokerage Business w/ opportunities in the following divisions. The links below direct you to the landing/e-commerce website for each division.
Just think you or someone you know can have their own e-commerce business!
To summarize our company and why this is an ideal opportunity.
- Creator of the Shopping Annuity which is a revolutionary concept that helps smart shoppers convert their spending into earning through SHOP.COM.
- Ideal opportunity for Fitness Trainers/ Health Professionals/ Spa-Salons/ Stay-at-home Parents, Teachers or any other professional with fluctuating income over the course of the year. Anyone can excel in our business, all it takes is dedication and drive!
Next steps:
- If you know of a qualified candidate or are qualified yourself, either contact Jeff at or complete the contact form - - to set up a call to learn more and discuss collaboration opportunities and join the AIMC Business Entrepreneur Facebook Page. We look forward to meeting you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

You Want More Time and Energy? Invest in Your Health!

You always hear the saying "Health Is Wealth". Investing in your health is not free. You invest in supplements, fitness and great food and it is all worth it since you will have more energy and and extended happy life. The goal in life is to invest in assets. Time is as an asset that doesn't come back and you probably want to spend your time doing the things you always wanted to do like sports, travel, family or music.

Yes your health is an investment. If you rather go to that movie or out to expensive dinner, or spend money on something else that is not buying you time, you need to be aware that there is a price to that. It is lack of energy and expensive health bills.

If you don't invest in your health now, you will be spending a lot more money on meds, doctor appointments and basically doing nothing since you will have no energy! It has been said that 85% of medical expenses are spent in the last 10-20 years of your life. You may think you are saving money now by not investing in your health, but you will pay later.

So do an assessment on what you spend your money on.  Do you spend $10 a day on a couple of Starbucks?  The average daily vitamin dose is less than $1 a day.   Do you spend $15 on a fast food dinner?  For less than $10, you can make a healthy salad with lean meat.  How about that $6 ice cream or diet coke?  Instead for less than $2 a nutrition shake, you get your sweet fix and some nutrients at the same time.  It is your choice, so stop wasting time and energy and invest in your health.

- Check out our video on our DeSocial Connector You Tube Channel -

Get Started Investing in Your Health by changing your lifestyle here -

DeSocial Connector - A Platform To Connect You to Professionals, Products & Services - 2022

AIMC Owner/Principal and Mass Professional Networking founder Jeffrey DeSocio has built up a large network over the years and has a goal to have a solution for everything for his connections. 

Jeffrey is an IT Executive Professional and An Entrepreneur and has developed quite a network and a roster of products and services that he can refer to for his connections through his various business ventures/partnerships and his large professional network.

The following information/links is a great reference for you.  Just click the link on the left side to forward to the specific webpage for more information on the product/service/group.

If you have any questions, you can contact Jeff at or book a consultation here.

AIMC Business Solutions - Digital Marketing, Business Services & Business Networking

The following are our services provided by and referred by AIMC Business Solutions.  Either click the link or review the next steps if interested in the service for your company:

Responsive Website Solutions -  Build A Responsive Website w/ Support & Email Marketing
Social Media Management  -  Digital Marketing Products inc. Text Based Marketing (Morse)
Mobile App Development - ->Stores->TheAppCompany
Social Media Analysis - for Businesses - Contact Jeff at for Appt.
BuilderAll - All My Marketing - All My Marketing & Sales Funnels/Marketing Tools
Complete Business Platform w/ Thryv - CRM, Financial Management & Marketing
Merchant Services for Businesses - Contact Jeff at for Rate Quote
Technical Support/IT Security Services -  Small Business IT Support & IT Security Services
SHOP Local For Merchants -  Join  for free for merchants and customers.
Main Business Page for SHOP.COM -  Main Landing Page for our Business Service Offerings
Business Networking/Personal Branding -Contact Jeff- for Appt.
RCN Business Internet for Small Businesses - Contact Jeff-

AIMC Health Solutions & AIMC Beauty - Health/Wellness & Beauty Care

The following are our products/services provided by and referred by AIMC Health Solutions.   Either click the link or review the next steps if interested in the product/service.

Isotonix Vitamin Supplements           Isotonix - Very Effective - Excellent Delivery System
TLS Weight Loss/Management          TLS - Weight Loss - Change Lifestyle & Be Healthy
Motives Cosmetics & Skin Care        Motives Cosmetics - Natural & Very Effective Cosmetics
Lumiere De Vie Skin Care                 Flagship Skin Care Line w/ Amber Ridinger
Get Layered Jewelry Collection        Affordable Upscale Jewelry Store w/ Amber Ridinger

Online Shopping -including Consumables (Home/Auto Care), Travel & Entertainment
Online Shopping/ Cash Back  Main SHOP.COM Online Shopping Page for Shopping Annuity
Global Shopping Site               SHOP.COM page outside of USA - including 200+ countries
Home and Auto Care - SNAP - Search Auto or Home
Car Saver - Buy an Auto/Truck - Shop online for a new or used car.
Pet Health - Vitamins & Grooming - Search Pet Health
Baby Products - DNA Miracles - Search DNA Miracles
Groceries - Ethnic, Organic & GF - Search Groceries
Energy - Electricity & Gas - - search Xoom Energy
Travel Discounts w/ Various Vendors - Click SHOP Travel
AIMC Music Entertainment & The Scene

For Entrepreneurs - Business Opportunities
Entrepreneur/Business Opportunity - Partner w/ our MA Business Organization 

Stay Connected and Join the Following Groups/ Pages & Channels

Mass Professional Networking    For events in the Greater Boston area and Networking Tips
Mass Tech Networking                 For Technical Events in Boston and Business Networking
Treasure Coast Florida Professional Networking -Events/Tips in the TreasureCoastFL Area
AIMC - Internet Marketing Group  For content on Internet Marketing for Entrepreneurs
AIMC - Social Media Group     For Social Media/ Digital Marketing Tips
AIMC Business Solutions Company Page - For IT/SocialMedia Content/Showcase Pages
AIMC - IT Advisory Services Page - For IT Management & Technology Content.

Mass Professional Networking  -  Events in the Greater Boston area & networking services
Mass Tech Networking   - Technical Events in Greater Boston area & IT Content
Treasure Coast Florida - Business Networking - Events in the Treasure Coast of Florida
All in My Cart Facebook Page - For tips on Online Shopping Annuity and Great Products
AIMC Health Solutions Facebook Page - Tips on Health/Wellness, Supplements/WeightLoss
AIMC Business Solutions Facebook Page - For Social Media/Digital Marketing/Website Tips
AIMC Music Entertainment & The Scene - For Music & Entertainment Content & The Scene
AIMC Business Entrepreneur Group -Inspirational Quotes & Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs


YouTube  - AIMC Business Solutions Channel  - Digital Marketing & Business Networking
YouTube - DeSocial Connector Channel  - Health/Wellness & Music/Entertainment & Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Networking Is Your Key to Success w/ Mass Professional Networking

 If you’re like most people, you know that networking can boost your profile and grow your professional opportunities. In fact, 95% of professionals say that in-person communication is essential for long-term business!

This begs the question, what are you currently doing to foster new connections in your business network?

Perhaps you’re active on LinkedIn or you’re a member of an online networking group?

Or maybe you’re one of the 25% of people that don’t invest any time in networking?

Whether you’re an active networker or not, the fact remains that we’re naturally wired to maintain personal relationships. And that’s in-person, personal relationships!

If you’re looking for a fast way to increase your brand visibility, generate leads, and gain expert advice, then it’s time you put your networking hat on. Plus, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet like-minded people and have fun along the way!

Mass Professional Networking and Treasure Coast Florida Professional Networking hosts both in-person and virtual networking events that are designed for leading professionals, entrepreneurs, and executives from all industries. We focus on building connections and help you to establish long-standing professional relationships.

Get started today by joining our Mass Professional Networking and Treasure Coast Florida Professional Networking groups on Facebook and Linkedin. This will give you access to virtual networking events, summits, live webinars and workshops and much more!

Finally, if you need help with your networking and LinkedIn profile, contact us about our Networking and Personal Branding Toolkit.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

When At A Networking Event, Ditch The Sales Pitch.... NOW!

 Have you ever gone to a networking event and it feels like you wish you got those couple of hours back into your life.   You worked the room hoping to build professional relationships, but instead, you are pitched some great insurance, a vacuum cleaner or some brain vitamin that is going to save your life.  Not once were you able to even mention your name, never mind what you have to offer.  After all, it is about them not you.

Unfortunately, the sales pitch at networking events whether online on Zoom or in person has given professional networking a bad rap.   I know we are told that you need to network when you need a new job, a new client or to survive and not lose your house.  However, if you make it all about you and your product/service without having a professional conversation, you are going to lose the whole concept of networking and fast.

So what can you do?

First, lose the pitch and get to know me.

I don't care about your product or service, but I do like to know about what kind of music you like, who is your favorite sport team is or where you grew up.  We might have some common interests, you never know.  And if we do, then guess what, I may start to trust you.

Second, offer advice.

I have had some amazing conversations with professionals at my events.   What has worked and not worked in the world of marketing, how can I save on taxes or even how was that last shark tank episode.  Again, the conversation is light and engaging.

Third, don't introduce yourself with your elevator pitch

Professionals don't go to networking events to listen to a bunch of television commercials.  That is why Tivo was invented, to skip the commercials.   It make you think you wished you had a clicker in your hand at the event to fast forward through those sales pitches.   The general public does not care about that product or service, but they do care about what your favorite music is.

Finally, have fun networking.

Stop thinking you need to score some business and be positive, influencial and fun at an event.   People will remember you and want to get to know you if you stand out.  If they like you, they will look you up on LinkedIn and know what you do/sell etc.   Don't be the opposite and cause people to cring when you speak.

I like to leave you with some great resources, just click the link to go to each article for some additional tips on Business Networking:

Ok, now go build some quality relationships and LOSE THE ELEVATOR PITCH!!!

Bonus - Get To Know Me:  I like classic rock music, graduated Northeastern University and love the Boston Red Sox!

What is More Valuable Than Money? Your Time.

 Everyone gets the same 24 hours in a day, but it's what we do with those 1440 minutes that separates the successful from the stagnant. If you want to edge out the competition, hit your goals and achieve more than the week should allow, these 5 big tips should help.

1. Think like a lazy person. Is it quicker to load a dishwasher or to personally scrub every single utensil? The result is the same, regardless of how you get there, but the effort involved is drastically different. Josephine Cochran's 19th century attempt to first apply water pressure to plates wasn't just innovative, it was lazy. She didn't want to hand wash every single spoon and found a way to do it more efficiently.

Instead of simply sitting down to do tedious work, see if you can find a way to make the work less tedious. Create workflows, automations and innovations that allow you to do more with less effort, then use that time tackling the next problem. By the time you take a break to look back you will realize that you are miles ahead of the competition.

2. Don't do your tasks in order. The risk with to-do lists is that most people assume they must be completed linearly. When it comes to these chores, it isn’t wise to simply start at the top. Instead, apply time estimations to every item. Find yourself with ten minutes between meetings? Knock-off a tiny task. Plane delayed by two hours? Tackle a larger item. Do what you can when you can and be amazed by what you can accomplish throughout the day.

3. Maximize transit time. Instead of staring out your cabin window on a plane, scrolling through Instagram in an Uber, or people-watching on the subway, make travel work for you. Commuting can be great for replying to emails, prepping for upcoming meetings and, when all else fails, continuing education. Skip the in-flight movie and listen to a podcast, make your way through a leadership book or read some articles written by experts. The idea is to treat every moment spent sitting as an opportunity.

4. Consider the ROI. Every time you think about committing to something, consider the potential return on investment. Grabbing a drink with an old friend may sound like a good use of time, but is it really? If getting buzzed with a buddy takes away from your work, family or education, it may not be worth the investment. Ask yourself if the reward justifies the cost. Rest and relaxation is, of course, important---but anything you do strictly out of obligation may not be worth the time spent, and it is ok to say "no" when the ROI is not favorable.

5. Outsource the rest. Most business leaders want to think that they need to be heavily involved in every aspect of their ventures, but the cold reality (and hacky cliche) is that trying to be a jack of all trades makes you a master of none. Instead, figure out what your superpower is and develop that until absolutely no one can do it better than you. Do not concern yourself with the things you do not naturally excel at. Find people that excel in areas that you are weak and let them fly. Something magical happens when you find what you are good at and outsource the rest---everything moves faster! When you get the proper people in the right roles, no one will be bogged down by things that challenge them. Everything gets streamlined and the results can be truly astounding.

Monday, September 27, 2021

What are The Different Types of Digital Marketing w/ AIMC Business Solutions

 Today we're going to talk about why digital marketing is important in today's world. We're also going to talk about what digital marketing is and the types of digital marketing channels that are out there.

Now digital marketing is becoming more popular than traditional marketing. That's not a surprise. Over the past few decades, digital marketing has evolved at a rapid pace. These days a lot of people spend most of their time on the internet. So what happens on the internet every 60 seconds? There is:

  • a lot of snaps
  • a lot of clicks 
  • a lot of text
  • a lot of videos watched
  • a lot of pictures being taken
  • a lot of voice-activated activity going on
  • a lot of tweets
  • a lot of email swipes.

In traditional marketing, we're talking about:

  • print radio
  • Billboard
  • newspaper 
  • TV 

Or  anything that's not on your mobile or laptop. So we know that traditional marketing reaches a limit and that digital marketing reaches a  maximum. What I mean by that is when you print something you're printing it for X amount of people. In digital marketing, we can promote it to an unlimited amount of people depending on the platform you use. Your reach is just bigger than what you can achieve with traditional marketing. 

The benefits of digital marketing does not end there. You will be able to measure your success more than what you can achieve with traditional marketing. You can also rotate your efforts more easily in digital marketing, focusing on not just people that showed interest, but even those that bought from you previously. Digital marketing has become the go-to marketing technique of this century. 

There are different options and different types of digital marketing channels that you could choose from and let's just go through that list of digital marketing channels.

The first one is what I consider the king of them all and that's SEO. Yes, SEO is also a type of marketing, just like email marketing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing.

Let me start with SEO because increasing the quality and quantity of relevant organic traffic on the search engines including Google, is extremely important. Google has a large market share so you want your pages on your website to be found and clicked on organically. That means if somebody types in a keyword you want your relevant page to show up first on Google so that the visitor can click on that link. We know that millions of people worldwide search daily. If you're ranking for those relevant keywords you can imagine how much traffic you can get.

Now for search engine marketing you can bid on a keyword and appear at the top of the search results for that keyword. The company or business that bids the highest will appear first in the results. The problem with this method, especially for upcoming businesses, is the cash flow. Not every business have the financial capacity to bid against other online giants to appear in the top results, but making use of proper SEO techniques can help them to at least appear under the top 10 on Google for their keyword.

Next up is email marketing. We all send emails daily. We also receive many emails daily. Setting up a list on your site and prompting people to subscribe is an effective way to capture leads and get them to become customers. The beauty of email marketing is the ability to segment an audience so that you can get more personal with them, knowing what they want and then communicate to them effectively. The magic happens when your platform, such as Builderall, can show you your open rates and other important statistics of your clients' actions. 

Then we have affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an effective way for digital marketers to create a sales force of people. Basically what you're doing is you're getting merchants to promote your products and services on their website to get commission. The cool thing about affiliate marketing is that you can pick and choose the affiliates or the publishers with whom you want to work with.

Now social media is another digital marketing type. Social media marketing has evolved over the years but the concepts remain the same. It is all about creating different types of content, depending on the platform you will use. The content you will have for Pinterest and Instagram will probably be more about dealing with photos, where Twitter is all about tweeting a certain amount of characters. It depends on the social media platform that drives the type of content you're gonna promote. We know social media can be effective because people use social media. I mean Facebook is one of the more popular platforms and if you want to get your product or service out there you could certainly pay to have an ad on Facebook or you could just post your content organically.

Content Marketing is all about distributing valuable content online. When we talk about content marketing you know we're talking about different types of assets. So it could be:

  • simply texting in the form of a post 
  • it could be a video
  • it could be an infographic 
  • it could be an image. 

There are lots of ways to create content these days, especially in digital marketing and the great thing about content marketing is writing content for a targeted audience. If you're trying to target an audience on Instagram then you know who your audience is and you know what type of content you're gonna post on. So, that is content marketing, let's talk about mobile marketing.

What is the difference between content marketing and mobile marketing? 

Mobile marketing is strictly on the mobile phone. It is not on a desktop, so mobile marketing is a strategy on its own that helps you promote your product or service to a targeted audience through a mobile device. It can be done through messaging such as text, WhatsApp, telegram and even apps.

As you can see there are multiple ways in succeeding with digital marketing. The key is making use of the right platform that will be able to offer you all the solutions in one place. We offers that. No plugins or difficult coding. All the tools you might ever need online in one platform.

Do You Have A Rock Star Mindset When It Comes To Your Health?

I went to a great conference this past week and there was a speaker Mark Schulman that resonated with me when he talked about having a rocks...